Read Christmas Memories Page 3


  Wyatt paced in the kitchen as he listened to the hold music, while waiting for the doctor to come on the line. Suddenly it died and the doctor picked up, “Phoenix, everything okay?”

  “Yes and no. She's awake, but ain't got any idea who she is.”

  “Sounds like you're saying she's got amnesia.”

  “If that means she can't remember her own name then, yeah she does.” There was silence on the other end of the line. “Doc, you there?”

  “Yeah, I'll be out as soon as I can, given the roads are clear. Just keep her from over exerting herself and getting too excited.”

  “I'll do my best.”

  “See ya later, Phoenix.”

  “Sure, Doc.” Hanging up, he ran a hand through his hair. What the hell was he going to do? He'd hoped when she'd woken up she'd call somebody and be gone. But he couldn't, with good conscience, kick her out on her pretty little derriere. Especially now that she didn't know who she was or what she was doing here in the first place. Damn it, Tracy was right, he had a soft spot and he was beginning to think it was in his head. After returning the phone to its cradle, he headed upstairs.

  Well today would be a waste, he'd never get back to his chores, now. He knew it'd be all right. His farm hands, Anthony and Diego, would take care of everything. The ranch was pretty small in comparison to others. There were the horses he bred and sold, several milking cows, a bull, pigs, and chickens. Selling a cow and sometimes a pig, along with the horses, brought in enough money to keep him comfortable and pay the bills.

  Upstairs he knocked on the door to the guestroom. When there was no answer, he peeked in thinking maybe she'd fallen back asleep. The bed was rumpled and empty, the empty dishes sat on the tray at the foot of the bed. He heard water running in the adjoined bathroom. Walking over, he picked up the tray. Behind him the bathroom door opened, he turned and couldn't help but stare.

  Champagne blond curls tumbled to just below her shoulders, the night shirt she had on fell to her thighs and seemed to outline every curve of her small frame. She was easily the most attractive woman he'd ever seen.

  “I was going to get cleaned up,” she said, hesitantly, staring back at him.

  “But I don't have any clothes.”

  Wyatt forced himself to look away. “My sister, Tracy, brought over some things for you. There's clothes in the dresser and some stuff in the bathroom.”

  “Oh.” She didn't move from the bathroom door way.

  He started to leave, then turned back. “Was there anything useful in the bag?”

  “Yeah, my name's Sage Lewin, and I'm from Temperance, New York.” She gave him a halfhearted smile that made his gut clench. “It's a start.”

  He nodded, “I'll be downstairs in the kitchen, when you're done just come on down.” She nodded as he left.



  Chapter Two

  Sage stared down at the cup of tea in her hands, then up at Doc Holland. She was sitting at the kitchen table with him going over what might be wrong with her. He was an older man perhaps in his early fifties, with graying brown hair and kind eyes of the same color. For a man of his age he was quite fit and she couldn't believe he made house calls. “So I've got this Fugue State type of amnesia?”

  “I believe so.” He glanced toward the living room where Wyatt, Diego and Anthony sat on the couch. Every now and again one of the three would turn and look at them. “With the hit to your head and now being unable to remember personal pieces of information, paired with your being here when you live in New York, it seems the best diagnosis.”

  He'd already explained that Fugue State affected her ability to remember her past and not other stuff. She could remember how to tie her shoes but not if she had any brothers or sisters. It could also have something to do with her sudden move from New York. Sage sighed, “So what's the treatment?”

  “Since we really don't know your background, it's going to be hard. All the treatments involve coming to terms with what caused the memory loss.”

  She gave him a confused look. “But I thought the hit to the head, caused the memory loss.”

  He shook his head. “It triggered the memory loss. For some reason you wanted to forget. Perhaps you've had a traumatic experience of some sort.”

  She chewed on her bottom lip, running her finger around the rim of her cup. Why would she want to forget her past? What could have been so horrible that she'd leave her home?

  “How long will this last?”

  “Hours, days.” He shrugged. “Honestly I'm not sure. I've never had a case like this before.”

  Sage ran her hands over her face. “So what do you suggest I do?”

  “Well we could go to the sheriff and see if you've been reported missing. In the mean time…”

  “She'll stay here,” Wyatt interrupted. He'd walked out to the kitchen without them noticing and now leaned against the counter.

  Sage gazed at him as if he were crazy. “I can't…”

  “And just where are you going to stay, if not here?” Doc asked, leaning back in his chair.

  She looked down at her tea again. They had her there, she had no where to go, no one to call, and no way to access her accounts. Then again she could still use her credit cards, that was if she could sign her name. But she couldn't get money from ATMs since her PIN numbers were a blank. She drew a deep breath and glanced up, Diego and Anthony had wandered out to the kitchen as well. She gazed at the four men staring at her, waiting for an answer. Her heart thudded erratically as a feeling of panic rose in her chest. She closed her eyes, drawing in a couple deep breaths, trying to calm herself. There was no reason to freak out, these men were trying to help her.

