Read Choice of the Gallant - Paradox Equation I Page 36


  Lane grinned when his father walked through the door. The scenery he saw through it when it opened was lovely. He wouldn't tell him all of where they'd been or what they'd done. None of them ever would. Neither would Alice. She understood he wouldn't really want to know.

  "Hello, Dad. I see you saved them."

  "They say I did, Lane, but I don't really know."

  "Dad, if you hadn't, that grove would not be standing."

  "Rather an unusual way to... save a sacred grove. Where are Clete and Dutch?"

  "We're on our way to get them. Clete's preventing a murder."

  "Whose murder?"

  "Auri, Aurora, got herself into a mess. He's going to be in rough shape when we get him."


  "Not yet."

  "You've lost me."

  "It's his culture. He's going to fall apart on us. Dutch will do his best, but he won't be able to stop him."

  Gallant stared after the boy who had laughed wildly, then run into the corridors of the part of Alice he called the maze. The wild laugh had been startling, but hadn't bothered him near as much as the deep sobs that he'd heard as Lane had disappeared into the vast labyrinth of the ship. She was landing. Dutch ran in, pulling Clete behind him.

  "Help me with him. It was the only way to save her, but he's almost catatonic. She told him you'd come for her before they made up their minds what to do about it."

  "Do about what?!"

  "The sacrifice. He kept her from being sacrificed."


  "How do you keep a woman from playing the role of virgin sacrifice?"

  "Oh, I see. But why is he in such bad shape?"

  "Just before we left, she told him who she is."

  "Terrific. Now, if you'll tell me who she is, we'll all know."

  "Lane's sister. Our sister."


  "It gets worse. She told him she'd name their son Connell."

  "Oh, brother. His culture has very strict taboos about these things, with good reason. Now I know why Lane ran. I need to find him."

  "Dad, he said good-by to us. He said you'd send him away. It's not his fault. CLETE! Damn! I'll go after him."

  Gallant finished putting in the coordinates for the most peaceful place he knew. He had a mess on his hands and Lane had as much as said it would get worse. He needed to know what that 'worse' was. He'd barely begun to look for him when he heard Clete, then Dutch, scream in his mind. He'd wondered if they could at need. He ran for them. He suddenly realized Lane was right behind him. Dutch was near incoherent.

  "I couldn't stop him!"

  "Give me that!"

  He grabbed the medunit from Lane and went to work on the son who had tried to kill himself. It was going to be close. He spared just enough attention to notice Lane holding Dutch and calming him. So, he knew he'd be sent away, did he? The nightmares! He now knew what they were about. Within a few minutes, he was sure his son would live. When he finished repairing the damage he'd done to himself with a knife, he stepped back, took a deep breath and realized Lane was no longer in the room.

  "Dutch, where's Lane?"

  "He said he had to get ready. Dad, he told me to tell Clete he'd miss him. And Auri had always known. Change things. Please, Dad."

  "Dutch, he set Clete up for this. He knew this would happen."

  Dutch grabbed his arm and as he turned for the door. He was so angry he almost threw him aside. It shocked him enough to stop him.

  "Dad, think! It's not like that. He's carried it inside his whole life. He doesn't think anything can change. Auri didn't either. Dad, he thinks he'll spend fifty years in Earth's past. Alone, Dad, until Clete and I find him. I'm not supposed to tell you."

  "Yes, that's where I'd take him. About mid-twentieth century. I always liked it there. You can let go, Dutch. My mind is working. I'm going to move Clete to the surgery. I'm going to put restraints on him. I want you to stay with him."

  It didn't take him long to find Lane. He was lying on the floor of the command center, curled around a pack.

  "Were you planning on going somewhere?"

  "Please, just do it. I've already reset the coordinates."

  "Hmm. Earth. Nineteen forty-two. Oh! You're planning on helping build the Alaska highway. Too bad. They'll just have to manage without you."


  Gallant sat down on the floor next to his son. He looked terribly confused. It was an improvement.

  "You're not leaving. It would probably be easier than facing Clete, but I think it's necessary you do so."

  "You can't... change the future."

  "I already have. Several times. Done a bit of past changing too. Come here, Son."

  Gallant pulled Lane into his arms and held him as he cried. He was very thankful Dutch had stopped him and 'thumped' him for being so angry. He was also thankful Telas had told him just enough to assure he paid attention to the thump. He didn't pursue the thought there had to be a reason he'd allowed Clete to be injured. Why hadn't he done something to change it before? Hadn't he known? Why had Clete been so overwhelmed by the culture of his world that he'd tried to kill himself? His mother was human and flat practical about such things.

