Read Chord Page 13

  “Earth to Cordelia,” Elise said, waving her hand in front of my face. I blinked and realized that I was holding up the line for food. I grabbed a tray and got a plate of pasta with meatballs, a side of garlic bread, and a small salad. For some reason the meatballs here were out of this world. I didn’t know what they put in them, but I always went back for seconds.

  Chase was behind me and got the same thing. I could feel her presence, could feel her breathing near me. Just getting myself and my tray to the table without incident was a miracle. I sat down next to Chase and she gave me a look, raising one eyebrow slowly. She was still thinking about what she’d said earlier, and I was still thinking about it too.

  What was it about her? I’d never really considered what role I’d play when it came to sex. With a guy, I guess I had assumed that I would be the submissive one. I mean, that was what you saw everywhere. The guy was the aggressor and the woman submitted. Now, though, I was thinking about what it meant that Chase and I were both girls. It was like Stella had said, we could make our own rules.

  Chase was so shy and so reluctant in most situations, but when things got heated between us, she turned into someone who knew what they wanted and knew how to get it from me. And I became someone who wanted to give it to her. I liked it, a whole fuck of a lot. In fact, I couldn’t stop thinking about it.

  “You’re staring, Carrots,” Chase said in my ear. I felt my face flame up. Her hand stroked my thigh under the table and I was ready to slide to the floor in a puddle.

  “Why are you doing this to me?” I whispered back, whining a little.

  “Mmm, because you like it?” I did. I liked it a hell of a lot. I made a little frustrated sound in the back of my throat and she laughed softly.

  I looked up and realized we were with other people and being wildly inappropriate. But everyone else was chatting and eating and didn’t seem to be paying attention to us. Either they were doing it on purpose, or it was just a coincidence. I didn’t really want to know which.

  Time to put my focus on my food. I looked down at my spaghetti and meatballs and picked up my fork. Eating. It was time for eating. Not time for thinking about Chase pushing me up against a wall and pulling my hair and kissing me hard. I took a breath.

  People were talking around me and I was trying to pay attention, but I couldn’t. I needed to get out of here as soon as I could so I didn’t have to pretend that I wasn’t a million miles away and thinking about doing naughty things with Chase.

  Dinner lasted forever and I tried to clean my plate, but I couldn’t. Not even the incredible meatballs were going to occupy my mind. I didn’t remember anything anyone said to me and couldn’t tell you what was said or what I said.

  It wasn’t a complete disaster, but as Chase held my hand on the way back to the dorm, she leaned down and said, “You’re awfully distracted tonight, Cordelia.”

  “I can’t help it, you keep saying things,” I hissed back at her. She squeezed my hand.

  “I thought you were enjoying it.”

  “Yeah, I enjoy it too much, that’s the problem. I can’t think about anything else right now.” I couldn’t look at her, but her hand tightened on mine.

  “Do you think we need to do something about it?” Her voice was casual, but I knew what she meant.

  I took a breath.

  “Yes,” I said.



  Honestly, I didn’t know what I said affected her so much. I knew it turned me on more than I’d ever been before. I didn’t even know what I was doing, but whatever I did, Cordelia responded to.

  We somehow got back to our room without saying or doing anything in front of everyone, but the second I had the door shut, I was pushing her up against it and diving for her mouth.

  “I want you so much right now,” I said, and she moaned and clutched onto me. My skin hummed with need and I couldn’t get enough of her. I plunged my fingers into her hair, yanking it just a little and making her gasp.

  “Do you like that?” I asked, and pulled a little.

  “Yes,” she said, her voice thick with desire.

  “Interesting,” I said, before going back to her mouth. I couldn’t get her shirt off fast enough, and she was having similar difficulties. We were both so desperate to get the other one’s shirt off that we weren’t getting anywhere.

  “Whoa, hold on,” I said, laughing a little. “One shirt at a time.”

  I pulled hers over her head.

