Read Choosing Riley Page 3

  “Pissed!” Vox growled out lowly as his eyes followed the movement of the female as she bent over again. “Guall’s Balls, if she bends over one more time,” he swore as he felt his cock rubbing painfully against the front of his pants. “She is my mate,” he muttered in a low voice to both his men.

  Tor and Lodar looked at Vox in astonishment before turning to look curiously at the figure of the female trying to build a wall with blankets in the narrow room. After she had touched Vox and knocked him on his ass, she had the Gelatian move the bed closer to the wall. She proceeded to pull a piece of white rock out of the huge bag she had draped across her body. The bag had all types of different stones and images on it and it had taken her several long minutes to find what she was looking for. After she found it, she had gotten down on her hands and knees and drawn a heavy white uneven line down the middle of the room.

  She had looked so proud of herself when she finished that none of them, save Vox who was still lying on the floor twitching, knew what to say. She had proceeded to tell them who she was and that they were to stay on their side of the line or she would rip their heads off and shove it up their asses. What was incredible was she had said it while giving them a beautiful, dimpled smile. Tor and Lodar had looked at each other and finally had to turn their backs to her so she wouldn’t see them laughing silently. The thought that a line drawn in white would keep a Sarafin warrior from crossing it if they wanted to was more than they could handle without laughing, at least until they looked at Vox who was still sprawled out in a twitching mess on the floor. Moments later, an Antrox guard delivered the items she had requested with a confused frown. She had blown the guard a kiss after she grabbed the items and deposited them on the bed. The guard paled as he glanced down where Vox was lying on the floor jerking. He left quickly after that.

  “Oh Bob honey, can you be a sweetheart and help me for a moment again?” The husky voice called out from where she stood balanced precariously on a large rock. “Fred baby, just hold the line for a few more minutes. I think I’ve got it this time.”

  “She is called Riley St. Claire from Denver, Colorado wherever that is,” Tor said in amusement as he watched her almost fall off the rock again. “She is…. a most unusual species.”

  “Do you know what she is besides being a hair up my cat’s ass?” Vox snorted before he looked at Lodar who was anxiously watching as the female teetered for a moment before regaining her balance.

  “No, I’ve never seen a female like that before,” Lodar grounded out through clenched teeth as she wobbled again. “Most species I know have some sort of self-preservation. This one seems to be lacking that particular trait. She has fallen off that rock three times now and it is a miracle she hasn’t broken her neck!”

  Vox gritted his teeth. He was well aware of how many times she had fallen. Tor caught her once…. barely. Lodar the second time and she landed on the Tiliqua she kept calling ‘Fred’ the last time. He had not been able to catch her because he still couldn’t even stand without falling on his own face thanks to her. Now, even his jaw was sore from grinding his teeth every time she almost fell, bent over, or just thrust her…. he groaned again as his cock jerked in response to her bending over and affectionately patting Fred on one of his heads.

  “You are just such a sweetheart,” she cooed. “Bob, you cute bowl of key lime Jell-O, can you hook the other end of the rope on the wall like you did on this side?”

  The huge body of the Gelatian started to move toward Riley to take the rope she was holding out but stopped when Vox emitted a low, dangerous snarl. The huge species trembled in terror. Its head turned back and forth between Riley and Vox. Vox rose stiffly and glared at the creature in warning.

  “My lord,” Bob choked out. “The female…. She….” The creature stuttered out before his voice faded.

  “Oh, just ignore him, you scrumptious dessert. He’s all growl and no howl,” Riley said before she giggled. “Oh, that was so good! Do you get it? All growl, no howl? Damn, sometimes I’m just good.”

  “Sarafin Warriors do not howl,” Vox said through clenched teeth as he took a step toward the female. “Female, if you ever shock me again I’ll turn you over my knee and spank your big ass until it is as red as the Brighton dwarf star,” he threatened.

