Read Chicot the Jester Page 33



  The month of April had arrived. The great cathedral of Chartreswas hung with white, and the king was standing barefooted in thenave. The religious ceremonies, which were for the purpose ofpraying for an heir to the throne of France, were just finishing,when Henri, in the midst of the general silence, heard what seemedto him a stifled laugh. He turned round to see if Chicot werethere, for he thought no one else would have dared to laugh atsuch a time. It was not, however, Chicot who had laughed at thesight of the two chemises of the Holy Virgin which were said tohave such a prolific power, and which were just being drawn fromtheir golden box; but it was a cavalier who had just stoppedat the door of the church, and who was making his way with hismuddy boots through the crowd of courtiers in their penitents'robes and sacks. Seeing the king turn, he stopped for a moment,and Henri, irritated at seeing him arrive thus, threw an angryglance at him. The newcomer, however, continued to advance untilhe reached the velvet chair of M. le Duc d'Anjou, by which heknelt down. He, turning round, said, "Bussy!"

  "Good morning, monseigneur."

  "Are you mad?"

  "Why so?"

  "To come here to see this nonsense."

  "Monseigneur, I wish to speak to you at once."

  "Where have you been for the last three weeks?"

  "That is just what I have to tell you."

  "Well, you must wait until we leave the church."

  "So much the worse."

  "Patience, here is the end."

  Indeed, the king was putting on one of these chemises, and thequeen another. Then they all knelt down, and afterwards the king,taking off his holy tunic, left the church.

  "Now, monseigneur," said Bussy, "shall we go to your house?"

  "Yes, at once, if you have anything to tell me."

  "Plenty of things which you do not expect."

  When they were in the hotel the duke said, "Now sit down and tellme all; I feared you were dead."

  "Very likely, monseigneur."

  "You left me to look after my beautiful unknown. Who is this woman,and what am I to expect?"

  "You will reap what you have sown, monseigneur--plenty of shame."

  "What do you mean?" cried the duke.

  "What I said."

  "Explain yourself, monsieur; who is this woman?"

  "I thought you had recognized her."

  "Then it was her?"

  "Yes, monseigneur."

  "You saw her?"


  "And she spoke to you?"

  "Certainly. Doubtless you had reason to think her dead, and youperhaps hoped she was so."

  The duke grew pale.

  "Yes, monseigneur," continued Bussy, "although you pushed todespair a young girl of noble race, she escaped from death; butdo not breathe yet, do not think yourself absolved, for, inpreserving her life, she found a misfortune worse than death."

  "What is it? what has happened to her?"

  "Monseigneur, a man preserved her honor and saved her life, buthe made her pay for this service so dearly that she regrets hishaving rendered it."


  "Well, monseigneur, Mademoiselle de Meridor, to escape becomingthe mistress of the Duc d'Anjou, has thrown herself into the armsof a man whom she detests, and is now Madame de Monsoreau."

  At these words the blood rushed furiously into the duke's face.

  "Is this true?" said he.

  "Pardieu! I said it," said Bussy, haughtily.

  "I did not mean that; I did not doubt your word, Bussy, I wonderedonly if it were possible that one of my gentlemen had had theaudacity to interfere between me and a woman whom I honored withmy love."

  "And why not?"

  "Then you would have done so?"

  "I would have done better; I would have warned you that your honorwas being lost."

  "Listen, Bussy," said the prince, becoming calmer, "I do notjustify myself, but M. de Monsoreau has been a traitor towardsme."

  "Towards you?"

  "Yes, he knew my intentions."

  "And they were?"

  "To try and make Diana love me."

  "Love you!"

  "Yes, but in no case to use violence."

  "Those were your intentions?" said Bussy, with an ironical smile.

  "Certainly, and these intentions I preserved to the last, althoughM. de Monsoreau constantly combated them."

  "Monseigneur, what do you say! This man incited you to dishonorDiana?"


  "By his counsels?"

  "By his letters. Would you like to see them?"

  "Oh! if I could believe that!"

  "You shall see."

  And the duke, opening a little cabinet, and taking out a letter,said, "Since you doubt your prince's words, read."

  Bussy took it and read,--


  "Be quite easy; the coup-de-main can be executed without risk,for the young person sets off this evening to pass a week with anaunt who lives at the chateau of Lude. I charge myself with it,and you need take no trouble as for the scruples of the young lady,be sure that they will vanish in the presence of your highness:meanwhile I act; and this evening she will be at the chateau ofBeauge.

  "Your highness's respectful servant,


  "Well, what do you say, Bussy?"

  "I say that you are well served, monseigneur."

  "You mean betrayed."

  "Ah, true; I forgot the end."

  "The wretch! he made me believe in the death woman----"

  "Whom he stole from you; it is black enough."

  "How did he manage?"

  "He made the father believe you the ravisher, and offered himselfto rescue the lady, presented himself at the chateau of Beaugewith a letter from the Baron de Meridor, brought a boat to thewindows, and carried away the prisoner; then shut her up in thehouse you know of, and by constantly working upon her fears,forced her to become his wife."

  "Is it not infamous?"

  "Only partly excused by your conduct, monseigneur."

  "Ah! Bussy, you shall see how I will revenge myself!"

  "Princes do not revenge themselves, they punish," said Bussy.

  "How can I punish him?"

  "By restoring happiness to Madame de Monsoreau."

  "But can I?"



  "By restoring her to liberty. The marriage was forced, thereforeit is null."

  "You are right."

  "Get it set aside, then, and you will have acted like a gentlemanand a prince."

  "Ah, ah!" said the prince, "what warmth! you are interested init, Bussy."

  "I! not at all, except that I do not wish people to say thatLouis de Clermont serves a perfidious prince and a man withouthonor."

  "Well, you shall see. But how to do it?"

  "Nothing more easy; make her father act."

  "But he is buried in Anjou."

  "Monseigneur, he is here in Paris."

  "At your house?"

  "No, with his daughter. Speak to him, monseigneur, that he maysee in you, not what he does now, an enemy, but a protector--thathe who now curses your name may bless you."

  "And when can I see him?"

  "As soon as you return Paris."

  "Very well."

  "It is agreed, then?"


  "On your word as a gentleman?"

  "On my faith as a prince."

  "And when do you return?"

  "This evening; will you accompany me?"

  "No, I go first; where shall I meet your highness?"

  "To-morrow; at the king's levee."

  "I will be there, monseigneur."

  Bussy did not lose a moment, and the distance that took the dukefifteen hours to accomplish, sleeping in his litter, the youngman, who returned to Paris, his heart beating with joy and love,did in five, to console the baron and Diana the sooner.
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