  “Hey, why is my shirt the first one to come off?” she said, her voice muffled as I got it over her head.

  “Because I said so.” Her eyes went a little wide.

  “Okay, but can I take yours off now?” I nodded, and she unbuttoned my shirt. She got huffy when she found a tank top under it.

  “Why are you wearing two shirts?”

  “Because if I didn’t, my bra would show through?” She made grumbling noises as I got the tank top over my head and we were both down to our bras.

  Today hers was cotton and pink and she was almost falling out of it.

  “I didn’t know I was going to be showing you this one, or else I would have put on another one this morning.” My eyes nearly fell out of my head.

  “Don’t apologize, you look amazing,” I said, cupping her breasts in my hands. Or, at least, trying to.

  “You’re so sweet and pretty,” she said, touching me. I gathered her hands in mine and slowly put them above her head.

  “Is this okay?” She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth and nodded. Her cheeks flushed with heat.

  I wanted to give her my complete and total attention. The attention that every single inch of her deserved. I stopped holding her hands, but she kept them above her head. Good girl.

  A fire had been lit within me and it was burning me alive. I had so many thoughts firing in my head and I wanted to do everything at once, but I needed to make a list in my head. I needed steps. First step, kissing her neck. I hadn’t done it enough, and it was an area I wanted to explore.

  I dragged my mouth from hers and down her jaw to the underside of her face. I tasted and licked and gave her little soft kisses and tested my teeth. I wanted to know what she wanted, so I tried a little bit of everything and waited for her reaction. I was learning Cordelia, and I needed to know every single thing.

  She liked it when I kissed hard, liked it when I scraped my teeth against her skin, liked the little feather-light kisses I placed on her skin. Hard and soft.

  Her hands didn’t stay on the door, they moved into my hair. I didn’t mind. In the back of my mind, I knew I could tell her to put her hands up and she would do it. She would do what I wanted and that drove me even more wild.

  I raked my hands across her skin and decided that the bra was nice, but it needed to go. I wanted nothing between us.

  “Bra off,” I said between kisses and she reached behind and undid the clasp, letting it fall to the floor. I fell to my knees and buried my face in her stomach. She bent down and kissed the top of my head.

  I looked up and she pushed my hair out of my eyes.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful right now,” she said.

  She was beyond beautiful, and I was going to show her.

  I stood up and tugged her toward the bed. I needed her on her back. Hovering over her, I looked down at her spread out on the bed. Her body was lush and perfect. I had seen her like this before, but each time was incredible.

  This time, I let my mouth follow my hands, tasting every inch, kissing every part of her, licking her until she squirmed and begged beneath me.

  “I want ...” she gasped.

  “What, Cordelia? What do you want?” Her eyes opened and she looked up at me, her eyes full of want.

  “I want to touch you.” I wasn’t even close to being done with her yet, but I figured it was only fair.

  She tugged at my bra as if to make her point.

  Her impatience was so adorable. I stripped off my bra and her eyes went wide. I
didn’t know what she saw when she looked at me, but judging from her face, she liked what she saw.

  “Your boobs are so great,” she said, cupping them.

  “If you say so.”

  “I do,” she said, sitting up to kiss me.

  Now it was my turn to be on my back and let her have what she wanted.

  Cordelia didn’t waste any time and went right for my nipples. She experimented with biting them softly with her teeth and that was mind-blowing. My body arched off the bed and pushed my nipple further into her mouth. She smiled up at me as she flicked my nipple with her tongue and moved to give the other the same treatment. She sucked, hard, and I wondered if she was going to leave a mark. I almost wanted her to. So I could look at it later and remember that her mouth had been there. I wanted her to mark me.

  She didn’t stop, and kept going until she reached the waistband of my jeans. Cordelia locked eyes with me as she popped the button of my jeans, and gripped the zipper.

  She was asking permission. I nodded and she pulled the zipper down. The sound was louder than the pounding of my heart.

