Read Chris Lawler 'One Of A Kind' Page 8



  Chris found himself excited and relieved to be boarding his final connecting aircraft at Bombay airport, on his way back to the United Kingdom. Looking forward to a spot of long awaited leave.

  He was pleasantly surprised to find himself seated next to a pretty young girl to his right. While to her right, was a young guy who he assumed incorrectly was her boyfriend. To his left was the aisle, with a further three seats on the other side of the aircraft. There did not seem to be an empty seat anywhere.

  They were seated on the starboard side, a few rows back from the galley area from where the hostesses would serve their meals. While directly behind the galley draped across the aisle was a curtain preventing a view of the First and Business class passenger’s area from the Economy class, or as Chris often called it, the Cattle Class.

  Upon further inspection of his surroundings and looking out of the window to the right he noticed that they were seated in line with the trailing edge of the wing, slightly restricting their view outside. However, Chris was satisfied and aware of his position on the aircraft.

  Knowing that they would be seated next to each other for several hours, Chris introduced himself to the young girl, whose name was Emily and came from London. “Oh that’s where I usually stay, what suburb,” Chris asked. “Camberwell” she replied. “Wow that’s close, just up the road from me” Chris answered. That was the opening for them to carry on talking. It was also then that he realised the fellow to her right were not connected in anyway. When he introduced himself to both of them as John Taylor from Ipswich in Suffolk.

  Within thirty minutes the aircraft took off and levelled out at its chosen flight altitude, and all three sat back to enjoy a couple of drinks that the air hostesses were already serving the passengers, from their portable bar trolleys.

  Chris decided to leave the alcohol alone for the time being as it was going to be a long trip, instead he chose a soft drink. At first all three of them chatted. Talking about where they had come from, where they were going and of what they did for a living. Although when it came to Chris he just kept it simple and said that he had been in the military.

  John was the first to drop out of the conversation triangle, probably realising that Chris was getting more attention from Emily than he was. Chris thought Emily to be a good-looking young girl, although picking her up was the last thing on his mind. Once again he had to admit that he preferred talking to female company rather than males, as he had mentioned to June back in Vietnam. Believing them to be far more interesting in many ways, and that he always felt relaxed and at ease when in their company.

  After a couple of drinks Emily began to feel at ease with Chris and dropped her guard a little and started to open up about herself. She was not married or in a relationship with anybody. Although she had to admit that she was still looking. She was full of giggles and certainly enjoyed a joke. Something that Chris could not help himself with, and exploited the situation cracking as many as was possible. She even wrote down her phone number, and Chris popped it in his wallet for safekeeping. Slowly the conversation gradually ran out of steam and subjects to talk about, as Emily closed her eyes and nodded off to sleep.

  Being a military minded person Chris was constantly monitoring what was going on around him. If anything was to happen, he always needed a plan in his head of how he was going to respond. On many occasions whenever he entered a lift he would always look up searching for the trap door that he knew would always be there, if needed.

  A couple of hours into the flight and his attention suddenly became focused on a passenger of middle eastern appearance who had been sitting a few rows in front of him on the other side of the aisle.

  He suddenly jumped up and positioned himself in the middle of the aisle in front of the galley waving a pistol, and screaming at the top of his voice. While looking around him at break neck speed, in case somebody tried to creep up behind him. He continued to warn all passengers that they should stay in their seats. Although Chris doubted very much that many understood what he was saying as his English was poor. Once some of the passenger’s start screaming it sounded like a rock concert he had attended many years earlier when he couldn’t hear the music. However, it only took a split second for Chris to realise that they were all in deep trouble, and it was not going to be easy to extract himself from the situation. Realising that was more than likely going to develop further.

  Watching and listening closely as to what the gunman’s demands were, Chris could not help noticing that he had a slight bend in the end of his nose and within seconds he subconsciously nick named him ‘Hook Nose’. An old trick he had been taught by an old friend Vince a magician who he had befriended many years earlier while he was in the Army. Vince had called it facial recognition, a way of putting a person’s name to his face and remembering it later. Vince’s claim to fame was that at the end of each show, he was able to remember the names of up to 250 people in his audience. Having earlier been personally introduced to them as they entered his show. The trick was to find something in their looks that stood out, and in most cases the funnier the look you could focus on, the easier it was to remember the name.

