Read Christopher Quarles: College Professor and Master Detective Page 10



  I never heard Lord Leconbridge address the House of Lords, but it hasbeen said that every sentence he uttered required half a dozenmarginal notes, that his speeches were the concentrated essence of hisvast knowledge, and, without annotation, were quite incomprehensibleto those who were less familiar with the subject. I understood thetruth of this when I was brought in contact with him over the affairof the diamond necklace, a sensation which set fashionable Londongossiping all the season, and, according to some people, has neverbeen cleared up satisfactorily.

  I can give the story Lord Leconbridge told me in a few lines:

  With his wife and Mr. Rupert Lester, his son by his first marriage, heattended a reception at the Duchess of Exmoor's, in Park Lane. LadyLeconbridge was wearing the famous diamonds. He was about to presentJacob Hartman, the banker, to his wife, when he noticed that thenecklace was gone. His wife was quite unconscious of the fact tillthat moment. A search was instituted, but without result, and in thefew hours which had elapsed between the time of the loss and myinterview with him nothing had been heard of the jewels.

  The story, as I told it three days later to Christopher Quarles, wasan edition with marginal notes, the result of investigation andquestions put to many people.

  "I am interested in Lord Leconbridge," said the professor; "he is oneof the few men who count. Whether I shall get interested in his familyjewels is another matter. Still, we happen to be in the empty room,and Zena is here to ask absurd questions; so tell your story, Wigan."

  "When Lady Leconbridge came down to dinner that evening she waswearing pearls. As she entered the drawing-room her husband admiredher appearance and her dress, but suggested that the diamonds would bemore suitable than the pearls. She questioned his taste, and appealedto her stepson. This only appeared to make her husband moredetermined, and Lady Leconbridge went upstairs and changed the pearlsfor the diamonds. The jewels were certainly not lost on the way toPark Lane, for the Duchess of Exmoor noticed them five minutes beforethey were missing. The loss was discovered by Lord Leconbridge when hewas about to present Jacob Hartmann to his wife. The reception was asemi-political one; a footman says he knew everyone who passed throughthe hall; and I have ascertained that the known thieves, who might beable to deal with such stones as these, were not at work that night. Acurious story comes from a housemaid. On the chance of catching aglimpse of some of the guests, she was looking down from a dark cornerof the stairs on to a corridor which was only dimly lighted, not beingused much that evening, when she heard the low voices of a man andwoman talking eagerly. The woman was either afraid or angry, and theman seemed excited. Then she saw a man come quickly along thecorridor, and the next moment there was the sound of broken glass.She did not know who he was, and the woman she did not see at all. Theservant thought no more of the incident until she heard that thediamonds were missing. The window of a small room opening out of thiscorridor was found broken, and I find ample evidence that it wasbroken from inside. A thief might have escaped that way, but it wouldbe a difficult task."

  "Who first told you that Lady Leconbridge was wearing pearls when shewent down to dinner?" asked Quarles.

  "Her maid."

  "Lord Leconbridge did not mention this fact?"

  "No; but later he corroborated the maid's story; as did also his wifeand his son."

  "What is Lord Leconbridge's attitude?" asked Quarles.

  "He is extremely irritated, rather at the annoyance caused to his wifethan at the loss of the jewels, I fancy."

  "Were I Lady Leconbridge I should be something more than annoyed,"Zena remarked.

  "Ah! that's not the point, my dear," and the professor picked up anevening paper. "At the end of a column of stuff dealing with thisrobbery there is this paragraph: 'Before her marriage Lady Leconbridgewas Miss Helen Farrow, an actress, who was rapidly making areputation. Not long ago, it will be remembered, she played LadyTeazle at a command performance of Sheridan's masterpiece. Her lastpart was that of Mrs. Clare in Brickell's play, which was such asuccess at the St. George's Theater, and her charming impersonation ofthe heroine will be fresh in the public mind. Her marriage came as agreat surprise, both to the theatrical and social world.'

  "A short paragraph," Quarles went on, "but with a sting in the tail ofit. People talked a great deal at the time of the marriage three yearsago. Leconbridge was called an old fool for going to the stage for asecond wife, and it was suggested that, if he must marry an actress,he might have made a better choice. When this kind of thing is saidabout a beautiful woman there are plenty of evil-minded persons tomake the worst of it. You see, Zena, there is some reason for LordLeconbridge's irritability."

  "I do not believe there was the slightest foundation for the gossip,"I said. "Lady Leconbridge is a most charming person."

  "I know nothing about her," said Quarles, tapping the paper; "but I amcertain that this affair will revive the old gossip."

  "I wonder why the duchess noticed the diamonds so particularly thatevening," said Zena.

