Read Christmas Stories: Cute Stories for Kids Ages 4-8 Page 1

  Christmas Stories

  Uncle Amon

  Uncle Amon Books


  Copyright © 2014 Uncle Amon Books

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  Table of Contents

  Free Gift!

  Special Christmas Manners

  Christmas Morning Fun

  Christmas Baking Contest

  Black Boots and the Freezing Cold

  The Christmas Surprise

  Christmas Jokes


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  Special Christmas Manners

  “Oh,” said six year old, Scott. “I hope I get that train set that I want for Christmas.”

  “We will have to wait and see what Santa brings you,” said Mom.

  “Do you think I have been a good boy this year?” asked Scott.

  “What is more important,” said Mom. “Do YOU think you have been a good boy this year?”

  “I think so,” said Scott. “I think I remembered to use my manners at least most of the time.”

  “Well,” said Mom. “I have noticed that you have been using your Christmas manners in the last few weeks.”

  “What are Christmas manners?” asked Scott. “Are they the same as regular manners?”

  “Christmas manners are a little different than regular manners,” said Mom. “Christmas manners are special manners that are used just during the Christmas season.”

  “Do you mean like when I went to the mall with you to do Christmas shopping and I said please and thank you when you bought me that hot chocolate?” asked Scott.

  “Yes,” said Mom. “Those were your special Christmas manners.”

  “What about when I said thank you to Billy yesterday at school when he gave me back my book,” said Scott. “Was that my special Christmas manners?”

  “Well,” said Mom. “No, they weren’t your special Christmas manners but the most important thing is that you used your manners.”

  “Why weren’t they my special Christmas manners?” asked Scott.

  “Special Christmas manners are used for things that deal with Christmas,” said Mom.

  “Oh,” said Scott. “That makes sense.”

  Scott went to the Santa Claus parade with Mom. An elf came up to him and gave him a candy cane.

  “Thank you,” said Scott.

  “That is a good boy,” said Mom. “You just used your special Christmas manners.”

  “Oh I did,” said Scott, excitedly.

  Mom was very proud of Scott for using his special Christmas manners.

  Scott became so good at using his special Christmas manners that when Christmas morning came, he was rewarded with the train set that he had wanted for Christmas.

  “Look Mom,” said Scott. “Guess I really was a good boy!”

  “Oh yes,” said Mom. “You must have been.”

  “I guess using my special Christmas manners was a good idea,” said Scott.

  “I would be pretty sure that is why you got the train set that you wanted,” said Mom.

  “I am going to use my manners all the time,” said Scott. “Not just at Christmas.”

  “That would be a great idea,” said Mom, proudly.

  Christmas Morning Fun

  Christmas morning was always full of excitement and anticipation in our house and I’m sure it is the same in yours. We have Christmas morning traditions that make Christmas morning a fun and exciting event. It was always a race in our house to see who got up first because the first person up was allowed to go downstairs and gather up all the stockings that have been left out the night before. That person would then lay the stockings on each of our beds and then proceed to wake us up.

  While we are getting out of bed and opening up our stockings Mom and Dad would get up and go downstairs. Breakfast was always ready by the time we got downstairs. We would all eat our breakfast and when the last person was finished we would go into the living room and Dad would start handing out the gifts, one by one.

  Dad always left the biggest gifts for last and I remember one year that I wanted a new bike. I didn’t see any gift package under the tree that would be the size of a new bike and when Dad got all the presents under the tree handed out, I was sorely disappointed.

  “Sammy,” said Dad. “Aren’t you missing your big gift?”

  “Yes,” I said, with a hopeful gleam in my eye. “I am.”

  “Come here,” said Dad. “I think your gift might have been too big for Santa to leave under the tree.”

  I followed Dad outside onto the front porch and there with a big blue ribbon on the handlebars of a brand new bike that was the exact bike that I had wanted.

  “Oh Dad!” I exclaimed happily. “My new bike! I actually got it!”

  “Yes,” said Dad. “You did and I must say that Santa Claus must have thought you were a good boy this year!”

  “Thank you,” I cried, still not believing my eyes.

  Once all the gifts were opened, Dad would hold a big garbage bag open and we would get rid of the wrappings, ribbons, bows and packaging. We would then have some free time to play with our new Christmas toys.

  “I suppose you would like to ride your new bike,” said Dad.

  “Yes,” I said. “I certainly would!”

  “Well,” said Dad. “Go get dressed and let’s go for a ride.”

  While I was getting dressed, Dad checked the bike to make sure all the nuts and bolts were tight on it. He also oiled the chain. He took the bike down from the porch and he rode it up and down our driveway while he waited for me.

  It was a funny sight to see, a grown man riding on a child’s bike but Dad always had to be the first to ride our bikes, just to make sure they were safe for us.

  “Now,” said Dad, when I was seated on my new bike with my bike helmet on. “We can only ride up and down the driveway because everything else is icy and snow covered.”

