Read Christmas Page 5

precious little ones.”

  She fiddles in her bag and takes out three additional envelopes.

  “We have reserved special seats for Maryam and her family, one for you and you dearest hubby and one for the lady who’s always in the kitchen, the one with the cute, spikey do. She rocks.” Maria gives a thumbs-up with a big show of her perfect teeth.

  “I think you are referring to Kim,” the receptionist smiles broadly, ‘she is terrific. You are too kind.”

  “Don’t mention it, you fabulous one. I like what you have done to your hair.”

  The receptionist smiles shyly as she reaches for her hair.

  “Thank you. It’s a perm.”

  “Really suits you. I’m sure your better half can’t take his eyes off of you.”

  She winks.

  The receptionist smiles more.

  “I regret to inform you, however, that come show time, all eyes will be on me.” Maria says that nonchalantly and reads another comment. Pleased, she puts the phone back in her bag.

  “But don’t be jealous, you can’t have all his attention, now can you. Jokes. Mwha!”

  “Of course,” the lady agrees, amused.

  “Well, remember, the children’s show will be in the afternoon. You know, the Christmas story, some fun and games and of course lots of prezzies and foodies. Kimberly will attend to all that.”

  She smacks her lips.

  “My performance will however only be in the evening. The night light suits me best.”

  She gives herself a last look in the glass.

  Straightens her spaghetti top and gets ready to leave.

  “Really ahwesome chatting to you, again. I hope to see you at the show.”

  “Certainly and thank you for dropping off the invitations.”

  “Don’t mention it.”

  She takes a few steps backwards.


  She turns and bouncily heads for the exit.


  And mention when the angels said, "O Mary, indeed God gives you good tidings of a word from Him, whose name will be the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary - distinguished in this world and the Hereafter and among those brought near to God.

  Surah Al-Imran (Family of Imran) 3:45

  December 2015

  “Will you be attending the show-uh this year?”

  Jeanne asks curiously.

  She and Maryam were having lunch in the garden in front of the children’s home.

  “Of course. I must. My children don’t go anywhere without me. God has appointed me as their guardian. I am responsible for them until they leave here permanently. Even when they find homes, I can’t help but try and stay in touch. Every time one leaves, a piece of me leaves with them.”

  She sighs, but smiles.

  “It’s not just a job for you-uh, is it?”

  Jeanne takes a bite of her rocket salad.

  “No, not at all.”

  Maryam takes a bite of her apple.

  Jeanne takes a deep breath before asking.

  “Do Muslims celebrate Christmas?” She seems to tense up. She pokes at her salad softly with her fork.

  Maryam gives her question a thought and responds.

  “Not really.”

  She thinks.

  “Not with the same intention as the Christians do. I mean,” she clears her throat and sits up straight, “not to celebrate the birth of the ‘Saviour’ or the ‘Son of God’. In Islam there is no inherited original sin that can only be cleansed by the blood of Christ. So, there is no need for a Saviour in that context. All babies since Adam and Eve are born free of sin. God forgave Adam and Eve.”

  Jeanne nods with a frown.

  “And of course, we do not believe that Jesus is the son of God either. He is simply a prophet; a man. And more than that, one of the few prophets who was sent with a book, the original Injeel or the Gospel. He was sent for the Jews, who rejected him. His message was indeed to guide them back to the straight path, a light for the people of his time and a sign for the rest of the world. God is thus the saviour that always guides us back to the straight path. He saves us from hell, if we adhere to His loving admonitions.”

  Jeanne nods in agreement.

  “So if we do celebrate it, it is to give thanks to God for sending the messengers and prophets. And to share gifts, show love, give charity, grant pardons and ask for forgiveness is characteristic of Islam. Pity that society, today, needs days like Christmas, to do something God instructs us to do every day.”

  Jeanne puts down her fork.

  “I know what you mean. Back home-uh, many people only see Christmas as a day-uh of gifts and indulging in huge feasts. The true meaning of Christmas has long since been forgotten.”

  “Yes, they have removed Christ and replaced it with X-mas.”

  Jeanne frowns.


  “This year’s Christmas is extra special, I think.”

  Jeanne shifts in her garden chair and looks at Maryam more interested than before.