  Riley turned and wobbled dangerously on the rock she was standing on for a second. She glared at the huge figure threatening her. She was as tall as he was now. She reached her hand down along her side, easing the small cylinder she had taken out of her luggage and slipped into the pocket of her skirt into her hand. Her eyes glittered dangerously and her lips pulled back but it was not into a smile.

  Oh, like hell he did not just say I have a ‘big’ ass, Riley thought viciously.

  Her lips pinched together into a pucker before relaxing. “As you said earlier, Saraprick,” she replied in a quiet, sarcastic voice. “I’d like to see you try.”

  Vox smiled at the challenge. He was going to enjoy getting his hands on her luscious body finally! He was going to finish the curtain wall, bend her over and take her hard and fast.

  “And as you said, you really shouldn’t have said that!” He purred out as he walked slowly toward her.

  “Vox,” Tor murmured from behind his friend and leader. “I don’t think that is a good idea,” he said getting a bad feeling from the look in the female’s eyes.

  She did not look like she was worried. In fact, she looked like she was out for blood – Vox’s blood if he had to guess.

  “She doesn’t have her weapon on her,” Vox responded, nodding to where the small Taser laid on the bed. “She’ll be purring like a kitten once I’ve claimed her.” Vox smiled as his eyes glittered possessively. “That’s what you need, isn’t it little cat? A good fucking.”

  Riley’s face flushed at the dark promise in the huge male’s voice. “I am so going to enjoy putting your ass on the ground again!” She hissed out, trying not to give in to the desire to turn tail and run.

  The problem with running is there was nowhere to go in the small room. The second problem was that she had learned a long, long time ago if you didn’t stand up to a bully when you had a chance, you might never be given another one. She gripped the cylinder, waiting until he took another step closer to her.

  “Last chance, big boy,” Riley warned softly. “Step back over the white line and leave me alone or I’ll have to put you down again.”

  Vox almost paused at the soft warning he heard in her voice. There was a trace of steel that told him she wasn’t going to run. She would stand and fight him tooth for tooth, claw for claw. His eyes stared deeply into hers and he saw a resolution in them. She would not back down. His pride in her grew at her fierce determination to face him even though he could see the slight tremble in her hand as she pushed a long strand of white blond curls behind her ear. She was a worthy mate for a king.

  “You are mine, little kitten,” Vox responded gently. “You will accept what the Gods have given you. Come to me willingly or come to me fighting but come to me you will.”

  Riley shook her head and tightly pinched her lips together in determination. “Sorry dude, I’ve seen enough alien movies to know that it never turns out good for the supporting actors. Since I’ve never been a heroine, this is a no-win situation for me. I’d just as soon go down fighting.”

  Vox’s grin widened. “I always did like a good fight before I fucked,” he said, reaching to grab her off the rock.

  “Your choice,” Riley muttered holding her breath as she held the small cylinder up and depressed the button.

  Vox’s roar filled the small room as the pepper spray hit him in the face. Riley stood frozen on the rock, pressing her hands over her ears as his loud curses and pain filled roar continued to echo. He fell back several steps, grabbing at his face before he fell to his knees in agony.

  “What did you do?” Lodar asked in horror as he tried to help Vox who was rocking back and forth on his knees emitting low mewing sounds of pain.

  “It will stop hurting if he washes his eyes out…. I think,” Riley whispered. “I’ve never actually had to use it before but that is what the directions say to do.”

  “You’ve never used this weapon before?” Tor said as he gripped Vox’s shoulder and tried to see what was causing his friend so much pain.

  “Well, I warned him!” Riley said defensively. “It’s his fault for not listening.”

  “Female,” Vox hissed out painfully. “I’m going to strangle you when I can see again.”

  “If you even think of it, I’ll…. I’ll….,” Riley threatened back. “I don’t know what I’ll do but it is going to hurt you more than me!”

  “Not if I can help it,” Vox groaned as Lodar laid a cool, damp cloth over his burning eyes.

