Read Chicot the Jester Page 24



  M. and Madame de St. Luc could hardly recover from their surprise.Bussy, holding secret interviews with M. de Meridor, and thensetting off with him for Paris, appearing to take the lead ina matter which at first seemed strange and unknown to him, wasto the young people an inexplicable phenomenon. In the morningthe baron took leave of his guests, begging them to remain inthe castle. Before Bussy left, however, he whispered a few wordsto Madame de St. Luc, which brought the color to her cheeks,and smiles to her eyes.

  It was a long way from Meridor to Paris, especially for the oldbaron, covered with wounds from all his battles, and for his oldhorse, whom he called Jarnac. Bussy studied earnestly duringthe journey to find his way to the heart of the old man by hiscare and attentions, and without doubt he succeeded, for on thesixth morning, as they arrived at Paris, M. de Meridor said:

  "It is singular, count, but I feel less unquiet at the end thanat the beginning of my journey."

  "Two hours more, M. le Baron, and you shall have judged me asI deserve."

  "Where are we going--to the Louvre?"

  "Let me first take you to my hotel, that you may refresh yourselfa little, and be fit to see the person to whom I am leading you."

  The count's people had been very much alarmed at his long absence,for he had set off without telling any one but Remy. Thus theirdelight on seeing him again was great, and they all crowded roundhim with joyous exclamations. He thanked them, and then said,"Now assist this gentleman to dismount, and remember that I lookupon him with more respect than a prince."

  When M. de Meridor had been shown to his room, and had had somerefreshment, he asked if they should set out.

  "Soon, baron; and be easy--it will be a happiness for you as wellas for us."

  "You speak in a language which I do not understand."

  Bussy smiled, and left the room to seek Remy.

  "Well! dear Hippocrates!" said he, "is there anything new?"

  "Nothing; all goes well."

  "Then the husband has not returned?"

  "Yes, he has, but without success. It seems there is a fatherwho is expected to turn up to make the denouement."

  "Good," said Bussy, "but how do you know all this?"

  "Why, monseigneur, as your absence made my position a sinecure,I thought I would try to make some little use of my time; soI took some books and a sword to a little room which I hiredat the corner of the Rue St. Antoine, from whence I could seethe house that you know."

  "Very good."

  "But as I feared, if I were constantly watching, to pass for aspy, I thought it better to fall in love."

  "In love?"

  "Oh yes, desperately with Gertrude; she is a fine girl, only twoinches taller than myself, and who recounts, capitally."


  "Yes; through her I know all that passes with her mistress. Ithought you might not dislike to have communications with thehouse."

  "Remy, you are a good genius, whom chance, or rather Providence,has placed in my way. Then you are received in the house?"

  "Last night I made my entrance on the points of my toes, by thedoor you know."

  "And how did you manage it?"

  "Quite naturally. The day after you left, I waited at my doortill the lady of my thoughts came out to buy provisions, whichshe does every morning. She recognized me, uttered a cry, andran away."


  "Then I ran after her, but could hardly catch her, for she runsfast; but still, petticoats are always a little in the way. 'MonDieu!' cried she. 'Holy Virgin!' said I. 'The doctor!' 'The charminghousekeeper.' She smiled, but said, 'You are mistaken, monsieur,I do not know you.' 'But I know you,' I replied, 'and for thelast three days I have lived but for you, and I adore you somuch, that I no longer live in the Rue Beautreillis, but at thecorner of this street, and I changed my lodging only to see youpass in and out.'"

  "So that now you are----"

  "As happy as a lover can be--with Gertrude."

  "Does she suspect you come from me?"

  "Oh no, how should the poor doctor know a great lord like M. deBussy. No, I said, 'And how is your young master?' 'What youngmaster?' 'The one I cured.' 'He is not my master.' 'Oh! I thought,as he was in your mistress's bed----' 'Oh! no, poor young man!we have only seen him once since.' 'Do you know his name?' 'Oh!yes; he is the Seigneur de Bussy.' 'What! the brave Bussy?' 'Yeshimself.' 'And your mistress?' 'Oh! she is married!' 'Yes, butstill she may think sometimes of a handsome young man when shehas seen him lying wounded in her bed.' 'Oh, to be frank, I donot say she does not think of him; we talk of him very often.''What do you say about him?' I asked. 'I recount all I hear abouthis prowess, and I have even taught her a little song about him,which she sings constantly.'" Bussy pressed the young man'shand; he felt supremely happy.