  "Probably because she had not seen them before," I answered. "Mr.Lester told me they were seldom worn--suggested, indeed, that theirsize and setting were so conspicuous as to make them rather vulgar."

  "I did not know that famous family jewels could be considered vulgar,"she returned; "but, if so, why was Lord Leconbridge so anxious thathis wife should wear them on this occasion?"

  Quarles nodded and looked at me.

  "A whim," I said; "hardening into a firm determination when his sonopposed him. Men are like that."

  "Are father and son not on good terms, then?"

  "It has been said that Lord Leconbridge worships his son," I returned.

  "What age is Rupert Lester?" Zena asked.

  "About twenty-five."

  "And Lady Leconbridge?"

  "Two or three years older."

  "And Mr. Lester's support of Lady Leconbridge when she preferred thepearls only made his father more determined that the diamonds shouldbe worn. I wonder----"

  "Ah! that past gossip is having its effect upon your judgment," saidQuarles.

  "You may put that idea out of your mind, Zena," I said. "Mr. RupertLester is engaged to Miss Margery Dinneford. It is common knowledgethat old Dinneford had other views for his only daughter, but finallyallowed his opposition to be overruled. Margery Dinneford and LadyLeconbridge are the greatest of friends."

  "As a matter of fact, such an idea had not entered my mind," Zenasaid. "I was wondering why Lord Leconbridge introduced Jacob Hartmannto his wife."

  "Hartmann is a very wealthy banker," I answered, "who has beenextremely useful to the Conservative Party. He is the first of hisfamily, so to speak, and is engaged in winning a big social position.Since Lord Leconbridge is a very important member of the ConservativeParty, it is quite natural that such an introduction should takeplace."

  "Very interesting," said Quarles; "but are we really required to clearLady Leconbridge's character? Let us get back to the diamonds. Theywere kept in the house, I presume?"

  "In a safe in the wall in Lady Leconbridge's bedroom."

  "The maid knew they were there?"


  "It is a point to remember," said Quarles. "We may have to come backto it if we find no other way out of the difficulty. The diamondswere seldom worn, therefore we may assume that any question of suitingthe particular dress Lady Leconbridge had on that night is beside thequestion. For some reason her husband wished her to wear the diamondson this occasion. Now, if he had reason to suppose that the jewelswere not in the safe, his determination is explained, also hisannoyance that his son should attempt to thwart him by agreeing withLady Leconbridge. However, the diamonds were forthcoming, and at acertain moment the Duchess of Exmoor is able to say that LadyLeconbridge was wearing them. Five minutes later they had disappeared.You make a point of the fact that expert thieves were not at work thatnight, Wigan. Do you imagine that an amateur could take the jewelsfrom t
he lady's neck without her knowing it?"

  "You must not lay too much stress upon my point about the expertthieves," I said. "Some gang we know nothing about may have been atwork. It certainly is possible to remove a necklace without the wearerbeing aware of the fact, especially if her mind is fully occupied atthe time. In a few moments, no doubt, some movement of her body wouldhave caused Lady Leconbridge to discover the loss, but before thishappened her husband was beside her."

  "With the banker," said Quarles. "It was at the moment that he broughtup Hartmann to present him to his wife that he noticed the diamondswere missing. Is it not possible that Hartmann and the diamonds werein some way connected in his mind?"

  "Possible, of course, but----"

  "Remember, Wigan, Lord Leconbridge did not mention the substitution ofthe diamonds for the pearls to you--a curious omission. I have atheory that the stones were to be a demonstration, a proof ofsomething, and that Lord Leconbridge's irritation arises from the factthat he has not been able to give this proof."

  "Proof of what?"

  "Ah! that's the question, Wigan; and we have nothing at present tohelp us to an answer."

  "You don't suppose Hartmann was responsible for the jewels not beingthere?"

  "I have no fact to support such a theory."

  "Do you suggest that Lady Leconbridge was as anxious that Hartmannshould not see the jewels as her husband was that he should?"

  "I have not made such a suggestion. Since Leconbridge did not tell hiswife why he wanted her to wear the diamonds, he probably did notprepare her for Hartmann's introduction. It is difficult to see whattime she would have to rob herself and conceal the spoil."

  "Is Lord Leconbridge a poor man?" Zena asked.

  "No," I answered; "although I dare say he has plenty of use for hismoney."

  "Perhaps he wanted to sell the diamonds."

  "It is possible," said Quarles. "The stones were a means to some end.Just hand me paper and a pencil, Wigan. My theory grows. Is LadyLeconbridge still in town?"

  "I believe she has gone to Grasslands, their seat in Worcestershire."

