Read Chicot the Jester Page 74



  As neither Catherine nor the Duc d'Anjou reappeared at the Louvre,the dissension between the brothers became apparently every daymore and more certain. The king thought, "No news, bad news."The minions added, "Francois, badly counseled, has detained thequeen-mother."

  Badly counseled. In these words were comprised all the policy ofthis singular reign, and the three preceding ones. Badly counseledwas Charles IX. when he authorized the massacre of St. Bartholomew.Badly counseled was Francois II. when he ordered the massacreat Amboise. Badly counseled had been Henri II. when he burnedso many heretics and conspirators. And now they dared not say,"Your brother has the family blood in his veins; he wishes, likethe rest, to dethrone or poison; he would do to you what youdid to your elder brother; what your elder brother did to his,what your mother has taught you to do to one another." Thereforethey said, "Your brother is badly counseled."

  Now, as only one person was able to counsel Francois, it wasagainst Bussy that the cry was raised, which became every daymore and more furious. At last the news was spread that the dukehad sent an ambassador. At this the king grew pale with anger,and the minions swore that he should be cut to pieces, and apiece sent to all the provinces of France as a specimen of theking's anger. Chicot said nothing, but he reflected. Now theking thought much of Chicot's reflections, and he questioned himabout them.

  "Sire," replied he, "if your brother sends an ambassador, itis because he feels himself strong enough to do so; he who isprudence itself. Now, if he is strong, we must temporize with him.Let us respect his ambassador, and receive him with civility. Thatengages you to nothing. Do you remember how your brother embracedAdmiral Coligny, who came as ambassador from the Huguenots?"

  "Then you approve of the policy of my brother Charles?"

  "Not so, but I cite a fact; and I say to you, do not hurt a poordevil of a herald, or ambassador; perhaps we may find the way toseize the master, the mover, the chief, the great Duc d'Anjou,with the three Guises; and if you can shut them up in a placesafer than the Louvre, do it."

  "That is not so bad."

  "Then why do you let all your friends bellow so?"


  "Yes; I would say, roar, if they could be taken for lions, butthey are more like bearded apes."

  "Chicot, they are my friends."

  "Friends! I would lay any bet to make them all turn against youbefore to-morrow."

  "Well, what do you advise?"

  "To wait, my son. Half the wisdom of Solomon lies in that word.If an ambassador arrive, receive him courteously. And as to yourbrother, kill him if you can and like, but do not degrade him.He is a great knave, but he is a Valois; besides, he can do thatwell enough for himself."

  "It is true, Chicot."

  "One more lesson that you owe me. Now let me sleep, Henri; forthe last week I have been engaged in fuddling a monk."

  "A monk! the one of whom you have already spoken to me?"

  "Just so. You promised him an abbey."


  "Pardieu! it is the least you can do for him, after all he hasdone for you."

  "He is then still devoted to me?"

  "He adores you. Apropos, my son----"


  "In three weeks it will be the Fete Dieu."


  "Are we to have some pretty little procession?"

  "I am the most Christian king, and it is my duty to set an exampleto my subjects."

  "And you will, as usual, stop at the four great convents of Paris?"


  "At St. Genevieve?"

  "Yes, that is the second I stop at."


  "Why do you ask?"

  "Oh, nothing--I was curious. Now I know all I want, so good night,Henri!"

  But just as Chicot prepared to leave, a great noise was heard.

  "What is that noise?" said the king.

  "It is ordained that I am not to sleep. Henri, you must get mea room in the town, or I must leave your service; the Louvrebecomes insupportable."

  At this moment the captain of the guards entered, saying, "Sire,it is an envoy from M. le Duc d'Anjou."

  "With a suite?"

  "No, sire, alone."

  "Then you must receive him doubly well, Henri, for he is a bravefellow."

  "Well," said the king, very pale, but trying to look calm, "letall my court assemble in the great hall."