  Hell, he needed one for his nose, throat, and mouth as well. When she had raised her hand he had thought she was just trying to warn him to stay back. He had not expected her to have anything in it. Both of her hands had been empty except for the rope she was trying to hand the Gelatian just minutes before. He had made sure she didn’t have anything in them after the first time. Where in the Guall’s balls she got her hands on the device she used on him he didn’t know but he was going to be damn careful the next time he got near her! Gods, his eyes, nose, mouth, and throat burned!

  “Just.... just keep away from me and I won’t have to hurt you again,” she muttered before turning to the Gelatian and the Tiliqua. “Come on guys, help me get this wall built before Saraprick gets on his high horse again.”

  Riley glanced at the green, gelatinous species and smiled when he shook and moved backwards instead. “It’s okay, darling. It won’t take but a moment. I won’t hurt you, you tub of gorgeous green.”

  “He is not gorgeous,” Vox growled out hoarsely, trying to glare at the female through blurry, burning eyes. “You will not speak to him like that. I am your mate!”

  Riley glared back at the huge, seething male who was glaring at her with watery, red eyes. She felt her pulse rocket at his deep growl and that just made her madder. She would not let her body react to some overzealous, pompous alien, no matter how cute he was! She brought up the last five alien movies she saw and reminded herself that not a one of them ended well for the humans. Just look at what happened to Sigourney Weaver. She not only had that alien bursting out of her, she became one! There was no way that Riley was going to take a chance of that happening to her.

  “I don’t believe I was talking to you,” Riley growled back. “Now, go bother someone else for a little while. Bob honey, get your green body over here this instant. I think I feel a headache coming on and I want to rest in peace for a little while.”

  “Female,” Vox bit out in warning, wiping at his eyes. “If you need help, I will give it.”

  “My name is Riley. Riley St. Claire from Denver, Colorado, not female. Don’t forget it,” Riley sniffed indignantly and pushed a strand of hair behind her ear as she tried to balance on the rock without falling off of it again. “Now, let Lodar help you. He seems to know what to do. And quit making that god-awful growling noise. It is beginning to get on my nerves.”


  Vox lay on his back and wiped at his eyes again. They were still tearing from earlier but thankfully the worst part of the burning had faded. He turned his head and glanced at the wall of blankets separating the two sides of the narrow cavern they had been given. Fred was curled up in a ball in the corner as far from Vox and his men as possible on one blanket. ‘Bob’ was asleep standing up in the other corner. He, Lodar and Tor were stretched out on the hard floor. He listened as the female rolled over on the bed behind the curtain again and released a soft sigh that tugged at his cock as if she had her hand wrapped around him. She was driving him and his cat crazy!

  “How are we going to get out of here?” Lodar asked quietly. “As long as we have these collars on there is no way we can get by the guards.”

  “If I had some tools, I could get them off,” Tor responded quietly. “Problem is, I don’t think the Antrox are going to leave any tools that would work.”

  “I’m going to kill that Valdier royal when I get my hands on him,” Vox growled out softly. “The Antrox receive shipments every couple of days. We need to track when those shipments arrive. We’ll figure out a way to get these damn collars off and steal a ship. Kill as many of those emotionless insects as you can on the way out. I want them to know they better not mess with a Sarafin Warrior again.”

  “Tomorrow begins our first shift,” Lodar said. “We can look for tools when they take us to the mines.”

  “What of the female?” Tor asked looking over to the blankets where Riley’s soft sighs could be heard. “We will need to watch her. I’ve heard of what can happen to females in the Antrox mines. If the Pactors don’t attack them and kill them, other prisoners often try to steal them or a trader will offer credits for them. They kill the males if another female doesn’t take them or another is not available.”

  Vox looked at the shadow of his mate as she turned over again. He watched one of her arms rise up briefly before she turned over onto her stomach. A small grin pulled at his mouth. There wasn’t a part of his body that wasn’t sore thanks to her. He had never been brought to his knees before, not even in battle except for the time he was poisoned. His mate had done it not once but twice in the same day.

  “She is to be protected at all cost. Kill any who try to take or harm her,” he ordered. “She is your new queen.”