  I had a lot of fun that Christmas morning riding my new bike up and down the driveway. It was cold outside but Dad and I didn’t mind it. We were outside for about an hour when Mom called us in.

  We went inside and we could smell the turkey cooking in the oven. Mom had also made us some hot chocolate and homemade gingerbread cookies. After our snack we would spend time together as a family. We would play games and talk together about how much we enjoyed our gifts and how much Christmas meant to us. Each one of us grew up loving Christmas morning and we still continue the traditions today!

  Christmas Baking Contest

  Mom, Grandmother and Aunt Andrea were in the kitchen doing their Christmas baking.

  “Let’s see who can bake the best gingerbread house,” said Aunt Andrea, who was always competitive.

“Okay,” said Mom. “That sounds like fun. What will the winner get?”

  “How about the winner just gets the recognition of having built the best gingerbread house,” said Grandmother. “And the other two will have to clean up the kitchen from the mess.”

  “That sounds fair enough,” said Aunt Andrea. “But who will be our judges?”

  “Now that could be a problem,” said Mom. “The kids and Dave would vote for me just because they love me.”

  “Hold on,” said Aunt Andrea. “I think they would also vote for Grandmother and myself because they love us too.”

  “What if the judges didn’t know whose gingerbread house was whose,” said Grandmother. “We present them with three gingerbread houses and we don’t tell them who baked which one.”

  “Okay,” said Mother. “That is a fair deal.”

  Mom and Aunt Andrea went through the cupboards finding the perfect ingredients for their creations while Grandmother had already started measuring the flour and the ginger into a big mixing bowl.

  “Good thing we aren’t being judged on how long this is going to take us,” laughed Mom and Aunt Andrea.

  The three worked in the kitchen all that afternoon and they did not allow anyone else to enter. The kitchen was off limits to everyone in the household except for the three women.

  “Mine is ready to be put in the oven,” said Grandmother.

  “You are so quick,” said Aunt Andrea. “Are you sure you put all the proper ingredients in yours?”

  “Oh,” said Grandmother. “I am positive. I have been making gingerbread houses for many, many years.”

  Mom and Aunt Andrea could not argue with Grandmother on that point and they both knew they were going to have to step it up a bit to win against her.

  “What are you doing with the honey?” Aunt Andrea asked Mom.

  “Don’t you worry about that,” said Mom. “It is my special ingredient.”

  “I see,” said Aunt Andrea, taking the honey away from Mom when she was finished with it. “Well it is no longer a secret ingredient.”

  The gingerbread houses were all baked and cooling on racks and Mom, Grandmother and Aunt Andrea were working on their icing. Mom grabbed some orange extract and put a little dab in her icing. She made sure that Aunt Andrea wasn’t looking this time.

  Soon all three gingerbread houses were decorated and they all look amazing. Now it was time for the judges to decide which one they liked the best.

  “You know,” said Dad. “They are all so unique that I can’t just vote on one. I think they are all amazing.”

  “What do you children think?” asked Grandmother.

  “We think the same,” said six year old Melanie.

  “And you Grandpa?” asked Aunt Andrea. “What do you think?”

  Grandpa took a piece from each one and they were all three amazing.

  “I will say that there is one that stands out a little bit from the rest,” said Grandpa. “Who put the orange extract into their icing?”

  “Well,” said Mom, proudly. “That was me.”

  “There was just a little too much,” said Grandpa.

  “I am going to have to go with this one,” said Grandpa.

  Mom and Aunt Andrea looked at the name card that was underneath the plate and they were surprised to find out that it is Grandmother’s.

  “Looks like I won,” said Grandmother proudly.

  Mom and Aunt Andrea went into the kitchen and they both did the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen.

  “I wonder what her secret is?” asked Aunt Andrea.

  “I actually think Grandpa recognized her gingerbread house just from the taste of it,” said Mom, laughing. “He would have tasted at least fifty of them in his lifetime.”

  “You are right,” said Aunt Andrea. “So it wasn’t that ours wasn’t good, it was that Grandpa knew which one belonged to Grandmother.”

  “If that is the case then Grandmother deserved to win,” said Mom. “We can only hope our husbands and children will be able to pick ours out like Grandfather could.”

  Black Boots and the Freezing Cold

  So we all know that Santa Claus wears black boots. We have seen his black boots in every commercial and advertisement that Santa is in. However, do we know why he wears black boots? Well, I am here to tell you.

  A long time ago, when Santa was just starting out his career as jolly Old St. Nick, Santa started out wearing white boots. Now, we all know Santa Claus works and lives in the North Pole. However, his career started out in one of the European countries. Santa lived deep in a mountainous range that was snow covered for most of the year.

  One day, Santa went outside in just his long underwear and white boots to grab the daily newspaper that was left at his doorstep. When he tried to go back into his house, he had accidentally locked the door and he could not get back in. Now, because Santa’s hair was white, his beard was white, his long underwear was white and even his boots were white, nobody could tell the difference between a ten foot snow bank and a six and a half foot Santa Claus.