  "Poor lady! The middle of the season, too. Read that, Wigan," and hepassed me the paper on which he had been scribbling. I read it aloud:

  "If the person who took, or found, the diamond necklace lost on theevening of Monday, the 14th inst., at the Duchess of Exmoor's house,in Park Lane, will return the same to Lord Leconbridge, at 190 HillStreet, the said person will save himself or herself all furthertrouble."

  "Get Lord Leconbridge's consent to insert that in the papers," saidQuarles. "If he presses you for a reason, you can say that an entirelyinnocent person is likely to be saved from grave suspicion."

  "If you think that Lady Leconbridge is----"

  "I do not fancy I mention her name there," said Quarles sharply. "Weare after the truth; and, Wigan, when the diamonds are returned, tellLord Leconbridge not to mention the fact to anyone--anyone, mind,until you have seen them. When you go to see them I want to go withyou. You must arrange that as best you can."

  I had considerable difficulty in getting Lord Leconbridge to agree tothe insertion of this notice, and his reluctance certainly gavesupport to part of the professor's theory. It looked as if he werebent on concealing some point of importance.

  However, he gave his consent, and the day following the appearance ofthe advertisement I heard from him that the necklace had beenreturned.

  I had told him that when I came to see the stones it would benecessary to bring a fellow officer with me, so there was no need toexplain Quarles's presence when we went to Hill Street.

  The necklace had been packed in wadding in a small, flat, wooden box,had come through the post, unregistered, and had been posted inLondon. The writing on the brown paper covering was evidentlydisguised, and might be either a man's or a woman's.

  Quarles examined it with a lens, but made no comment.

  "You did not expect to regain possession of the necklace so easily,Lord Leconbridge," he said, looking at the stones.


  "A curious robbery, and, since the jewels have been returned, acurious reason for it exists, no doubt. I suppose you cannot give usany helpful suggestion in that direction?"


  "Of course, we have promised not to worry the person responsible anyfurther, but for our own satisfaction----" And then, after a pause, headded: "I suppose it would be a satisfaction to you to get at theexact truth?"

  "I don't quite follow the drift of your question," said Leconbridge.

  "You have the diamonds; the matter might be allowed to drop if youhave any reason to think that, by taking further steps, family affairsmight be disclosed which would cause scandal."

  For a moment Leconbridge remained silent, his jaw very firmly set.

  "I wish to know the exact truth," he said slowly, "but under nocircumstances must the person who has returned the diamonds suffer.Our word is pledged."

  "That is understood," Quarles said. "Let me ask one or two questions,then--rather impertinent ones, but necessary. These stones have beenin your family a long while?"

  "Three hundred years."

  "They are not often worn, I believe?"

  "Not often."

  "And on this particular night you expressed a wish that they should beworn?"

  "I did."

  "Quite natural at such an important reception," said Quarles, asthough the idea of there being a definite purpose behind the wish hadnever entered his head. "Lady Leconbridge offered no objection, Ipresume?"

  "She preferred the pearls, but she changed them at my request."

  "You were not in the habit of keeping the jewels at your banker's?"

  "No; they were kept in a safe in my wife's room."

  "Rather risky," said Quarles. "To an outsider it seems foolish to keepsuch jewels constantly in the house, especially when they are soseldom worn. Have you ever contemplated selling the diamonds?"


  "Has Lady Leconbridge at any time suggested that you should?"

  "Certainly not!"

  "You are prepared to swear that your wife wore this necklace at theDuchess of Exmoor's reception?" said Quarles, holding up the jewels.

  "I am."

  "It only shows how risky it is to keep such valuables in the house.These stones are not diamonds, but paste."


  Well might Lord Leconbridge start forward and look at the necklace. Idid the same myself.

  "Very well executed, but paste," said Quarles.

  "Do you suggest----"

  "Pardon me, I have made no suggestion; I have merely stated a fact."

  "It isn't true; it's absurd!"

  "You may prove me right or wrong by showing the stones to an expert.Why not show them to Jacob Hartmann?"

  "Hartmann! Why to him?"

  "Because I believe he knows more about precious stones than any man inthis country."

  For the space of a minute Leconbridge and the professor stood lookingat each other in silence.

  "I did not know that," said Leconbridge.

  "I am a man of the world rather than a detective," said Quarles, hismanner suddenly changing, "and to some extent I can appreciate yourposition. May I become a friendly adviser? Lock this necklace up, andlet no one know it has been returned. Take my word for it that thestones are imitation, and leave the matter in my hands. I give you myword that I believe, when the full explanation is forthcoming, youwill be perfectly satisfied with it. Will you trust me, LordLeconbridge?"

  "Yes," came the firm answer, after a pause.

  "It will be the work of a few hours, I hope," said Quarles, taking uphis hat; "and, of course, it is agreed that the person who returnedthe jewels is not to suffer."

