Read Chemical X Page 8

  Chapter 8 Road to Revenge

  David and I grabbed some supplies. We walked out of the store and saw there was a car in the parking lot. David ran up to it and I told him to open the door slowly. He started to open it and the smell of rotting flesh came running out. David turned around a throw-up and I reach in grabbed the rotting carcass and pulled it out of the car. David looked back over at me and asked

  "How didn’t you just throw up?"

  "Because I have smelled worst than this," I answered him.

  He looked back at the car and opened the passenger door.

  "Do we have to take this one?" He asked me.

  "Well, do you see any other car here," I responded.

  "No, but this one smells,"

  "Shut up," I told him angrily.

  I walked back into the store and grabbed three cans of Febreze. David opened the door and we sprayed the inside of the car until the cans were empty. David was now happy and he got in the car. Then I began to look for the keys after ten minutes I found them in the ignition and I waved David to get in the car. I turned the key and the engine started first try to my surprise. I pressed the gas and the car started to go down the cracked and hot road to the cemetery. We were about half way there and I saw a survivor on the side of the road and I just kept driving. After a while, I took a right by the bar then drove up a long winding road. We were going about sixty down a long stretch of road when out of nowhere a person was walking and I wasn't paying attention when I hit them the windshield busted and the person flew into the air and hit the ground hard.

  "HOLY SHIT! Was that a person or a walker?" I said to David.

  "Wow, I have no idea man," He replied.

  "That blood looks fresh," I told David.

  "Yeah, go out and check," He said.

  When I opened the door a bullet zinged past my head. Then someone started to spray the car down with a machine gun. Glass and pieces of metal started to fly around me. As I was keeping covered I realized that David was still in the car so I went to the front to check if he was still there. I looked into the passenger seat and a lifeless David was in it. He was shot around fifteen times. I grabbed his body and pulled it out the driver's side I picked him up and used him as a body shield and ran after the person who was shooting. After I the body was shot about a hundred times I dished him to the side. The person shooting started to reload so I charged at them and tackled them. Grabbing the gun I had realized that it was Chuck I rolled off of him and he realized it was me.

  "Holy crap, I didn’t know it was you," he said.

  "Chuck, who in the hell gave you a gun?'' I asked him.

  "Dillon said to shoot at anyone who looked shady," He said back.

  "Chuck you almost killed me, man," I told him.

  "Dillon said you died back at the house so we left," He said.

  "Why would he say that?'' I asked him.

  "I don't know but I am sorry for killing you friend here," He said.

  "It's fine he was annoying anyway," I said back to him.

  Chuck started to laugh about it. Then he looked back at me. So we got up and I shot David in the head to make sure he didn’t turn. Chuck and I got into the car I turned the keys and it didn’t start I looked back over at Chuck and smacked him in the head.

  "Now we don't have a car, great," I told him.

  "Look I am sorry about your friend and the car," Chuck said to me.

  "Now we have to walk," I said to him.

  "At least it isn't that far unless we go through the woods then it wouldn't be that long at all," he said

  "Chuck you need to know that I am not going to be so friendly when I see Dillon," I told.

  "I kind of figured that," He said back.

  We started walking through the woods there was a path made for them to walk back and forth from the road to the house instead of using the gate all the time. On our way back I heard the bushes start to move then I heard it all around us.

  "Get ready" I whispered to Chuck.

  Pulled out a pistol and aimed it at the bushes. I did the same but aimed behind us. I looked back and a group of zombies came out and bit Chuck’s foot I shot the first one in the head. Then one grabbed me but I was able to turn around fast enough to push it back put a hole in its head. I saw five more coming I looked back a Chuck and he got bit again in the shoulder. I shot the zombie and ran over to Chuck and started to shot more of them. Chuck then fell over I grabbed him before he hit the ground. I throw him on my shoulder and ran through the rest of the zombies.

  "Man they got me," He said.

  "I know they must have heard the gunshots from earlier," it told him

  "I am losing feeling in my arms," Chuck said.

  "Where are you bit at?" I asked him.

  "My shoulder and arms," He replied

  "Set my down by that tree," he told me.

  I then set him down as he requested. He looked over at me and started to cry. Looking back I saw the rest of the zombies coming closer. Looking away I handed him a gun.

  "It has ten bullets in it," I told him

  "Thanks for saving me back there," said to me.

  "Hold on," I said.

  I turned around and pulled out my other pistol and began to shoot the other zombies. One after the other they kept coming. I didn't think it was going to end. Running out of bullets I grabbed my screwdriver out and charged at the zombies. I stabbed the first one in the eye then kicked the other one back and stabbed her in the head. Chuck then started to shoot them near him I ran over to him and stabbed another one in the head. The last one came out of the bushes and I punched it in the face then broke its leg and stomped on its head over and over again.

  "I think you got it," he said.

  "How many bullets do you have left?" I asked him.

  "Only one," he answered me.

  "I am going to leave you and come back in a bit you do what you want with that last shot,'' I told him.

  He nodded and I started to walk away when I heard the gunshot I then cringed and kept walking. I heard more sounds coming from all around me so I started to run through the woods I finally saw some of the roads from the cemetery. When I came out of the woods I could see the house from a distance. Also, I saw that it was guarded very well.

  I started to run towards the house then jumped out of the way when I heard a car coming my way.

  "I heard the gunshots this way," one of the voices said.