  We hadn’t traversed this territory yet, and I didn’t think either of us knew what we were doing, but Cordelia didn’t hesitate as she pulled my jeans a little lower, exposing my white panties. I didn’t have fancy underwear because I didn’t think anyone was going to see it. I might have to remedy that.

  “So sweet,” she said, stroking the edge of my panties. They had just a tiny bit of pink lace on the top. I thought I knew what would happen next. I mean, I sort of knew what people did in this situation. But Cordelia had had sex before and I hadn’t. Did this count as sex? What did count as sex?

  “C. Are you okay?” I blinked down at her.

  “Huh?” I had so much going on in my brain and in my body and couldn’t form it into something coherent.

  “Do you want me to stop? I felt you drifting away from me there.”

  I took a deep breath.

  “I’m not sure if I’m ready. For that, anyway.” I cringed and hoped she wasn’t mad.

  She kissed my stomach and zipped my pants up.

  “That’s fine. I wouldn’t want you to do something you weren’t ready for.” She was too good for me. Too wonderful. Too awesome.

  “What did I do to deserve you?” I said, touching her face as she rested her cheek on my stomach.

  “You need to flip that question around. I’m pretty sure I’m the luckiest one.” I wanted to argue with her, but I decided not to.

  “Would you like to go down on me?” she asked after a few minutes of silence.

  The second she said it, my blood ignited and I was ready to fucking go. It wasn’t that I hadn’t wanted her to go down on me, but my anxiety had been louder than my desire and I didn’t want to get into it and then bail. I definitely hadn’t wanted to do it and then have any sort of regret. That would be horrible. I would not have any regrets with Cordelia.

  “Mmmm, yes,” I said, grinning at her. She popped up and shoved me so she could lie down.

  “Good because I have been dying to see what you can do with that tongue, Chase Hillier.” I made a little growling sound and she squealed.

  “Are you sure you’re ready for this?” I asked.

  “I don’t think I’ll ever be ready for you, Chase, but that’s not going to stop me.” I’d take it. I dragged my hands down her front, stopping briefly to tweak her nipples and make her jump before I got to the button on her pants.

  “Just take them off before I die from anticipation,” she said, and I laughed. I popped the button of her jeans and started to tug them down her legs. I left her underwear on. For now.

  There was a little struggle to get them off over her feet (they were obscenely tight), but with a little wrangling, I got them off and tossed them on the floor.

  Her legs were thick and curved perfectly. So much freckled skin spread out before me. Cordelia’s panties were black with red cherries printed on them. Strangely appropriate for the current situation.

  “Your body is just so fucking great,” I said, running my hands up her calves. She parted her legs just a little bit for me and blushed and those two things together were making me want her even more.

  “I don’t even know what to do,” I admitted. I kept stroking her legs, going a little higher each time.

  “Do whatever you want, Chase. I’m all yours.” The fact that she trusted me so much was intense. I knew if I sat here and worried about where to start, I would end up not doing anything and be paralyzed with indecision and we’d never get anywhere.

  I wanted to touch her, so I reached out and brushed my hand along the front of her panties. She made a whimpering sound. I stroked her again, and pressed a little harder. Her hips reached for me. I stroked downward, right through her center and her legs twitched and spread wider for me. What a good girl.

  I hooked my finger under the top edge of her panties and started to pull at them. She lifted her hips to help me. I could barely breath as I revealed her and worked the panties off her legs to join her pants on the floor.

  I had Cordelia Scott completely naked and I had never seen anything sexier. My hand shook as I touched her at the juncture of her legs. Before I could think about it, I brought my head down and kissed her. She made incoherent sounds and I thought she was asking me for more, but her words were garbled. Still, I could tell she liked what I was doing. I brushed her with my fingers, letting them play with her clit, with her inner and outer lips, tickling and teasing. Her legs were shaking.

  Finally, I made out one word that she said, “please.”

  “Please, what?” I asked, looking up as I let my index finger hover at her entrance.

