Read Chemistry Page 1


  By dcWilson

  SmashWords Edition


  Copyright © dcWilson 2013

  Daria Wilkers appears to be a diligent, studious, high school student. However, no one would guess that her thoughts are clouded with infatuation. She appears to be taking notes in class, when she is only writing the name of her latest crush. Daria, is confronted by her Chemistry teacher, Mr. Beland, about her starry eyed gaze, as he is concerned she is failing his class. Daria takes Mr. Beland's advice, and is motivated to tell her friends about her crush on Jake Wilder. Daria's friends warn about dating the most popular boy in school, but Daria is determined to be with Jake.


  Beautiful boy in my dreams

  Where nothing’s ever as it seems

  The truth be told, I cannot lie

  Without you I’d rather die

  Guardian angel protect my soul

  Your love is safe and keeps me whole

  Heaven sent from above

  The only one I’ll ever love

  Raindrops tapped gently against the window as I watched a tiny spider climb over the wet glass. Interesting it is that a spider is out in the rain. Does it even know it is raining? Does it like the rain or are the raining conditions so undesirable it is trying to escape? A spider in the rain, strangely how a spider in the rain is like my relationship with Jake; does he know I like him? Does he like me or does he think I am an undesirable condition that should be avoided?

  “Jake Wilder?”


  My metaphorical pondering was interrupted by Mr. Beland's chemistry class attendance list. He was already at “w”, which means others must have responded prior to this rude awakening. Strange it is that I was awakened by the name “Jake Wilder”, or maybe not so strange. Jake Wilder; the boy I dreamed about every night, the voice I wished I could record and wake up to every morning. I wonder what he dreams about at night...

  “Hello - Earth to Daria...” tap tap.

  Mr. Beland was standing next to my desk tapping his pen against the top of my binder. It was just then I realized I was staring at Jake. A flush of embarrassment heated through from my toes to the top of my head and churned through my stomach. Quickly I straightened in my seat,

  “Oh. Mr. Beland! Yes. Here”

  “Thank you Ms. Wilkers. I’m glad you decided to return to earth. Now if you could please face forward in your seat and stop staring into space. I would like you to pay attention to the Chemistry lesson, that's why we are here, right?”

  I turned in my seat to face forward and nodded my head.

  “Good. Okay, could everyone take out lesson five from the homework? Jake, could you give us the answer to question one?”

  My thoughts dizzied again. The sound of the name “Jake” brought me back to the reason I came to school. I sat in a starry eyed daze with my pen in my hand; daydreaming about Jake asking me out after class.

  “Bong, Bong, Bong,”

  The lunch bell rang. I jumped in my seat not expecting to be awakened so soon. I looked down. The open flap of my binder was covered with the name “Jake”, while the loose leaf paper intended for Chemistry note taking was blank. I couldn’t believe Mr. Beland did not notice I was staring into space again. He must have thought I was taking notes while I was actually writing “Jake” all over my binder.

  I closed my binder shut, gathered my books and headed for the door.


  “Daria, could I speak with you for a moment?”

  “Sure Mr. Beland.”

  “Daria, do you need extra help with your studies?”

  I blinked; surprised that he actually did notice I was daydreaming. Mr. Beland continued,

  “Daria, the reason I ask is that you seem a bit distracted the last couple of weeks; as if you are thinking about something else other than the Chemistry lesson.” I would like to see you get a passing grade in my class, so I am recommending that you attend study hall until I know for sure you understand the material. Is that okay with you?”

  “Okay with me,” I said weakly nodding my head.

  “Thanks for understanding Mr. Beland; I really appreciate your concern.”

  “Good. So I’ll see you tomorrow at study hall.”

  I nodded my head once and was about to leave,

  “Just a minute... Before you leave Daria, I don’t want you to think I am a dead beat Chemistry teacher. I know high school is sometimes overwhelming. I was thinking, maybe you should take some time off and do something fun, to get your mind off Chemistry for a while before you start study hall. Tonight is the spring dance. Are you going?”

  “Oh, I usually don’t go to dances. Believe it or not, I actually like studying. Besides, I am not going with anyone.”

  “That’s interesting that you are not going with anyone. I thought you would be going with Jake Wilder?”

  Hearing my name in the same sentence as “Jake Wilder” made my insides flutter.

  “No, I had no plans on going.”

  “Would you be interested in volunteering at the coat check? All you would have to do is sign your name on the volunteer list and I will give you an after -hours hall pass."

  Mr. Beland held out the list of volunteers. I scanned the list. Jake Wilder was the third name on the list.

  I smiled an over optimistic smile; thinking this would be a perfect opportunity to be around Jake,

  “Actually, that is a good idea. “Sure let's do it. Sign me up!”

  Mr. Beland scribbled my name into his notebook and handed me the hall pass,

  “Okay and here is your hall pass. Meet us at the Blue Hall at 6:30pm for training. The dance starts at 6, but you will start checking coats for the 7pm shift. Also, you will get your name badge after training.

  “Perfect! Thanks Mr. Beland. I’ll see you at the Blue Hall at 6:30!”

  “Good.” Mr. Beland waved goodbye as I exited the classroom.