Read Chicot the Jester Page 96



  The place where this terrible combat was to take place wassequestered and shaded by trees. It was generally frequentedonly by children, who came to play there during the day, or bydrunkards or robbers, who made a sleeping-place of it by night.

  Chicot, his heart palpitating, although he was not of a verytender nature, seated himself before the lackeys and pages, ona wooden balustrade.

  He did not love the Angevins, and detested the minions, but theywere all brave young men, and in their veins flowed a generousblood, which he was probably destined to see flow before long.

  D'Epernon made a last bravado, "What! you are all afraid of me?"he cried.

  "Hold your tongue," said Antragues.

  "Come away, bravest of the brave," said Chicot, "or else you willlose another pair of shoes."

  "What do you mean?"

  "I mean that there will soon be blood on the ground, and thatyou will walk in it, as you did last night."

  D'Epernon became deadly pale, and, moving away, he seated himselfat some distance from Chicot.

  The combat began as five o'clock struck, and for a few minutesnothing was heard but the clashing of swords; not a blow wasstruck. At last Schomberg touched Ribeirac in the shoulder, andthe blood gushed out; Schomberg tried to repeat the blow, butRibeirac struck up his sword, and wounded him in the side.

  "Now let us rest a few seconds, if you like," said Ribeirac.

  Quelus, having no dagger, was at a great disadvantage; for hewas obliged to parry with his left arm, and, as it was bare, oneach occasion it cost him a wound. His hand was soon bleedingin several places, and Antragues had also wounded him in thebreast; but at each wound he repeated, "It is nothing."

  Livarot and Maugiron were still unwounded.

  Ribeirac and Schomberg recommenced; the former was pierced throughthe breast, and Schomberg was wounded in the neck.

  Ribeirac was mortally wounded, and Schomberg rushed on him and gavehim another; but he, with his right hand, seized his opponent's,and with his left plunged his dagger into his heart.

  Schomberg fell back, dragging Ribeirac with him. Livarot ran toaid Ribeirac to disengage himself from the grasp of his adversary,but was closely pursued by Maugiron, who cut open his head with ablow of his sword. Livarot let his sword drop, and fell on hisknees; then Maugiron hastened to give him another wound, andhe fell altogether.

  Quelus and Maugiron remained against Antragues. Quelus was bleeding,but from slight wounds.

  Antragues comprehended his danger; he had not the least wound,but he began to feel tired, so he pushed aside Quelus' sword andjumped over a barrier; but at the same moment, Maugiron attackedhim behind; Antragues turned, and Quelus profited by this movementto get under the barrier.

  "He is lost!" thought Chicot.

  "Vive le roi!" cried D'Epernon.

  "Silence, if you please, monsieur," said Antragues. At this instantLivarot, of whom no one was thinking, rose on his knees, hideousfrom the blood with which he was covered, and plunged his daggerbetween the shoulders of Maugiron, who fell, crying out, "MonDieu! I am killed!"

  Livarot fell back again, fainting.

  "M. de Quelus," said Antragues, "you are a brave man; yield--Ioffer you your life."

  "And why yield?"

  "You are wounded, and I am not."

  "Vive le roi!" cried Quelus; "I have still my sword!" And herushed on Antragues, who parried the thrust, and, seizing hisarm, wrested his sword from him, saying, "Now you have it nolonger."

  "Oh, a sword!" cried Quelus; and, bounding like a tiger on Antragues,he threw his arms round him.

  Antragues struck him with his dagger again and again, but Quelusmanaged to seize his hands, and twisted round him like a serpent,with arms and legs. Antragues, nearly suffocated, reeled andfell, but on the unfortunate Quelus. He managed to disengagehimself, for Quelus' powers were failing him, and, leaning onone arm, gave him a last blow.

  "Vive le r----" said Quelus, and that was all. The silence andterror of death reigned everywhere.

  Antragues rose, covered with blood, but it was that of his enemy.

  D'Epernon made the sign of the cross, and fled as if he were pursuedby demons.

  Chicot ran and raised Quelus, whose blood was pouring out fromnineteen wounds.

  The movement roused him, and he opened his eyes.

  "Antragues," said he, "on my honor, I am innocent of the deathof Bussy."

  "Oh! I believe you, monsieur," cried Antragues, much moved.

  "Fly!" murmured Quelus; "the king will never forgive you."

  "I cannot abandon you thus, even to escape the scaffold."

  "Save yourself, young man," said Chicot; "do not tempt Providencetwice in one day."

  Antragues approached Ribeirac, who still breathed.

  "Well?" asked he.

  "We are victors," said Antragues, in a low tone, not to offendQuelus.

  "Thanks," said Ribeirac; "now go."

  And he fainted again.

  Antragues picked up his own sword, which he had dropped, thenthat of Quelus, which he presented to him. A tear shone in theeyes of the dying man. "We might have been friends," he murmured.

  "Now fly," said Chicot; "you are worthy of being saved."

  "And my companions?"

  "I will take care of them, as of the king's friends."

  Antragues wrapped himself in a cloak which his squire handedto him, so that no one might see the blood with which he wascovered, and, leaving the dead and wounded, he disappeared throughthe Porte St. Antoine.