  There had to be something adding to the horror. Something his strongly empathic son had felt from someone else? From Lane? His sister? Or him? Who had added just enough shock to make him grasp the knife? He was only sure it hadn't been Dutch.

  "Dad... I'm... It's all changing. Dizzy."

  "Easy, Lane, open your mind to me. I'll help you ride it out."

  He entered his son's mind and saw the wild spirit beneath the tightly controlled and slightly cool surface. He withdrew when the images began to settle. He didn't want to know the future.

  "Thank you."

  "Lane, you're very much my son. You're also as much a victim of this as Clete is. Now, we'd better get to him. Alice isn't going to put us down anywhere until we're ready, then she'll take us to a favorite spot of mine."

  "Disneyland. Nineteen fifty-nine. Is that why Alice looks like a little silver travel trailer most of the time?"

  "I don't know. It's her choice. I do rather like it though. Rolled awning, wheels and all. I spent nearly a hundred years on Earth once. Towed her behind a car and explored North America."


  "Yes, those too. I have several of different types. Racing and doing stunt shows was a good excuse to travel and paid enough I didn't constantly have to worry about running out of money."

  "Easier than the rock shoveling I thought I'd be doing. I couldn't even have gone to school. The first time someone got a stethoscope on me... "

  "Yes. You'd have spent all your time hiding what you are. You don't have my power. I just hypnotized doctors into forgetting I had two hearts."

  "You fought in their wars."

  "Several of them. Seemed like every time I changed identities, I got drafted. Very long ago, but I still remember. Especially Korea and Vietnam. Not good memories."

  "Why did you do it?"

  "I could save lives. Some that lived through those wars wouldn't have if I hadn't been their sergeant. But I took lives too. Too many."

  "You once told me you were a hippie."

  "I went back and joined protests against racism and Vietnam. I didn't like the drug scene, but I liked the ideals of love and peace. Liked the music too."

  "A red Gibson Les Paul and a clear Dan Armstrong bass. I've seen them."

  "That bass put blisters on my fingers, but it has the most incredible tone. Lane, when do I find her?"

  "Dad, Mom's not the girl of your dreams, but she'll make you incredibly happy. She dies, but it's not really death. She has to go back to where we found her."

  "But you said… I don't understand."

  "I can't explain it. She's... something else, but she came to you as a woman, a human wo

  "The girl of my dreams. She's going to haunt me for another ten thousand years, isn't she?"

  "No, Dad, forever. But always with the promise of someday. She comes again right after Mom leaves."

  "Admitting that's reassuring feels distinctly odd. Clete's going to wake up soon."

  "Dad, open yourself to Clete and Dutch. They need to know you. Just as I did."

  "I want to know them too."

  Gallant took them to Disneyland, then to other places he loved. He began to get into very good condition as he helped Clete get back into it. Then he took them fishing and relaxed just a bit too much.


  "Ah, the slave. You see slave, I have found your children. I've spent nearly one hundred years hunting you. Since you have children, I know it's been longer for you. You should have stayed away. I wouldn't have pursued you. You meant nothing. I had those telepaths at my feet. They were mine! Then you came. Three boys. They'll ease the irritation I felt the times I thought I'd killed you, then discovered you were still alive."

  "Please, Hensk, Lord Master, spare them. I beg you. I will give my pledge to serve you and never seek escape."

  "Don't be foolish. I already have you. We will return to the world I left a hundred years ago. They will hold you. The Dark One shall reign. Nothing will stop it. Rorisk will love your pretty boys. I think I'll loan you all to him."

  "No, I won't allow you to do that."

  "Did you know I had you altered? I won't have to wait long for these. They're probably capable of siring children now. I'll have them stimmed and try them with females of other species until I find one cross-fertile. You obviously did. It should be a very interesting process. Now, what is the best way to do this? Ah, I have it. You three put these chains on, or I will kill your father."

  Turning the weapon on Gallant was a mistake. He charged it. He expected to die, but Hensk would never get another shot off. His sons would kill him. He wondered how he'd found them. He felt the shot.

  Clete held on against the storm of emotion. He had to get through to the brother who was the source of it.

  "Kill him! Do it now. Do it, Lane. Think about who he is. What he is. What he did to Dad. Kill him."

  "Clete, I--"

  "DO IT!"

  "Yes. For my father."

  "All right. Now, you check Dutch. I'll... Oh, damn. Lane, try to get over the changes. Past them. Whatever. I need you. They're both alive, but that's all I know."