  “Please, Chase,” she said, pushing herself into my hand.

  “Tell me what you want,” I said again. I wanted to hear dirty words from her pretty mouth. I wanted to hear her ask me for what she wanted. And then I would give it to her.

  “Please fuck me with your tongue and your fingers, oh god,” she said in a rush. I didn’t expect her to ask so easily, so now it was up to me to comply.

  “My pleasure,” I said. “All you have to do is ask.”

  I teased her entrance with my fingers and then moved them so I could touch her with my tongue. I had no idea what she would taste like, and the second her taste hit my tongue, I wanted to devour her. Savor her. I licked her up and down, and found her clit, flicking it experimentally. Oh, she liked that. She liked that a lot. I continued until she was a complete mess, moaning and begging me. My hands continued to stroke her opening and I tentatively inserted one finger. She gasped at the intrusion, so I stopped. I could feel her internally tugging at me, as if she was begging with her body and her words.

  “More please,” she gasped out and I pushed my finger further.

  “Fuck!” she said, her back coming off the bed. I flicked her clit with my tongue as I pushed my finger all the way inside. She threw her head back and panted and I loved every second of it. I retracted my finger and then dove into her again, and then again, and then again. I kept up my assault of her clit with my tongue. When it felt like she was ready, I added another finger, curling it forward to where I hoped her g spot was. Sure, I didn’t have experience doing this to someone else, but I had the same set of equipment and had been getting myself off for years. I figured I would try what worked for me and go from there.

  My fingers kept up a steady rhythm and I matched it with my tongue. Her hips thrust toward my mouth and I worried a little about her knocking my teeth out with her pelvis, but honestly, I wouldn’t care all that much. As long as I got her off, that was what mattered.

  “Fuck, Chase, fuckkkkkkkk,” she drew the word out and I wanted to ask if she was close, but my mouth was busy and it seemed like a foregone conclusion as her inner walls pulled at my fingers and her hips shook with tremors. I kept it up with my mouth and my hand to draw her climax out.

  The sounds she made ... I would never forget those sounds as I made her come. I mad
e a decision right then to devote a portion of my time to getting her to make those noises as often as possible.

  Her body quieted and I smiled up at her from between her thighs. I was the actual happiest girl in the entire world.

  “Holy fucking fuck shit fuck,” she said. Her cheeks were beautifully flushed. She smiled down at me and stroked some of my hair out of my face. The strands had gotten in the way and now they smelled like her.

  “Was that okay?” I asked, but I pretty much knew the answer.

  “Fucking fuck, I thought I was actually going to die from too much pleasure. That was just ... holy shit, Chase. I mean, I know I literally had my first orgasm like a few days ago, but holy fuck.” She giggled a little and pushed her hair back. It was all over the place and I wanted to bury my face in it.

  “Well, that was my first time going down on anyone, so I didn’t really know what I was doing, but I guess it worked?” She growled and grabbed my face, pulling me up so she could kiss my mouth.

  “Yeah, little bit,” she said, and then devoured my mouth. My face was wet from her, but she didn’t seem to mind at all. She kissed me long and hard and everything below the waist ached with want and need. It would have to wait for another time. I didn’t want to be reckless and say “sure, go for it,” if I wasn’t ready, and I didn’t think I was. I wouldn’t let the lusty thoughts override my sensible thoughts.

  “Fuck,” she said again and wrapped her legs around me. It did not escape my attention that she was completely and totally naked as she grinded against me and kissed me.

  I grabbed onto her because she was like a tornado of red hair and need and desire. I reached a hand between us and started fiddling with her clit, which made her thrust herself against my hand and I got her off again that way in only a few moments. This time I watched her face as she came, as she fell apart and came back together.

  “You are pretty much the best thing that’s happened to me, ever,” she said. I knew what she meant. I rubbed my head against her hair.

  “I wish we could just stay in this room sometimes. Just the two of us having a world of our own. Nothing to face outside,” I said. That would be heaven.