  “Santa!” exclaimed Mrs. Claus about an hour later. “Please come into the kitchen, breakfast is ready!”

  Santa couldn’t hear Mrs. Claus because of the wind that was howling around him but also because he was locked outside. Mrs. Claus thought Santa had just gone for a nap so she wasn’t worried about him.

  Around noon hour Mrs. Claus did become concerned. Santa had not come downstairs to eat his breakfast and now it was lunch time. Mrs. Claus climbed the stairs to the bedroom and she noticed that Santa was not in the bed. She also noticed that Santa’s bright red suit was lying at the foot of the bed but his white boots were missing.

  “Oh dear!” exclaimed Mrs. Claus, looking out the window to see that it was very blizzardy out there. “Santa has done it again. He has gone outside in his long underwear and those white boots and now he is nowhere to be found.”

  Mrs. Claus was worried sick about Santa. She took a lantern down from the hook it was on and lit it and she wrapped herself in a big black wool coat and headed outside to find Santa. She hoped that he hadn’t frozen to death out there.

  “Santa!” screamed Mrs. Claus at the top of her lungs. “Can you hear me? Are you alright?”

  She kept yelling and screaming Santa’s name over and over again as she continued walking through the deep snow.

  “I’m over here!” exclaimed Santa weakly.

  “Oh dear!” exclaimed Mrs. Claus, finally seeing him. “Santa came inside right away.”

  Santa followed Mrs. Claus and the first thing he did was warm himself up at the fire that she had going for him.

  “Oh my!” exclaimed Mrs. Claus. “You know I could not see you because with your white hair, white beard, white long underwear and white boots, you blended right in with the white snow.”

  “Hmmmm,” said Santa, a thought coming to him and taking some black coal out of the bin beside the fireplace. “I am going to paint my boots black.”

  “That is a very smart idea,” said Mrs. Claus, knowing that if Santa went outside again in his long underwear she would be able to find him with his black boots on.

  The Christmas Surprise

  Eight year old, Norman was in his room looking at pictures of his Dad. His Dad was in the army and he was stationed in a far off country. Norman missed his Dad very much and he wanted his Dad to come home for Christmas.

  “I sure hope Dad can come home for Christmas,” said Norman to his Mother one night about a week before Christmas.

  “Yes,” said Mother. “I do too! I miss him terribly.”

  “Me too!” exclaimed Norman.

  “We must be brave for Daddy though,” said Mother. “If he doesn’t make it home, we can’t sit around and pout. Daddy wouldn’t want that. He would want us to be as happy as we can.”

  “Okay,” said Norman. “I will try my hardest.”

  “Good boy,” said Mother.

  Mother sat in the kitchen wondering how she was ever going to t
ell Norman that his Daddy wasn’t coming home for Christmas this year. He was needed by the army on a special assignment. She thought long and hard and decided she would wait until closer to Christmas before she told him. She knew he would be devastated.

  Far, far away Daddy was put onto an aircraft to carry out his special assignment. His special assignment was to assist Santa Claus on his delivery because one of Santa’s reindeer was ill.

  “Santa,” said Daddy. “It sure is nice to meet you.”

  “The pleasure is all mine,” said Santa, shaking Daddy’s hand. “Now let’s get these presents delivered so that you can go home to your wife and your son.”

  “You mean I am going to get to go home after we are finished,” said Daddy.

  “Yes,” said Santa. “Call it your early Christmas present.”

  Daddy was so excited. However, he didn’t have enough time to call his wife and let her and Norman know that he was coming home. He had to help Santa right away.

  “Your house will be the last stop,” said Santa, as they flew over the Atlantic Ocean. “That way I can just drop you off and you can surprise your family.”

  “Oh Santa,” said Daddy. “This is going to be the best Christmas ever.”

  True to his word, Santa dropped Daddy off at his own house but not before leaving a ton of gifts for Norman and his wife.

  “Merry Christmas,” said Santa, heading back home to the North Pole.

  “And a very Merry Christmas it is!” exclaimed Daddy.

  Daddy had yelled that so loud that it woke his wife and Norman up.

  “Oh my!” exclaimed his wife. “You are home for Christmas! My Christmas wishes have been answered!”

  “Daddy!” exclaimed Norman happily, giving his Daddy the biggest hug. “This is the best Christmas ever!”

  “But I don’t understand,” said his wife. “I thought you had a special assignment to do.”

  “I did,” said Daddy. “My special assignment was to help Santa deliver presents to all the boys and girls all over the world.”

  “Daddy is a Christmas hero!” exclaimed Norman, happily.

  ~ ~ ~


  Christmas Jokes

  Q: What was the monkey’s favorite Christmas song?

  A: Jungle bells!

  Q: Where does the snowman keep his money?