  "Go. They're not settling. It's uncertain. Dad. Help Dad. I'll... check Dutch. Medunit. Get unit. Call Alice. She'll--"

  "ALICE! Alice, help me!"

  Clete said thank you many times in the not quite hour that seemed like many. Most of the thanks were to his mother. He knew when Lane began to regain consciousness and was beside him with a nourishing broth she'd taught him to make when he opened his eyes.

  "Fishing trip. Vacation. Some vacation. Drink."


  "Check your memories, Lane. They're both going to make it. Good thing I ran out of things to read and got into Mom's medical texts."

  "Dad's in trance."

  "Yeah. I used the medunit on him to help him along. Dutch knocked the blaster down just enough. Missed his head. Ah, Dutch is coming around. I'm in love with Alice. Aren't I, Sweetheart? She came. Just... materialized around us. Left Hensk outside. Still there I guess. Drink the rest. It's a good vitamin and mineral mix with more calories than you'd think. Got to get to Dutch. He'll wake up screaming for Dad."

  "Let him know he saved him. Fastest move I've ever seen anyone make. Other than Dad."

  "Yeah. Other than Dad. Later."

  Clete walked into Dutch's room and took his hand. He forced himself to calm. Dutch wasn't even fully conscious yet and he was already desperately worried.

  "Dad's alive! He'll make it! Take it easy. You saved him. He's hurt, but he'll live."

  "I couldn't let him die, Clete. I... love him so much."

  "That is obvious. Dutch, you moved faster than humanly possible. Much faster."

  "I've always been fast. They say Mom was."

  "No, Dutch. We've been training together for weeks. You never moved at anything like that speed. You may be as fast as Dad. How's your head?"

  "Brother empath, you know. Thumping. Tell me the story."

  "You hit the barrel and he creamed you with the stock."


  "Lane took the weapon and killed him. Wasn't easy. He finally went all cool and did it. Said, "For my father." Went clear out afterward. Pretty heavy change, I guess. Surprised he held up as long as he did. He went dizzy as soon as that creep came out of the trees."

  "Weird, Clete. Didn't that guy know it wouldn't work? If Dad hadn't escaped, he wouldn't have us. If he didn't have us, Hensk couldn't take us."

  "I don't think he cared. Dutch, all he wanted was to have Dad beg for us. He planned on killing him anyway. Just wanted him to grovel at his feet."

  "And he did."

  "For us. Offered himself up in bondage in exchange, then tried to give his life. Yeah. Tried. He charged straight in. I felt him intend to die. He was too scared for us to think. If he died, Lane wouldn't exist. I'd still be at home. You'd still be in a Fed school."

  "Would we? Or do we sort of exist in our own timestream? We took Lane's mother to Dad. What if... What if I couldn't... get her? Would he have just disappeared from between us?"

  "No answers, Dutch. Maybe it was always supposed to happen this way. As for his mother, she was trying desperately to break through. Never felt anyone... thing, whatever, want someone like she wanted Dad."

  "Even I could feel it. Well, now what?"

  "We wait for Dad to wake up surprised to wake up."

  "Yeah, the nicest kind of surprise. How… "

  "Pretty bad. He'll be under awhile."

  Gallant was as surprised as Clete expected. He made sure they were all leaning over him, right where he'd see them as soon as he opened his eyes, but he almost landed on him when the rush of relief hit him.

  "You're all here."

  "Yes. And so are you. Hensk isn't. The last one is gone, Dad. Lane 'remembered' you telling him the code and blew the ship. Dutch yelped and we lit out. Said he felt something."

  "Where are we, Clete?"

  "Ask Lane. He set the coordinates."

  "Ophidus sector. Nice and quiet."

  "My home world is near here."

  "That's why it's quiet. Safest place I could think of."

  "OK. Enough. Sleep. You're exhausted."

  "Not yet, Clete. How?"

  "Seems Dutch inherited more than your good looks. He moves fast."

  "Who killed Hensk?"

  "I did."

  "Lane, I'm sorry."

  "I'm not, but I didn't enjoy it."

  "Good. I'm afraid I would have."

  "Damn it, Dad. Sleep!"

  "Yes, Clete, and well. But hugs first. Dutch?"

  "Wow, first even. Sleep, Dad. We love you."

  He did. Soundly. For six days. Strangely, it was almost two full days longer than he'd tranced. He deserved it. He'd spent his life pursuing the servants of the Dark One he'd allowed into the universe. He'd still run into them now and again, but he could reverse any damage they did and run. He knew they would all be destroyed. Now he was truly free to begin fighting the Dark One himself.