  Tor chuckled softly. “I don’t think she is going to be too happy with her new title,” he said, fighting back another laugh.

  “I don’t care if she likes her new title or not, she is my mate and the queen of our people,” Vox said with a grin of his own. “I have to admit I’m looking forward to seeing how she handles it. Just remind me to make sure I check her hands before I get near her again,” he said turning so he could stare at the curtain and imagine what she looked like lying on the narrow bed.

  “You don’t think she would have any tools with her, do you?” Lodar asked curiously. “She has been surprisingly resourceful so far.”

  Vox snorted. “She is a female! Why would a female need tools?” He said dismissively. “No, our best hope is if we can find some that the Antrox haven’t accounted for.”

  “Like that will ever happen,” Tor grunted out. “They inventory every item as the prisoners go into the mines and again coming out.”

  Vox bit back the curse on his lips. “I want off this asteroid. If we can’t find the tools we need then we will have to find another way to get them. Get some sleep, it will be a long day tomorrow.”

  Both men grunted their agreement as they rolled over trying to get comfortable on the hard surface. Vox stared at the shadow of his mate again. He would get off the asteroid and he would kill the Valdier royal who drugged him and his men. But first, he needed to make sure that he marked his mate in case she was taken from him. He would find her, no matter where she went but he wanted everyone to know she belonged to him.

  Chapter 4

  Riley turned around to stare at the strange creatures passing their small group in the long corridor. They had been woken up way too early for her. She was not much of a morning person. In fact, until she had a decent breakfast, several cups of coffee, and it was past ten in the morning no one even bothered to talk to her. To top it off, she had to make do with just a quick cloth bath to refresh her. The ‘bathroom’ was a large open area shared with other prisoners, male and female. Vox, Tor, and Lodar had stood guard in front of the door when Riley had refused to go in as long as there was anyone else in the room. Even Bob and Fred had lent a body to help cover the opening to give her privacy. She had quickly done her business and cleaned up as best she could. She decided she better dress appropriately if she was going to be working in a mine. She wore a pair of her favorite faded jeans that had a hole in one of the knees, a soft, long sleeve Denver Bronco’s jersey, and a pair of tennis shoes. She wasn’t about to
ruin her designer boots working in the dusty mine. She quickly piled her hair up into a messy but chic ponytail. She touched her lips with a bit of lip gloss before quickly tossing the items she had worn to sleep in into the carry on she had. She slid her designer handbag over her shoulder and straightened her shoulders in determination. She was NOT going to be a big baby and cry because she wanted to go home. She was going to find a way to get back to Earth, even if she had to kill someone to do it.

  “Next!” Riley said as cheerfully as she could this early in the morning. “Fred, would you be a dear and run this back to our rooms? I’d hate to have to carry it all day.”

  Fred reached out and gripped the bag. With a muttered snort, he took off at a run. Riley couldn’t help but be grudgingly surprised at how fast the little guy ran for having such short legs. She looked at Vox, Lodar, and Tor.

  “Well, go on,” she said. “We don’t have all day!”

  Lodar chuckled but turned and entered the bathroom. Tor shook his head before following. Vox stared at Riley, letting his eyes roam over the bright orange and blue top with the number eighteen on the front. His gaze moved further down to her blue jean clad legs before settling on her white and blue tennis shoes.

  “Why do you dress like that?” He asked curiously. “You should be dressed like you were yesterday.”

  Riley sighed heavily. “I am not about to ruin my good clothes working in some nasty ass mine! These are much more comfortable and will do just fine. Now, don’t you need to take care of business?”

  Vox frowned. “What business?”

  “You know,” she said with a roll of her eyes. “Whatever guys do in the morning. The three S’s.”

  “The three S’s?” Vox asked confused. He was focused on the shimmer of Riley’s lips as she pressed them together.

  “Yes! Shit, shower and shave,” she said folding her arms across her chest. “Bob can watch me while you go do your thing.”