  Just then a girl with a silk scarf covering her head, but not her face, appeared through the curtain by the galley waving a pistol. Without hesitation Chris named her ‘G-hat’ on account that the scarf looked like a hat and she also looked like a person of Arab descent. Her sudden appearance only raised the level of screaming that was coming from the passengers, especially the older ones.

  Chris was now aware that there were at least two of what he was now convinced were hijackers. He also knew that two was an unlikely small number, and would expect that there were at least another two somewhere on board the plane. It was easy for him to surmise that one would probably be breaking into the pilot’s cabin at that very moment, who he had already nick named the ‘Pilot’. Maybe there was another one further back near the rear of the aircraft, who he was about to name the ‘Rear Gunner’.

  After a few moments the girl then turned and returned back into the first class compartment drawing the curtain behind her. Immediately Chris picked up on a mistake, and if they had made one, he was guessing that they would make another. By closing the curtain, she was isolating Business Class from Economy and of seeing what was going on. It also meant that the hijackers were also out of each other’s line of sight. Not knowing what was happening to each other. It also occurred to Chris that maybe G-Hat was in charge, otherwise why had ‘Hook Nose’ not looked in on her to see what she was doing.

  Chris was trying to keep calm while trying to build a picture in his mind of what was happening. While all around him pandemonium had set in, as many of the passengers were crying and talking aloud. Some were even trying to stand up, which only infuriated ‘Hook Nose’ further.

  ‘Hook Nose’ made his way down the aisle attempting to hit those that were standing with the butt of his pistol, while shouting at them to sit down and shut up.

  It was second nature for Chris to slightly look away as ‘Hook Nose’ walked past him and to give the impression that he was shaking, not wanting to draw attention or to make eye contact. Whilst at the same time not wanting to attract his attention further by staring deliberately in the opposite direction. Chris looked briefly at him and slowly dropped his glance down toward the back of the seat in front of him. He was at a loss as to what to do next. He sure as hell did not want to end up being pistol whipped or dead. He dared not think of the consequence if the hijackers aim was to crash the plane in to a building somewhere. Although if that were the case he did not mind sacrificing his life to at least try and stop them from achieving their goal, and hopefully save other lives.

  He also realised that whatever he tried, he knew he was on his own. For the moment he was assuming that there were only four suspects on the plane. However, for all he knew there may have been dozens of them, staying seated and in the back ground watching where problems
might arise, so they could tackle it head on.

  Any thought of an armed Air Marshal to help out was almost none existent. He knew that they were only assigned to a low percentage of aircraft, and on certain flights that might attract a terrorist’s hijack attempt. Without realising it he found himself saying that the powers that be, had sure got this one wrong.

  Suddenly everybody on the flight were stunned and shaken by the sound of a single shot, coming from somewhere up the front of the Aircraft.

  Unknown to the passengers, ‘G-Hat’ had made her way to the cock pit hoping to take control of the aircraft, only to find that she was locked out.

  However, unbeknown to ‘G-Hat’, as she had pushed her way past a quick thinking hostess she had pushed a button in the business galley. A pre-arranged signal warning the Captain that there was a problem back in the passenger department. Immediately he flicked a switch securely locking the door behind him.

  Finding the door locked her frustration got the better of her as she started constantly smashing the pistol butt up against the door. After a few seconds her temper got the better of her and she stood back and fired a shot, that penetrated the door, spraying her with a small amount of debris, some of which ending up in her right eye. However, she was not aware that the shot after passing through the door had struck the co-pilot in the upper left arm.

  As pre-planned, the Pilot made no verbal contact with whoever was behind the door. This frustrate her further to the point where she returned to the Business class intending to vent her anger on them.

  While back in Economy class, gun tooting ‘Hook Nose’ was still shouting at the passengers not knowing what was going on forward of the aircraft. He suddenly shouted out asking if anybody on board were Jewish. This also confirmed to Chris that they were definitely of Middle Eastern origin. Slowly some of the passengers raised their hands, while Chris was relieved that his two fellow passengers next to him did not put their hand up.

