Read Christopher's Journey: Sometimes it takes being lost to find yourself Page 2

Chapter 2

  Chris managed to get through the next day of school. He wanted the day to get over with so he could meet up with his new friends. He looked forward, mostly, to the burger they had promised him since all he had that day was one package of toaster pastries.

  He wondered what his new friends would be like. They were older, so it was doubtful they did little kid stuff but that was okay with Chris since he was a grown up, too. He was almost half way through Middle School.

  Another thought made Chris’ stomach drop. What if it was all a joke? What if they were just messing with him, teasing him and they wouldn’t be there at all. Chris would be crushed, he’d be humiliated. He had nothing else. He needed this group of friends.

  The clock seemed to go slower than usual. At one point, it seemed it was going backwards. The final bell eventually did ring and Chris flew out the door.

  He was nine blocks from the alley they had agreed to meet in and he didn’t want to miss them, so he ran. He didn’t want to seem too eager, either, so four blocks away he slowed down to a jog then walked the last block.

  He entered the alley. Nobody was there. He waited five minutes, then ten.

  ‘Maybe they get out of school at a different time than me.’ Chris thought. ‘Maybe they get out later... or maybe earlier and I missed them.’

  Chris gave the group five more minutes. 'If they don’t show up, I’ll be late getting home again, for nothing. I’m not going to let my mother pound me into the ground without making it somewhat worth it.’

  Five more minutes passed. Chris hung his head and began to walk out of the alley. He wanted to cry but that wouldn’t be very manly of him. ‘It was a big joke. Mother was right, who’d want to be friends with me?’

  “Hey rebel!” he heard from behind him.

  He spun around to see the group enter from the other side of the alley. Chris was relieved. Not only that they showed up but that he wasn’t crying.

  “Where have you been?” Joe-Z exclaimed.

  “I’ve been here, waiting for you guys for almost a half hour.” Chris stated, instantly feeling like a parent. “but.. whatever, I was just about to take off.” he recovered.

  “No, no, no... we said we were going to meet you at the 12th Street Diner.” Joe-Z laughed but it was more of a teasing laugh as if he was picking on Chris.

  Chris knew they had said to meet in this alley but he was not going to argue it. They did say they wanted to buy him a burger, so maybe they were confused on the meeting place.

  “So are we going to head there now?” Chris asked with a rumble in his stomach.

  “Sure.” Joe-Z said. “We just need to make a couple of stops first. You comin’?”

  “Yeah.” He tried not to sound too eager.

  He walked with the group which towered over him through the streets of the run down, Eastern side of Coar City. He felt out of place with nothing to say or talk about. He decided to just hold his head up high and walk with attitude. He was going to become a part of this group if it killed him.

  “Here we are.” Joe-Z stopped in front of the corner gas station.

  “What are we doing here?” Chris asked.

  “I need some smokes.. you see them on that shelf in front of the counter?”

  Chris peeked through the window to see. “Yeah.”

  “Alright, well, we need four packs.” Joe-Z smiled down at Chris.

  “I can’t buy cigarettes... I’m only elev... I’m not old enough yet. Plus I don’t have any money.” Chris stated shamefully.

  “That’s the beauty of this, Chris, if you know what you’re doing, you don’t need to be old enough OR have money. It’s called the five finger discount. You can have whatever you want when you master it.”

  “Steal? I can’t.”

  “Didn’t seem to stop you yesterday.” Joe-Z’s smile vanished.

  “That was different. That was food, not cigarettes.”

  “Oh, that’s okay. You don’t have to. We just thought you were cool, that’s all. Sorry, my mistake. Maybe you can find some kiddies to play with. C’mon men. Let’s go.”

  “Wait...” Chris gasped.

  “You wanna be a part of this group?” Joe-Z asked in complete seriousness.


  “Then make it five packs. We’ll be in the alley across the street. Go in, look around a minute, make sure the clerk is distracted, grab what you need and head out the door.... what am I sayin? You’re an old pro at this aren’t ya?” Joe-Z tousled Chris’ hair again and the boys took off across the street.

  Chris headed toward the gas station door. He took a deep breath and opened it. The door chime seemed louder than any he’d heard before which caused all eyes to fall upon him.

  The clerk was behind the counter watching him. He headed to the candy isle and started looking at the king size bars of chocolate. Oh, how long it had been since he had chocolate. If he was to steal anything, he wanted the candy, not the cigarettes.

  He kept his eyes on the cashier as she got off her stool to help a customer. Chris slowly picked up a candy bar and meandered toward the front pretending to get in line with it.

  He inched closer to the rack that held the off brand, cheap cigarettes. Chris felt excitement build as the customer asked for something behind the counter forcing the cashier to turn her back toward him. This was it... it was now or never.

  Chris shoved the candy bar into his pocket and grabbed two handfuls of the cigarettes, crammed them into his bag and quickly, but without running, exited the door.

  He needed to be fast, but if no one noticed what he had done, it would give him away if he full out ran.

  He reached the alley and didn’t see anyone at first. Had they ditched him? They didn’t think he could do it and didn’t want to be caught, so they took off.

  Joe-Z appeared after realizing that Chris was not running and that he was not being followed. He saw Chris’ hands empty.

  “Oh, I see you couldn’t handle the pressure. Huh, boy?” He sneered.

  “Well, I guess if you don’t want them, I’ll keep them for myself.” Chris stated, feeling big and bad.

  “You got em?” One of the other boys asked.

  Chris took off his pack and threw it at Joe-Z. He opened it and counted the packs.

  “That’s my boy!!” he called out. “We told him to get five packs and he brings us eight! I told you this kid’s got potential!”

  They each grabbed a pack and started beating the tops of them against the palms of their hands. In unison, they all peeled back the plastic tab and opened their packs.

  “You want one?” Joe-Z asked, extending out a cigarette.

  “Uh, no thanks.” Chris replied.

  “Now, you’re going to tell me that you went through all that trouble to take these and you’re not even going to enjoy one? What a pity.”

  “I got a chocolate bar for myself.” Chris stated taking the bar out of his pocket.

  “Sweet.” The boys crowded him, ripping the bar from his hand, tearing it open and devouring it.

  Chris’ eyes wanted to well up. “I guess you’re just left with the cigarette now.” Joe-Z said with a sideways grin. “Go on.. everybody does it. You’re not cool unless you do.”

  Chris hesitantly took the cigarette and allowed Joe-Z to light it. He coughed and sputtered on the first drag but wanted more than anything to fit it, so he continued smoking it.

  “You passed your first test, Chris. You did good. You’re getting closer to joining our group.”

  Chris’ eyes set on Joe-Z’s. “I thought I was already a part of the group.”

  “Naw, man. That’s not something we just give away. You have to earn it. That was phase one. You’re getting closer, keep up the good work.”

  Joe-Z nudged him and the other boys started laughing. Chris joined in with the laughter. ‘That wasn’t so bad.’ he thought. ‘I can do this. I want t
o be just like these boys.’