  When they passed I got up and began to run again. Looking down by the big garage I saw that there was a guard sleeping on a chair. When I got to the guard I got angry. I started to think about Chuck and why he died so I kicked the leg out from him then I kicked his gun away and kicked him in the face then rolled him over. I could fill the rage build up in me I started to punch him in his face. Reaching over I grabbed a rock and started to hit the man in the face over and over again. Getting up I looked over and grabbed his gun and it had ten bullets in it. I then saw the office doors and walked toward them when I heard a guard scream I shot him in the face then the other guard came around the corner and I tackled them and beat his face in with the gun. Then I shoved the gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger. I then got up and continued walking toward the office. I reached I door when I saw out of the corner of my eye someone coming up behind me I pulled my knife out and stabbed them in the chest then the head. I reached out for the office doorknob and it was unlocked I opened it up and someone shot at me so I ducked and dove in the room then crawled to the desk and shot it three times. Then slide over the top and punch the man in his face and pulled him out from under the desk. It wasn't Dillon so I put him in the chair.

  "Where is Dillon?" I asked him.

  "He left for a run about thirty minutes ago," he said.

  "When do you th
ink he will be back?" I asked him.

  "Any second now," he said.

  I heard footsteps near the door and then the door opened. I went under the desk and pointed the gun at the man in the chair.

  "Jim what are you doing and why is everyone dead and who beat the crap out of you?" The person said.

  "This group of raiders came and attacked us," Jim answered him back quick.

  "Well, are you okay?'' The man asked Jim.

  "I am fine Dillon," Jim said to him.

  I shot Jim in the face and grabbed his gun and pointed it at Dillon.

  "Oh my God," he said to me.

  "Yeah, I am still alive,'' I told him.

  "Why don't we settle this like real men?'' he asked me.

  "Where is April?'' I asked him back.

  "She is around here somewhere," Dillon said.

  I laid my gun down then he laid his down. He then charged me and I punched him in the face knocking him down he got up then swung at me and I ducked and punched him in the ribs. He reached for his gun I stepped on his hand and kicked it away then punched him in the face. I pulled out my revolver and looked away. I then felt a strong pain in my leg. I looked down I saw a knife sticking in my leg. My angry then got to me; I pulled the knife out and stabbed him in the ribs, then in the chest.

  He let out a scream and I grabbed my gun and looked away a squeezed the trigger ten times only four bullets came out.

  Someone was outside so I ran out of the office and saw it was April. She looked at me and started to cry.

  "I thought you died," she said to me.

  "Yeah I am sorry about this place, but I had to come and get you and Chuck," I told her.

  She looked down and put her hand over her mouth and I walked over to her and hugged her.

  "Do you know what to Chuck?" she asked me.

  "Yeah, Chuck and I were in the woods and we got surrounded by zombies. He got bit multiple times. I tried to save him. I wasn't strong enough," I said to her.

  "We found him by a tree with a gun in his hand. He shot himself," she said.

  "I know I gave the gun to him," I responded to her.

  "Why would you do that?' she asked me.

  "He was already dead and he put himself out of misery. I didn’t want him to suffer anymore. He was my best friend," I said.

  "What about Dillon?" she asked.

  "That was different. He left me to die and then attacked me," I said.

  "So you killed your other best friend?" she asked me.

  "It was me or him and I didn't come here to kill him," I answered her.

  "Well it is only me, you and Rob now," she said.

  "Who is Robert?" I asked her.

  "We saved him on the way here and he stayed with us," she said.

  I just shook my head. We walked over to the Jeep they had been driving around. Rob was in the driver's seat. He was tall and average built. He was from New York. I found out when I started to talk to him.

  "Rob do you know where the hell you are going?" I asked him.

  "Nope, no idea," he said.

  "Let me drive then, I know this area more than anyone in this car," I told him.

  Rob pulled the car over he got out and switched me seats.

  "Hey! Tyler, you are bleeding!" Rob shouted at me.

  I looked down and saw blood oozing from my ribs. At that moment I felt a pain in my ribs and I stopped the car and fell out. April ran over and pulled my shirt off and said to Rob that I was shot. Then I reached down and grabbed my side and felt that it was wet and I looked back at my hand to see it was covered in blood.

  "April how bad is it?" I asked her.

  "It is pretty bad," she responded to me.

  My vision began to blur, then all I saw was black.

  "Take a left up here and hurry up," a voice said as I started to fade away again. I heard tire screech and a crash sound and I faded away. Waking I found it was dark out and the car were flipped over. I rolled over and felt the glass from the windshield. Another sharp pain came from my side. Crawling toward the open windshield I heard moaning. I looked over and saw car surrounded by walkers. My hands started to shake and I could fill the anger building up inside of me. Reality struck me when some of them started to get through the back of the car I then began to crawl faster and could hear the glass crunching under my body as I dragged it along. A gun was placed on the ground near the radio and I grabbed it and saw there was only one shot left in it.

  "Someone help!" I screamed.

  Pain shot into my side I reached down and felt a cloth bandage on it. I got to the front of the Jeep and I crawled out slowly and silently. I used the car to help me stand and I began to limp away. As I was walking away the car exploded launching me forward. After I hit the ground I looked back at the car and I saw zombies walking out on fire I tried to get up fast but fell over. I started to pick myself up when something grabbed me and pulled me up.

  "You okay sir?" a woman asked me I then fainted.