Read Christian Romance: I Think I'm Falling For You... A Beautiful Christian Romance Story Page 3

five hundred butter cream cupcakes at the reception, and unless we ice them in the reception area itself, those cupcakes are gonna look like…well bad,” and Tristan shrugged his shoulders as if he was taking the burden off his shoulders and into her own.

  “Couldn’t you reason with her?”

  “Suzanne knows what she wants, and Jonathan wants what Suzanne wants so…”

  Elise closed her eyes. She wanted to strangle him, yes definitely strangle him right now.

  “So…is it possible?”

  “Like I said, unless we ice them at the venue itself, 30 minutes before we serve them, then it’s possible.”

  “Then that’s what we’ll do. What other concerns do you have?”

  Tristan stood up shaking his head, but before he got to the door, he suddenly turned and said, “Oh yes, I almost forgot. Jonathan and Suzanne invited us to a party that Milestone Records are going to hold for Suzanne on Friday, to congratulate her and all that. Aunt Jem thought it was a great opportunity to meet new clients and told them the two of us would go. So what do you think? Should I pick you up at 8:00?”

  It had been a trying day. After that little bomb Tristan had set off in her office.

  A Trying Day...

  It had been a trying day. After that little bomb Tristan had set off in her office, Elise gathered composure and said she’d think about it, as she might be otherwise employed. Tristan was getting into her nerves and maybe under her skin too. She can’t let this happen. He was an employee and she was a business woman, that was all it was supposed to be, she can’t be feeling anything else. It was settled then, she wasn’t going.

  “Hey dear, can I have a word?” said Aunt Jem as she passed by the office.

  “Of course auntie, what is it?”

  “It’s about the party this Friday,” Elise groaned internally. “I know your first priority is your business right now, but this is a good thing. You can do business and have some fun at the same time. Not to mention get to know our chief baker a bit better. You have to admit, he’ll be a great asset to our company.”

  “Nonsense, he’s not half as good a baker as you, and Kathy’s really good too.”

  “Say what you like Elise, but Tristan’s the main reason we got the Saldana-Cane wedding.”

  Tristan? Now that she thought about it, Tristan had called her aunt simply as Jem earlier. These two seemed to be getting chummy now, and that was a bit dangerous. Elise took a deep breath.

  “I’ll be busy on Friday.”

  “Doing what?”

  “Important things aunt. Why don’t you go out with ‘Tristan’?”

  “I have Friday night dinner with Mabel and the girls, you know that. And it’s your responsibility to market the company right? Why don’t you do that? There’s sure to be many big wigs at that party. A good businesswoman would do it I’m sure.”

  Elise couldn’t think of a reply. What could she say? Her aunt was right.

  “Fine, I’ll go. Tell Mr. Maine to meet me here at 8:00 tomorrow night.”

  “Nonsense, he’ll pick you up at your house. I’ll tell him where and he’ll come to your doorstep and take you in his car. Like a proper first date.”

  “It won’t be a date but more of a business meeting.”

  “Don’t forget we have Mass on Saturday so don’t stay out too late.”

  “There will be no reason for me to be out late and of course I’d never miss mass. I have to give thanks for all my blessings and this week was especially fruitful.”

  “I think so too,” said Aunt Jem, smiling slyly.

  Elise could only shake her head. Her aunt can romanticize it all she likes; there was nothing more to this party than a business venture.

  A Night Out...

  Despite swearing that it was nothing but a business venture, Elise couldn’t help but be nervous though she really couldn’t say exactly why. Couldn’t or wouldn’t? There was nothing to do but to admit it. Tristan Maine was dreamy. He had the looks that could make any woman swoon, and if Elise allowed herself, she would probably fall to his feet too. She saw how the girls looked at Tristan, even Kathy stared at him sometimes, and Elise knew that Tristan was very aware of his own good looks. That’s why he’s so fresh all the time, Elise thought to herself.

  She looked at her reflection. It had taken nearly an hour and a half, but she had finally settled for her purple, floor length halter dress. She had loved how it looked at the store and it set off her gray eyes wonderfully. She pulled her hair into a simple bun and wore no jewelry. She wanted to impress any prospective clients and, though she would never say so out loud, she wanted to be beautiful for Tristan too, and for herself.

