Read Chicot the Jester Page 55



  The next day, Bussy left Angers before the most wakeful bourgeoishad had their breakfast. He flew along the road, and Diana, mountedon a terrace in front of the castle, saw him coming, and wentto meet him. The sun had scarcely risen over the great oaks,and the grass was still wet with dew, when she heard from afar,as she went along, the horn of St. Luc, which Jeanne incitedhim to sound. She arrived at the meeting-place just as Bussyappeared on the wall. The day passed like an hour. What had theyto say? That they loved each other. What had they to wish for?They were together.

  "Diana," said Bussy at length, "it seems to me as though my lifehad begun only to-day. You have shown me what it is to live."

  "And I," replied she, "who not long ago would have willinglythrown myself into the arms of death, would now tremble to dieand lose your love. But why do you not come to the castle? Myfather would be glad to see you, and M. de St. Luc is your friend."

  "Alas, Diana, if I came once, I should be always there; all theprovince would know it, and if it came to the ears of that ogre,your husband, he would hasten here. You forbid me to deliveryou from him----"

  "Oh, yes!"

  "Well, then, for the safety of our happiness, we must guard oursecret. Madame de St. Luc knows it, and her husband soon will. Ihave written him a line this morning, asking him for an interviewat Angers, and when he comes I will make him promise never tobreathe a word of this. It is the more important, dear Diana,as doubtless they are seeking me everywhere. Things looked gravewhen I left Paris.

  "You are right; and then my father is so scrupulous that, inspite of his love for me, he is capable of denouncing me to Monsoreau."

  "Let us hide ourselves well, then; I fear some evil spirit, jealousof our happiness."

  "Say adieu to me, then; and do not ride so fast--your horse frightensme."

  "Fear nothing; he knows the way, and is the gentlest and safesthorse I ever rode. When I return to the city, buried in sweetthoughts, he takes the way without my touching the bridle."

  At last the sound of the returning chase was heard, the hornsplaying an air agreed upon with Jeanne, and Bussy left. As heapproached the city, he remarked that the time was approachingwhen the gates of the city would be closed. He was preparing toride on quickly, when he heard behind him the gallop of horses.For a lover who wishes to remain concealed, as for a robber,everything seems a menace. Bussy asked himself whether he shouldride on or draw up and let them pass, but their course was sorapid that they were up to him in a moment. There were two.

  "Here is the city," said one, with a Gascon accent; "three hundredmore blows with the whip, and one hundred with the spur; courageand vigor!"

  "The beast has no more breath--he shivers and totters; he willnot go on; and yet I would give a hundred horses to be in mycity before nightfall."

  "It is some Angers man out late," thought Bussy. "But look, thehorse is falling; take care, monsieur," cried he; "quit yourhorse--he is about to fall."

  Indeed, as he spoke the animal fell heavily on his side, shookhis legs convulsively, then suddenly his breath stopped, hiseyes grew dim, and he was dead.

  "Monsieur!" cried the cavalier to Bussy, "three hundred pistolesfor your horse!"

  "Ah, mon Dieu!" cried Bussy, drawing near.

  "Do you hear me, monsieur? I am in haste."

  "Ah! my prince, take it for nothing," cried Bussy, who had recognizedthe Duc d'Anjou.

  At the same moment they heard the click of a pistol, which wascocked by the duke's companion.

  "Stop, M. d'Aubigne," cried the duke, "it is Bussy, I believe."

  "Oh! yes, my prince, it is I. But what, in Heaven's name are youdoing, killing horses on the road at this hour?"

  "Ah! is it M. de Bussy?" said D'Aubigne, "then you do not wantme any more. Permit me to return to him who sent me?"

  "Not without receiving my sincere thanks and the promise of alasting friendship."

  "I accept it, monseigneur, and will recall your words to you someday."

  "M. D'Aubigne! I am in the clouds," murmured Bussy.

  "Did you not know? As you are here, did you not expect me?" saidthe prince, with an air of suspicion which did not escape Bussy,who began to reflect that his secret residence in Anjou mightseem very strange to the prince.

  "I did better than expect you," said Bussy, "and as you wish toenter the town before the gates are closed, jump into the saddle,monseigneur."

  The prince accepted, and Bussy mounted behind him, asking himselfif this prince, dressed in black, were not the evil spirit sentalready to disturb his happiness.

  "Where do we go now, monseigneur?" said he, as they entered thecity.

  "To the castle. Let them hoist my banner and convoke the nobilityof the district."

  "Nothing more easy," said Bussy, full of surprise, but willingto be docile. The news was soon spread through the city thatthe duke had arrived, and a crowd soon collected.

  "Gentlemen!" cried the duke, "I have come to throw myself into mygood city of Angers. At Paris the most terrible dangers have menacedmy life--I had lost even my liberty. I succeeded in escaping, thanksto some good friends, and now I am here I feel my tranquillityand my life assured."

  The people cried, "Long live our seigneur."

  "Now let me sup," said the prince, "I have had nothing since themorning."

  The city was illuminated, guns were fired, the bells of the cathedralwere rung, and the wind carried to Meridor the noisy joy of thegood Angevins.