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  Chapter 2 the Head

  When we walked in it was like a horror movie, the lights were dim some were flickering. You would hear a scream every now and again. The hall was getting darker and darker as we got closer to the lunchroom. It was so silent that you could hear our footsteps. When we reached the lunchroom doors, I looked inside there were a thousand zombies in there. I turned around and told the group of the situation. They all wanted to keep looking so we did. We went further down the hall it was almost pitch black at this point. We reached a corner I looked back and asked the group what they wanted to do. Most wanted to keep looking, but Dillon and I wanted to leave. As I looked around the corner a zombie popped up and grabbed me and was about to bite me when Dillon grabbed him and pulled him off of me.

  Dillon picked the zombie up and slammed him on the ground and stomped his face in. Blood was all over the floor I had to make sure that Chuck didn't slip on it. We started to hear gunshots as we were walking down the hall. We all started to run toward the noise. Then we reach a classroom where our teacher was blasting shots off at zombies. He pointed his gun at us when I told him that we weren't those things. He put his gun down and told us that he was bitten. Dillon told him that he wasn't going to make it. Mr. Anderson pointed the gun at his head and pulled the trigger. Blood was now painted on the walls. Dillon ran over and grabbed his gun.

  "Look around for some ammo," I said. Dillon nodded his head and looked around. After about ten minutes of looking, we found some ammo. When we left the room a zombie jumped out and grabbed Chuck. I stabbed the zombie in the head.

  "Thanks, man," he said.

  "No problem," We continued to walk down the hall until we reached another pair of doors. I poked my head in the room no one was in there. I told everyone to get in. We all went into the room.

  "Hello, anyone in here, don't shoot us, we won't hurt you" we all kept saying that until we heard a noise coming from a closet.

  "Go check it out Tyler," Chuck said. I walked over to the door very slowly I reached out for the door and opened it. Nothing was in there, but a bright green jacket and a backpack. Dillon opens the backpack and dropped it as soon as he opened it.

  "What's wrong with you man," Chuck asked him. Dillon pale as a ghost turned and looked at us and said

  "There's a head in there," We all just stopped doing what we were doing and looked at him. I turned around and Chuck had his lunch all over the floor. I looked back at Dillon I grabbed the bag off of the floor and looked inside. The head was trying to bite me so I picked it up by its hair and dropped in on the floor. April took a long look at it and asked me

  "Who do you think this is?"

  "Probable one of Miss. Smith's old boyfriends" Chuck said. We all started to laugh at his joke.

  "Maybe we should play soccer with it," Dillon said. Nobody laughed at this joke instead I just shook my head.

  "That's messed up dude," Chuck said. As we all started to leave the room, Dillon turned and kicked the head as hard as he could.

  "Goal," he said underneath his breath. The zombie head bounced off the walls and hit the cup of pens on her desk.

  "You coming already?" I asked him.

  "Sorry," he said. We all left the room after that. When we walked outside of the school there were two more people. One was a girl and the other was a guy. We walked up to them and they turned around they were Billy and Sally. I didn't recognize at all. We asked them if they wanted to join our group and they said no. So we moved on and started walking back to the house. We went down the street the one Troy was killed on. April just put her head down and kept walking. When we made it back to the house I checked to see if anyone was bitten no one was. I locked all of the doors and set up barricades by every door. We all slept in my room we talked about the plan ahead and they all still wanted to go the cemetery.

  "Okay everyone, we need to have someone stay up to watch every two hours we switch. Make sure you switch with someone that has not been on watch,” I was the first person to stay watch then I switched with Dillon. I couldn't sleep thinking of the screech that Troy let out when he was being eaten. I also started to think about Mr. Anderson and how he decided to end his life. Then April rolled over and started to talk to me. She told me how she was scared and couldn't sleep. I told her the same thing was going on with me. She looked at me for a long time and then asked me.

  "Do you think everything is going to be okay"?

  "I don't know I would like to think that it will be," I told her. She then cuddled up next to me and then fell asleep. I smiled and closed my eyes.