  God give me strength and good judgment. I entrust myself to you and your will. Guide me now, for I am confused. Should I let myself feel this way? Mother what do I do?

  Elise found herself praying as she always did when she didn’t know what else to do or couldn’t make a decision. It always made her feel better, feeling God’s presence and even her mom’s.

  At exactly 8:00 o’clock, her doorbell rang. Elise took a deep breath and looked at her face. She didn’t put on much make-up, just some pink lipstick, mascara and eyeliner. She looked alright.

  She went to her door and let Tristan in.

  “Would you like a drink Mr. Maine?”

  “We’re out of the office Miss Coleson, surely it can be Elise and Tristan now?”

  “I suppose… Tristan. Would you stop ogling me please, it’s very uncomfortable.”

  “Pardon me,” Tristan said, closing his eyes and blushing a bit. “I’ve just never seen you so, well, to be blunt, so divinely beautiful.”

  It was Elise’s turn to blush, “I don’t very much like being likened to the divine, it’s very unreasonable.”

  “Not if it’s true Elise, I’m sorry, we should get going then?”

  “I never got you that drink though. Well we should go.”

  Tristan helped her into the car and held the door for her. As she stepped inside he held her hand and Elise felt herself break out in cold sweat. A shiver ran down her spine from where he touched her back. What is happening here? Why does Tristan Maine make me feel this way? Elise could only grit her teeth. She had had suitors but none of them ever reduced her to pile of nerves. There was something about Tristan that made her feel vulnerable. God help me, what am I to do?

  They drove to the event in silence, but it was not uncomfortable, it felt like a familiar silence she could bask in. The party was being held at the headquarters of Milestone Records, in the building aptly named the Sky Tower.

  Tristan pulled up and helped Elise out of the car and then left the keys to the valet.

  When they were at the elevator, there was silence again.

  “Have you been to many of these parties Elise?” broached Tristan.

  “No. I hardly go to parties, unless they’re for business. You could say I haven’t got much life in my social life. I’m sure you must love to go to these things Tristan?”

  “Well, I used to. But this is the first one in more than a year. I’ve decided to change my life. I’m turning over a new leaf.”

  “I wouldn’t know Mr. Maine, I didn’t know you back then.”

  “Formalities again Elise? I’m glad you didn’t know me back then. I don’t think you’d have liked the person I was.”

  “I’m not sure I very much approve of everything you are now,” she said with a smile. “But I can commend your efforts to become a better person.”

  Then the doors of the elevator opened up to a hallway. “We welcome you to the Milestone Party in honor of Miss Suzanne Saldana, who blessed the world with music and was blessed with Love,” was written on a big sign in front of the elevator. There was no one on the hallway and they could hear the party in full swing behind the doors. Tristan took Elise’s hand and put it on his arm. Before they opened the doors, they looked into each other’s eyes and smiled.

  “Tristan darling! I haven’t seen you in forever! Has it
really been two years?” said the third blonde woman who apparently knew Tristan to approach them since they came in 15 minutes ago. When Tristan alluded to his past as a socialite, he wasn’t joking or exaggerating. Everyone seemed to know him and women were just coming from everywhere to have a word. Elise didn’t know anyone, and it was a bit embarrassing and annoying too, to have women come up to Tristan then notice her hand on his arm and look her up and down.

  God give me strength and guidance, she prayed for the fifth time. She was lost in this place and she didn’t know what to do or who to talk to.

  “Elise? Elise Coleson?” She heard her name being called from across the room as Tristan entertained his acquaintance. Elise turned to look at who it was and found it was her good friend from college, Daniel Dayfield.

  “Danny? This is such a treat! I thought you were in Europe or something,” she said as Danny, her confidante and crush at one time, came toward her. They hugged tightly, she truly missed him. He was still handsome and had the body of an athlete; he didn’t seem to age a day.

  “I got back like half a year ago. I’m working for Milestone now. I was hoping to get back in touch with you but no one seemed to have your cell phone. They did say you were crazy successful with your bake shop though. How’s it going?”

  “Oh, we’re making Suzanne’s cake and she invited us here. Working for Milestone huh? Wow, I thought you said you were going to live in France?”

  “Yeah well, you know, you miss home and family after a while it turns out. Really Elise, I’m blown away, you look