Read Christmas 6102 Page 1


  Christmas 6102

  Robert C. Waggoner

  Copyright 2016 by Robert C. Waggoner


  Christmas 6102

  "Dad, let's turn on the snow. It's almost Christmas Eve. I love it when we have a warm fire and it's snowing outside. The wonderful smell of an evergreen tree only increases my love of the holiday season," said Joey.

  "A fine idea," said Dad. "I'll program it for noon. Your sister will be back by then. She's giving a lecture on Dome Living to some off-worlders."

  "When will Mother be home," asked Joey, doing a standing back flip landing perfectly and softly on his feet.

  "Ah, she should be home about the same time. She's getting a scan on her body to make sure all is well mechanically. You're old enough now to learn that our bodies are entirely man-made and the only thing human we have left is our brain."

  "We learned that last year and it's no big deal Dad. We got to watch what they called videos of many thousands of years ago of humans who had bodies made of tissue and full of a red substance called blood."

  "I think, Joey that it must be close to the time for a body change for you. I'm surprised we've not been notified about that yet. Your brain growth must have a body that fits the knowledge it stores."

  "I check all the time Dad. When I pass under our screen, it tells me when I need a new outfit. Let me go check. I sure don't want to have an accident and hurt my precious head. My friends tell me it's not a good idea to have to get a replacement brain. The overseers save the best ones for their friends and relatives.''

  Mr. Lather, one of five directors of the planet's dome, was a little worried because a giant asteroid was headed our way. However, he was not going to let that spoil the Christmas Holiday. It was the only holdover holiday from Old Earth.

  It was mandatory for all citizens to study their beginnings on the planet Earth. The origins, both scientific and religious, were part of the curriculum. Archeologists kept a good record until pictures and then videos replaced the written word. The idea was to show sentient beings what not to do when habiting a planet. The humans of old were destructive and violent. Others in the universe were similar. That is why the planet's dome was put in place. There were two reasons: one was to generate the desired environment and the other was for defense.

  So far, when attacked, the done protected their planet from destruction. It would be a mighty test coming with the asteroid about to impact the dome in less than a week.

  "Dad, hey Dad, are you still here or out in space somewhere," asked Joey.

  "No son, I'm here, but thinking about if our protective shield is strong enough to withstand the impact of a giant asteroid bearing down upon us. I talked to Mr. Lather about it and he said not to worry. Well, son, I'm a little worried. I've a meeting with the directors tonight. When your mother comes home, I'll leave for the Tower."

  Last year at the learning center they did the research on the T-Tower. Officially it was the T-Tower, but for thousands of years, became shortened to just 'Tower'. It seemed that about four thousand years ago, Earth had an interesting president that came along stirring up the masses He was best known for the Trump Towers. Hence the T-Tower's became famous. However, the record was unclear what happened to the former President Trump. He faded into obscurity after his hay day behind the Oval Desk. It was not long after that man decided living off world would be safer than looking over your shoulder wondering what was coming next.

  Joey went to his room to have some fun with his holographs. Like most young boys, he liked to fly fighter space craft's that engaged the enemy. However, after he was all set to play, a thought occurred to him. He thought about watching some old movies of Christmas time. The one he chose was a restored movie of a stingy old man who cared for nothing except himself. Joey laughed thinking that is what this Trump guy was all about. In the end, greedy self centered, stingy people die very lonely.

  Just as Joey finished watching his movie, his mother came home announcing there was a Christmas festival they could all go to. She said, "It contains skiing downhill with the snow blowing in your face. There are toboggan races you can sit in and race down the ice hills; and ski jumping. For us old timers, we can enjoy ice skating, sleigh rides and singing carols at the simulated church. It should be fun, don't you think, Joey?"

  "Let's go. I'll send a message to my friend using my new telepathy Dad got me for an early Christmas present. I'm so happy I could just jump off the building.

  That night, yes, the overseers made sure there was night and day to keep the rhythm or cycle of old school going. It was a time of rest that nobody really needed. However, the Watchers were always on the job peering into screens looking for any trouble that the universe was so unexpectedly able to throw at them. Besides they had to keep an eye on the giant asteroid bearing down upon the planet.

  After a great time at the Christmas festival, it was time to enjoy the pleasure of really old times of window shopping on special streets duplicated to resemble old earth towns. In those days, businesses closed at 5 pm. Everyone went home to eat dinner and be a family. The streets became deserted except for the cafés and theatre. However, all the stores, department, jewelry, variety and so on left their window lights on to show off their wares. One store in particular, the jewelry store, always shone brightly with diamonds glistening off the mirror and windows. In addition, the show rooms were decorated in the Christmas spirit. There were colored lights, glass balls of various colors, strings of what was called icing resembling frozen ice cycles. Also, green boughs of evergreen nicely placed made it feel like a forest of color. On the doors a wreath welcomes the visitor or customer. Inside the store Christmas music played constantly. It gave all a warm holiday spirit to spend money and give to family and friends.

  Joey and family loved this old time feeling of holiday cheer. When they were finished, they went to a shop that sold foods of the past, such as, fudge, divinity, baked apples with caramel, hot drinks of various flavors and of course, popcorn balls. One of the hardest things to duplicate was turkeys and hams. Once again, over the centuries, even those were passable.

  Sadly, their mechanical bodies would not digest the eaten food, it simply passed into a holding tank for elimination when full. However, the taste was there and they all enjoyed the old time holiday foods.

  Father said, "Well, let's go home and see what the latest is about the asteroid coming."

  At home the video from the Overseers was playing over and over. It told everyone that if they wanted to, because of the possibility of the asteroid penetrating the shield, to teleport to another planet. The planet's name was Terra for their ancestral home of Earth.

  Joey asked, "What's there, Dad?"

  "Oh, well, it's like going back many thousands of years to Old Earth. The residents chose not to seek advancement, but to live the way their ancestors did. They live in houses; have electricity from power plants, wagons pulled by animals and on and on. I am sure you would love it Joey. What say we pack up and take a long vacation for the holiday season?"

  Joey was curious and went to his room to do some research on planet Terra. In a short time he saw it was very primitive. At least primitive in the sense of high technology. What he really wondered was why they chose that type of life. Here on this planet, life was endless with everyday learning something unique. On Terra it sounded like a lot of work and boredom to him. However, he vowed to keep an open mind and see for himself how another planet's culture lived.

  They left the next day. Of course they were not alone in this relocation. Joey's father estimated about half of their planets population were joining them on the trip to Terra. Joey asked, "Where will stay when we get there?"

d question, son. We're told that temporary housing is being transported there and will be ready for when we arrive. I guess our Overseers have been thinking about this for a just in case scenario. We don't need food or heat much. We just don't want to be an imposition on the habitants. We are being provided gold for our expenses there. We can trade gold for money to spend on whatever we like. If I'm not mistaken, they celebrate Christmas like in the old days. They also have four seasons on this planet. As its now winter, maybe there's snow on the ground. Wouldn't that be nice?"

  "I can feel cold or hot on my face, Dad. If we are there in the winter, my face could become cold. Wow! That would be quite an experience. This will be the highlight of my life so far."

  The transfer took a very short time. Each family arrived inside their new home. In their new home two rooms were lacking. There was not any kitchen or bathroom, but a sink to wash one's face was available. A note was on a bulletin board. It said, a meeting in the town's square would happen in two hours Terra time. A clock on the wall said it was 1pm. Lucky for all newly arrived, they could tell time.

  Joey ran outside and saw for the first time, a few inches of snow on the ground. He felt the cold hit his