  It was only then that Chris realised that, sat in front of ‘Hook Nose’ was one of the airhostess's. Whenever ‘Hook Nose’ made a threat and waved his gun around, he always ended up pointed the pistol at her.

  Those that raised their hands were ordered forward to sit in front of him. While the passengers already seated there had to move back and find a seat being vacated. This turned into a bit of a farce as people were squeezing past each other, and at times ‘Hook Nose’ could not see what was going on.

  Chris used the confusion to lean forward to lower his profile a little and leaned over facing Emily beckoning David to lean towards him. “Listen to me we haven't got long. This is a hijack, do what I tell you and you might be okay. Whatever happens, do as I say and do it fast, but don't panic. Whenever they walk our way along the aisle don't look at them. Do not give them any eye contact. They will be looking for people to make an example of, or bargain with. Don't look at them at any time like I say give them no eye contact. Just hang your head and look very scared.” Although he did not need to mention that, as he could see that they were already well and truly terrorised. Already believing that they were going to die. Chris then regained his position, to await further developments.

  Once the Jewish passengers were re-seated, ‘Hook Nose’ then asked everybody to take out their passports, as he wanted to check them personally.

  Within a split second, almost every passenger in the economy class stood up at the same time and tried to get to their hand luggage from the overhead lockers. Chris could see that they were all terrified and panicking. Gun tooting ‘Hook Nose’ completely lost his temper shouting to the passengers to do it in an orderly fashion. Finally, he ordered those on the left to do it first. This was even more confusing as the passengers got their left and rights all mixed up. Not knowing if it was their left and right, or the gun mans. Adding to the commotion was the lockers being opened and closed, while passengers were talking and shouting. It all aroused the attention of ‘G-Hat’ who suddenly re-appeared from behind the curtain to see for herself what was going on.

  This really did confirm to Chris that she was in charge of what was taking place. He could also see in her reaction and speech that she was not happy in the way that ‘Hook Nose’ was conducting his role in carrying out her orders. Leaving Chris wondering if in fact it was his first attempted hijack. Whereas she seemed like an old hand at hijacking, having under taken it before.

  Chris’s brain was working over time trying to take in every minute detail that was happening around him. He was still not sure if there were other gunmen on the flight, but he was starting to think that maybe it was just these two.

  ‘Hook Nose’ was definitely the new guy on the block and to Chris he would be the easiest to take out. Lucky for him, once again ‘G-Hat’ suddenly disappeared behind the curtain and Chris gave a sigh of relief. This was just what he needed, and time to think. Although planning was not usually something he would normally do. In these situations, you have to take your chance whenever it presented its self, although knowing the lye of the land before hand was usually a great help.

  When ‘G-Hat’ returned she whispered something in ‘Hook Noses’ ear and proceeded down the aisle looking at the passports that by now most had retrieved from their belongings. After looking at Chris’s and his friends she proceeded up the aisle. He wanted to look back and see what she was doing, but did not want to draw ‘Hook Noses’ attention standing in front of him. Chris bit his lip as they say and kept looking forward hoping to blend in as planned.

  Un-aware to Chris, ‘G-Hat’ was slowly making her way along the aisle looking at all the passengers and their passports on both sides of the aircraft. Some had to move forward, creating fresh confusion as they squeezed past each other in the aisle. Eventual she arrived to a position near the back of the aircraft where the three seats on either side dwindled to two.

  Where she came across an elderly woman sitting near the window who was having a problem trying to control herself with what was happening. ‘G-Hat’ asked for her passport, which became a signal for her to really panic. After standing up she was now talking aloud, and fast as she continued to fumble around in her handbag, not realise what she was doing. In order to get to the Passport, she attempted to remove another item from her bag.

  At the sight of an unidentified dark coloured object starting to appear from her bag ‘G-Hat’ also panicked, and in that split second she fired at the old lady. Her action had been so quick and un-planned that the gun was not even accurately pointing towards her. Instead the bullet passed very close to her right arm and hit the window beside her.

