Read Christmas Memories Page 1

  Christmas Memories

  by Jade Twilight

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are

  products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to

  be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events,

  locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Christmas Memories

  Copyright© 2014 Jade Twilight

  Copyright© 2007 Jade Twilight

  Originally published by Red Rose Publishing in 2007 as Who am I?

  Cover Art by Shandy Sanford

  Graphic Credit 123RF



  Chapter One

  Sage gazed around the bedroom where she lay. Where the hell am I? The room had a back woods quality. Other than the bed the only other furniture was a rocking chair, a stand next to the bed, and a dresser. Every thing seemed to be made of wood, and appeared hand made. As she sat up, a better question formed in her mind. Just who the hell am I?

  Looking down, she took assessment of her situation. She was in this huge bed, a pinwheel quilt covered her, underneath she wore a night shirt and her underwear. Her head hurt like hell, she was covered with small cuts and scraps, although nothing seemed broken. Yet she had no idea how she ended up this way, or here.

  Footsteps outside the door caused her heart to jump. Okay maybe she'd get a few answers. The door opened and the most magnificent man she'd ever seen, or at least she thought she'd ever seen, walked in carrying a tray. His sun bleached hair just brushed his shoulders, and his lean build was accentuated by the jeans and tee shirt he wore. He stopped short as if he hadn't expected her to be awake, then seemed to collect himself. “Good, you're awake. You had me a little worried there.”

  He walked over and set the tray next to her on the bed. She glanced down at the bowl of soup, and all her questions came tumbling out, “Who are you, where am I and …?”

  “Whoa, sugar, one question at a time.” He sat down in the rocking chair. “My name's Wyatt Phoenix, most people just call me Phoenix. You're in the extra bedroom on my ranch.”

  She wet her lips, watching him. Now for the thirty thousand-dollar question. “So who am I?”


  Wyatt stared at her for a moment. She'd been here for the last day and a half.

  He'd had Doctor Ryan Holland out to make sure she was all right a couple times, since they'd found her car smashed into a heap of metal on the side of the road.

  Wyatt and his farm hand, Diego, had pulled her from the wreck a few minutes before it had become a ball of flames. According to the garage, a leak in the gas tank and a short in the wiring had caused it. The only thing they'd managed to salvage was a tote bag from the front seat. Since the nearest hospital was several hours away, Wyatt had agreed to keep her here. For the last day she'd been unconscious, although the doctor said she was fine. His sister, Tracy, had been coming over to help out, by changing the woman's clothes and giving him some of her old clothes for his guest.

  Not to mention, she'd ribbed him for taking in another wounded stray. Ever since he was little, he'd always brought home strays and wounded critters. Looked like this time he'd gotten in over his head.

  She was giving him an expectant stare. He straightened in the chair, clearing his throat before answering, “Well see, Ma'am, I've no idea who you are. We found you in a car wreck. Gotcha out just before it went up in flames. Only thing we managed to save was a tote bag that was on the seat beside you.” He stood, walked over and pulled the bag out of a dresser drawer, then brought it back and handed it to her.

  Taking the canvas bag, she gave him a skeptical look. “So let me get this straight. You don't know me, but I'm in the extra room at your ranch.” He nodded, sitting back down. “If I was in a car accident, why wasn't I taken to a hospital?”

  He'd been expecting that question. “Because the nearest one is a ways away, the roads are nasty, and the doc said you were fine. Just needed a little time to recuperate.”

  “And you didn't go through this to see who I was?”

  “Nope. I actually forgot all about 'til now.” He replied sheepishly. The look on her pretty face was uncertain, as she opened the bag.

  “Listen, I'll let you look through that and eat your lunch while I go call the doctor.”

  She nodded, intent on the bag.