  She heard a chair scraping as Doc got up and came around to kneel next to her. “Sage, you all right?” Nodding her head, she continued to draw in the deep breaths and keep her eyes closed. His withered hand grasped her wrist. “You're having a panic attack. Deep breaths in through your nose out through your mouth. Just calm down no ones going to force you to do anything you don't want to.”

  She nodded again, doing as the Doctor suggested, trying to still the panic in her chest. What the hell was happening? She felt like this had happened before. Was she prone to panic attacks?

  A rough callused hand lifted hers. “Listen, Sweetheart, you don't have to stay here. I can talk to Tracy and you could stay with her family.”

  Sage shook her head vehemently, she was not going to burden people she didn't know. Cracking her eyes open, she peeked at through Wyatt through her lashed. He was squatting next to her on her other side. The worry on his face made her chest loosen, and she drew another deep breath. She squeezed his hand. “That's very sweet, Wyatt, but I have a credit card there must be a motel or something nearby.”

  “No, Darlin', there ain't nothing around.”

  The Doctor spoke up, “With a head injury you should have someone around. Just to make sure you don't have any problems, get dizzy spells, pass out, that sort of thing.”

  Sage swallowed feeling ganged up on. “Fine.” She relented, “I'll stay as long as you let me pull my own weight.”

  “Feeling, better?” Doc asked, slowly standing.

  “Yeah. I know it sounds stupid, but with all of you surrounding me, staring at me. I just got a nasty case of déjà vu.”

  “Huh.” Doc stood, and gazed down at her, scratching his chin.

  She felt her hand tighten around Wyatt's, his strong rough grasp reassuring. “Huh what, Doc?”

  “It's a good sign. Don't worry, it'll come when you're ready.” Doc smiled at her, then glanced at his watch. “I gotta get, but I'll do some checking and see what we can find out.”

  Sage nodded, and let go of Wyatt's hand. “Thanks.”

  Wyatt stood, “I'll walk you out, Doc.”

  He glanced back at Sage as they walked toward the front door. She sat with her elbows on the table, head in her hands. He couldn't ever
remember seeing anyone so defeated looking in his life. It tore at him seeing this gorgeous creature so depressed.

  Doc stopped to put his coat on at the door. “See if you can cheer her up. Try to get her to not think about what's going on.”

  “How do you propose I do that?”

  “You're a red blooded young man, she's a good looking young woman. I'm sure you can think of a lot of ways to take her mind off things.”

  Wyatt shook his head and glanced toward the kitchen. “Not funny, Doc.”

  “Take her shopping, get Tracy and the kids over. Hell, keep her busy working around here. God knows the place could use a woman's touch.”

  Wyatt opened his mouth to protest, then looked around and snapped it shut. Doc was right. His bachelor pad was rather stark. Despite its size, the only furniture he had in the living room was a chair, couch, coffee table and T.V. None of it matched. Then there was the elk's head over the fireplace, something he was rather fond of. It had been his first big kill, out hunting with his father who was now passed on.

  “Guess it couldn't hurt.”

  “That a boy.” Doc paused one hand on the door. “If you can't get into town, give me a call and I'll talk to the sheriff about the missing persons.”

  Wyatt nodded, as Doc left

  Sage glanced up at Wyatt as he entered the kitchen, Anthony and Diego had gone back to watching TV. He walked over and sat at the table with her, as she looked down at her cup of tea again.

  “I want you to know I meant what I said. I want to pull my own weigh, while I'm here.”

  “We'll find something for you to do.” He leaned back in his chair. “How's your cooking?”

  She shook her head, and suddenly laughed. “I don't know.”

  Wyatt smiled, he couldn't help it, her laugh was infectious. She was actually even more beautiful when she smiled. A purely selfish thought wandered through his head, if she didn't regain her memory, maybe he could keep her here for awhile.

  He shook his head. No, that wouldn't be fair to Sage.



  Sage joined Reba in belting out a few cords of Why haven't I heard from you, as she moved around the kitchen, making dinner. Standing in front of the stove, she shifted her hips in a very Elvis move and used a wooden spoon as a microphone. Behind her, she heard a low chuckle and knew the jig was up. Lowering the spoon, she turned to find Wyatt watching her.

  Eyeing him, she twirled the spoon. “How long have you been there?”

  “Long enough.” He grinned, and mimicked her movements. She burst out laughing at his poor attempt at Elvis' hip shaking. “Is that what they call dancing in New York?”

  She cocked her head, then shrugged, before turning to stir the spaghetti sauce. “So how do they dance out here?”

  A slower song came on the radio, a smile spread over his face as he watched her. He walked over and turned her to face him. “Let me show you.”

  Smiling back she nodded and set the spoon on the counter. Taking his hand, she let him lead her away from the stove to the center of the kitchen. Placing her hand on his shoulder and his on her hip, he began to show her the two-step. Her body fell into the dance steps with no problem. Sage felt her smile grow wider, and she looked up at Wyatt. “Look's like I already know.”