  There was an immediate almighty explosion as the window shattered and was sucked out of its frame. Tearing a gaping hole in the side of the fuselage, next to where the woman had been standing. As she was standing and not strapped in, along with the rush of pressurised air in cabin she was immediately sucked out of the hole and disappeared along with other small items that had been around her. As ‘G-Hat’ had also not been strapped in and was leaning over towards her, she was also sucked out. Leaving the old lady’s friend who was strapped to his seat, sitting by the hole with a torrent of loose objects and rubbish flying past, hitting him as they were also being sucked out. The size of the hole in the fuselage was not much bigger than the window had been, but the bodies were squeezed through in a slit second. Immediately the cabin looked like it was full of fog, as the air pressure dropped dramatically.

  Pandemonium broke out everywhere on the plane. The sound of a gun being fired followed by an explosion meant only one thing to most of the people on board including the staff of the aircraft that they were they going to crash.

  The Aircraft suddenly dropped its nose as the pilots were trying to control a dive to get the plane to a much lower altitude, as most of the oxygen masks throughout the aircraft were suddenly dropped from above the passengers.

  With all the mayhem going on Chris knew it was his one chance to disarm ‘Hook Nose’ as he struggled and tried to make his way up the aisle to see
what had happened to his friend. Although it wasn’t going to be easy as anything loose was by now flying around inside the cabin. A very loud high pitch hissing noise deafened many of the passengers near the area of the explosion, as the air was escaping from the cabin. However, their screams and shouting although very loud could not be understood as the roar within the cabin became even louder.

  Slowly ‘Hook Nose’ approached Chris’s position, as he slowly tried to inch his way along the aisle to try and find out if his leader was okay. Which was not an easy task as some of the lockers above were by now dropping open and spilling bags and belongings on to everybody below, while others landed in the aisle.

  Once he had passed Chris, he knew it was his one and only chance. Quickly but silently he parted his seat belt and got to his feet and turned to face the back of his intended victim. He took one step to his left and another forward bringing him unseen up close behind ‘Hook Nose’. His left hand reached around ‘Hook Noses’ left side of his head and he grabbed hold of his nose and mouth squeezing them both closed in a vice like grip. While just a split second earlier he’d raised his right foot and flicked it into the back of ‘Hook Noses’ right knee. This at first would have startled and surprised him, wondering what was going on and to try and take a deep breath of air through his mouth. Which was by now totally impossible as Chris was keeping it shut tight. The kick also meant that his legs became bent and he fell back onto Chris who was already removing the pistol from his right hand. A method he had learnt of silently creeping up to disable and disarming a sentry on guard at night, while in the military earlier in his career. In fact, if the sentry had been standing with a rifle on his right hand side, as with most military establishments. Chris would have used the same foot that kicked him in the back of the right knee, to stop the rifle dropping to the ground and making a noise. Having dropped his knife, he could then have grabbed the rifle as it was leaning on his right foot.

  While still holding ‘Hook Nose’ Chris pushed him back up to an upright position and then forced him to fall forward to hit the deck with a loud thump face down. Chris immediately dropped to his knees that landed in the middle of his back. Knock the remainder of the air out of his lungs. Chris turned around trying to shout to the other passengers to stay where they were. Just in case there were other hijackers on the aircraft. Not realising that the noise within the cabin was deafening.

  Sadly, it was too late as a couple of the older ladies around him had already started screaming even louder. Chris had no choice but to totally disable the guy he was still holding tight. Whereas he’d been trained to use a knife in his right hand he now had a gun and did not want to use it as it might alert other would be terrorist on board the aircraft. Not to mention upsetting the passengers further, not knowing what they might do. On the other hand, in order to free up his hands he had to disable the guy permanently.

  One of the hostess realised what was happening and grabbing a small piece of string from one of lockers in the galley, rush forward to give it to Chris who tied his thumbs together behind his back, and to one leg that he had brought up behind his back. While ‘Hook Nose’ was still wondering what had happened to him.

  Having picked up the gun Chris left his prisoner lying face down in the aisle and grabbed the hostess arm and leaned over to shout near her ear. “We should check the passengers further back where all the debris was heading, somebody might need our help.”