  “Why do you-uh say that-uh?”

  Maryam throws her apple core in the trash bin, located next to the outdoor table.

  She smiles as she tightens her scarf on her head.

  “It will be the first time in 400 years that Jesus’ and Mohammed’s, peace be upon them, birthdays will be celebrated at the same time.”


  “Yes, it is. That makes this Christmas something very special, in my opinion. I think there is a sign in it for us. Perhaps the time of his return is near at hand. But God knows best.”

  Jeanne was confused.

  “Jesus’ return? Do you believe that he will return? Muslims, I mean.”

  “Of course we do. He will come to clear all false claims about him and more importantly he will destroy the Anti-Christ, as God wills.”

  This news seems to surprise Jeanne a lot.

  “That day will be a glorious victory for all the believers.”

  She smiles, gets up and excuses herself.

  Jeanne stares at her in wonder as she disappears into the building.



  “Oh la vach!?”

  Jeanne twists the cable around her finger as if to vent some of her frustration.

  She shakes her head in disbelief.

  With a quick exchange of the handset from her left to right ear, she turns and continues.

  “Je suis désolé, mais je... je vais devoir...”

  I’m sorry, but I… I will have to…

  She exhales deeply. Her eyes roll as if she is more annoyed than before.

  “S'il vous plaît arrêter de me interrompre.”

  Please stop interrupting me.

  Her voice calm, but her pitch hinted at anger at whoever was on the other end of the line.

  “Je ne peux pas croire…”

  I can’t believe…

  “Ah non!”

  Oh no!

  She puts the back of the earpiece of the handset to her forehead and slowly massages her forehead with it.

  She breathes deeply.

  Straightens her blue jacket and puts the handset back to her ear.

  “S'il vous plaît , je comprends ce que vous dites, mais , moi, je ne peux tout simplement pas croire que tout cela.”

  Please, I hear what you are saying, but, I, I simply cannot believe any of it.

  She twists the cable around her fingers more.

  She listens.

  Rolls her eyes, her face turns red.

  “Assez, assez . Pas plus.”

  Enough, enough. No more.

  Jeanne turns, takes a tissue from the box on the mahogany desk, wipes the edge and lifts herself onto the part she just wiped.

  She tucks at her long, yellow sheath dress, slowly removes her left shoe and rubs the ball of her foot; seems immediately less annoyed.

  She breathes deeply.


  “S'il te plait écoute moi.”

  Please, lis
ten to me.

  She clears her throat.

  “Rien de ce que vous venez de dire est vrai.”

  None of what you just said is true.

  She shakes her head, puts back her shoe and fastens the clasp with one swift movement of her left hand, as she gets of the desk and starts to pace.

  “Je ne veux pas non plus entendre parler...”

  I also do not wish to hear about…

  She trails off; breathes deeply and continues.

  “Tu vois ce que je veux dire.”

  You know what I mean.

  “Acceptez ma décision , s'il vous plaît . Respecter les choix que je l'ai pris.”

  Accept my decision, please. Respect the choices I have made.


  “Ne pas venir ici . Reste où tu es. Je me suis déplacé sur.”

  Don't come here. Stay where you are. I have moved on.

  She continues.

  “Je suis désolé, mais je ne pourrai jamais vous regarder la même chose. Je m'excuse. Et ce que vous dites, cela n'a aucun sens.

  I’m sorry, but I can never look at you the same again. Sorry.

  And what you are saying, it makes no sense.

  She sighs.

  “Je étais autrefois insensés. Ignorant. Pensé que nous étions éternelle, destiné à être pour toujours."

  I was foolish once. Ignorant. Thought we were eternal, meant to be forever.

  Slowly as she exhales deeply.

  “J'avais tort.”

  I was wrong.

  She stops her pacing and puts her right index finger on the hook switch.

  “Il est inutile de continuer à me téléphoner . Je ... désolé.”

  There is no point in continuing to call me. I… sorry.



  She holds the hook switch down and slowly puts the handset back.

  She sighs.

  “Quel était le but de tout cela?”

  What was the purpose of that?

  She stares at her reflection in the silver on the desk.

  “Never-uh again-uh.”


  December 2015.