Read Christopher's Journey: Sometimes it takes being lost to find yourself Page 4

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  This was it. The day of truth. It was now or never, boy or man, life or death. This would be the proof Chris could give the group that he belonged with them. He had spent the last two weeks, working out and practicing for this fight. The outcome would either be a gun, to commit his first felony or death. He had to do whatever he could not to beat Pauly but to just make sure Pauly didn’t beat him... six feet into the ground.

  The lump that had taken up residence in Chris’ throat kept climbing as he swallowed continuously trying to hold down his stomach.

  Ironically, in the same alley Chris met this group was the chosen place for the fight. It was secluded and the perfect spot to leave a body if need be, which was Chris’ first thought.

  Pauly approached Chris, towering over him like Goliath. His smirk told Chris that he possibly knew something beyond what Chris did.

  The gang and several faces that Chris didn’t recognize surrounded them. Fists clenched as everybody seemed to bounce from one foot to another in anticipation. It was like a setting out of the elementary school yard. The chanting of ‘Fight, Fight, Fight’ was all that was missing.

  “Three minutes, Chris. Don’t get dead.” Joe-Z said with a wink. He checked his watch and at the precise moment whipped his arm down, symbolizing the beginning of the fight.

  Chris had seen fights on TV and expected a few moments to prepare as it seemed usual to hop around in a circle a few times before the first punch was thrown.

  Without time to even finish that thought, Chris was face down on the ground. The grunts and hollers coming from the crowd faded to a low roar then came crashing back into Chris’ head as he regained full consciousness. He crawled onto his knees to instantly be kicked in the side.

  Chris fell back onto the ground in defeat. He wanted to curl up and quit. He just wanted Pauly to finish him off and end his pathetic existence. That would end these trials that he couldn’t quite seem to overcome. The pain throbbing from both his head and his side brought him back to the countless times his mother hovered over him, straddling his body as he laid whimpering on the floor. Even though he’d wanted to, he never dared get up and fight her. He kept that much respect for her as his mother.

  This, however, was his chance. It wasn’t his mother he was fighting but the thought of revenge took over his body and consumed it with strength and determination.

  Just as Pauly’s foot was going to come down on Chris’ face to finish the job, he jerked aside whipped around and grabbed Pauly’s legs pulling them out from underneath him. Just as Goliath, Pauly crashed to the ground, rumbling the Earth.

  With ten years of emptiness, abandonment, rage, abuse and neglect as his fuel, Chris climbed onto the giant and released the demons inside of himself onto Pauly. Even the blow of the three minute whistle didn’t stop him as he felt countless arms pulling him off of the bloody heap.

  Chris blinked the sweat from his eyes as he snapped back into reality. Pauly was being lifted off the ground, obviously injured but seemed coherent.

  “Whoa, tiger!” Joe-Z said with an overly impressed look on his face. “I under estimated you.” He gave Chris a hard slap on the shoulder. “No need to say, you definitely earned this today.” he reached into the back of his jeans and pulled out the .22. “It’s all yours. You got the job.” Joe said with absolute pride. “Welcome to the Coar City Gang!”