  Slowly they both made their way to the back to where the explosion had taken place. Hoping to help the old gentleman who was still strapped in the aisle seat, next to the hole in the fuselage. Although his wife who had been seated beside him on the outside was gone and there was a lot of blood around the hole. The gentlemen looked in pain and his face was covered with blood.

  It was not easy as the rush of air was so powerful it was hard to keep your footing around that area. They needed to move some of the passengers further forward as the row in front, and a couple of rows on the other side of the aisle could be seen moving. Leaving Chris to suspect that the passengers still seated were in danger of also being sucked out. A couple of them were nursing their heads leaving Chris to suspect that flying debris had injured them.

  Other passengers started to join in and help after seeing what Chris and the Airhostess where trying to achieve. They were further helped as the pilots had managed to drop the aircraft to a much lower altitude relieving the pressure in the cabin with that of outside. Although the hissing had stopped, there was now a roar although being a deeper sound it could be tolerated more than the high-pitched hiss that they had first endured.

  Even though things were starting to look better for them, some of the other passengers were still in a state of utter shock. Some were crying, some were talking aloud asking others what was happening, always adding “are we going to crash”.

  Moving the passengers around from the accident area, was harder than had been first anticipated. Owing to the fact that the aircraft was full, and that it had a very narrow gangway. To complicate matters further the prisoner was still lying face down in the aisle near Emily. Where he was to stay during the remainder of the flight.

  Chris’s seat had been given to one of the movers. It was hard for people to brush past others who had earlier been moved forward. Some were allowed to sit on the floor by the emergency exits. Usually against all the air navigation rules, but this was an emergency and they had to go somewhere. While others stood around in the galley area, two lucky ones ended up with a seat in the First class area. How the rules were going to apply about seat belts being worn while landing, nobody had even thought of that. Chris believing that he or the hostess would come up with something when it happened While his comical brain told him that they might not need that if they were to crash.

  Chris grabbed the hostess arm and leaned over to shout near her ear, telling her that she should go forward and tell the Captain what had happened and that he would like to go with her.

  They arrived at the cockpit door to find it still locked and with what looked like a bullet hole in the middle at about chest height. At first the pilots would not let the hostess in. However, after some sort of code between them, and against company rules they finally unlocked and let them in.

  Somehow the Captain had miraculously gain some sort of control the aircraft and was about to level off at a much lower altitude of around 9000feet, so that the passengers who had no masks could at least breathe a little better. While it was plain to see that the co-pilot had been shot, as there was blood all over his clothes. However, he was still assisting the captain to fly the aircraft.

  The Airhostess told the Captain what had happened and that Chris had disarmed the other one. After which Chris handed over the pistol, thinking it was best up the front, as he was still not sure if there were any other gunmen on board. Thinking along the lines that the less amount of weapons in the cabin, the better. He had come to the conclusion that if there was another gunman on board he was not going to show himself. He was probably waiting a chance to leave the aircraft along with all the other passengers and escape quietly into the background.

  Chris then asked the Captain of the predicament and crisis they were in and what were his intensions. To which he replied that they were over Northern Jordan and that there were not too many airfields where he could make an emergency landing. Adding that at the moment he was still heading for Istanbul airport in Turkey.

  Chris jogged his memory of an incident that had taken place during September 1970. When four civilian aircraft bound for New York in American were hijacked and ordered to land at Dawson’s Field a remote desert airstrip that was formally an old British Royal Air Force base, near Zarka in Jordan. The Captain joined in telling Chris, that Dawson’s Field would be his last resort, not wanting to go anywhere near it. Unless things change for the worse, he was going to keep going, and had already pre-warn Istanbul that they were in an emergency condition, and was wanting a priority landing when they eventually arrived in the
ir area.

  The next hour was one of total worry for all on board, and of what might happen to them next. Were they going to make it or were they going to crash.

  An hour later and all on board were informed by the pilot that they were flying over Turkey, and that he was in the process of lining up the aircraft to land. A few minutes later the aircraft bumped onto the tarmac, as the passengers let their emotions be heard, with signs of relieve and a lot of clapping, and loud cheering.

  As for Chris, he was trying to think of a way that he could leave the aircraft un-noticed. All he wanted to do was to fade into in the back ground, not wanting any publicity.