  Quarles was thoughtful as we walked away from Hill Street, and well hemight be. He had promised a great deal, and how he was going to fulfilthat promise was beyond my comprehension.

  "You expected to surprise Lord Leconbridge into an admission and weredisappointe
d?" I said.

  "On the contrary, he told me rather more than I expected," was theanswer. "Evidently he had a purpose in wanting his wife to wear thediamonds. It is fairly clear, I think, that he did not believe shehad parted with the necklace, therefore his purpose had to do withsome one who would be at the reception that night. Jacob Hartmannseems to fit that part. It is wonderful, Wigan, what a lot of troubleis caused when a person tells only half the truth."

  "I can understand Lord Leconbridge's reticence," I said.

  "Yes. As a fact, I wasn't thinking of Lord Leconbridge just at themoment. My present difficulty is to decide which road to take. One iseasy, the other difficult. Let us get into this taxi. How true it isthat the longest way round is often the shortest road home."

  He told the man to drive to Old Broad Street.

  "A theory may lead to disaster, professor," I said.

  "Ah! but we are going into the city to look for facts. I have noticed,Wigan, that lately you have become strangely susceptible to beauty."

  I wondered if he had guessed that I was in love with Zena.

  "If you refer to Lady Leconbridge----"

  "I don't. I speak in the abstract. Still, there exists a certainamount of evidence against her, and your refusal to admit it haswarped your judgment in this case, I fancy. Do you know JacobHartmann?"


  "A very pleasant man, I am told. We are going to see him, so shall beable to judge for ourselves. You must question; I am merely yourassistant. Your line is this: You have got Lord and Lady Leconbridge'sstory, and you are not quite satisfied. You recognize that the affairis a delicate one, but you are not going to wink at the compounding ofa felony to hush up a family scandal."

  All the way to the city Quarles continued to coach me, giving mecertain points and questions which I was to lead up to gradually. Iunderstood why he had warned me against susceptibility to beauty, forthe whole trend of these questions was toward damning LadyLeconbridge.

  Mr. Hartmann received us in his private room, and, although reluctantto talk about an affair which was no business of his, was willing togive any help in his power. I repeated the story as Lord Leconbridgehad first told it to me, just the bare facts, and I dwelt upon thedelicacy of the affair.

  "You did not actually see the necklace, I suppose?"

  "No; and in the excitement I was not presented to Lady Leconbridge,"Hartmann answered.

  "Was she very much agitated?" I asked.

  "She was curiously calm."

  "I believe you know something about precious stones, Mr. Hartmann?"

  "Gems are a hobby of mine," he said with a smile.

  "I want your opinion. Do you think paste might deceive an expert?"

  "At a casual glance--yes, if it were good paste."

  "For instance," I said, "if Lady Leconbridge had been wearing thenecklace when you approached her would you have known had it beenpaste?"

  "I should," he answered, with a satisfied smile.

  "But yours would have been only a casual glance. A man is more likelyto be interested in a woman's beauty than in the jewels she iswearing. Besides, you would not expect Lady Leconbridge to be wearingpaste."

  "I should have known," he said.

  "You say Lady Leconbridge was not agitated by her loss?"

  "I said she was curiously calm," he answered. "She was hiding her truefeelings, perhaps. At the moment the actress may have predominated.You know, of course, that Lady Leconbridge was an actress before hermarriage?"

  "Helen Farrow--yes. Wasn't there some gossip about her at the time ofher marriage?"

  "There was."

  "No truth in it, I suppose?"

  He shrugged his shoulders.

  "Evidently you think there was."

  "So much smoke must have had some fire behind it, I am afraid," saidthe banker. "You have hinted at the delicacy of this affair, so youmust ask me no more questions in that direction."

  "Her past could hardly have any bearing on the loss of the diamonds,"I said.

  "I should have thought it might have," said Hartmann, "but then I amnot a detective."

  Quarles shifted his position a little. From the moment he had sat downhe had been absorbed in the pattern of the carpet, apparently.

  "You might be right, I think," I said. "One thing is certain, anordinary thief would have great difficulty in dealing with thestones."

  "I suppose so."

  "He could only pass them to some one who could afford to bide histime, receiving small payment for the risk he had run?"


  "And it would be extremely awkward for the person in whose possessionthe stones were found. That is the detective's point of view."

  "Such a person might be able to prove that he was a legitimatepossessor."

  "I was thinking of the Slade case," I answered. "Messrs. Bartrams, thepawnbrokers, you know, came very badly out of that. They lookeduncommonly like receivers of property which they knew had beenstolen."

  "Now I am out of my depth," said the banker, rising to bring theinterview to an end.

  "Just one question," said Quarles, looking up suddenly. "Is thenecklace in one of your safes in the bank here?"

  "Here! It is hardly a joking matter."

  "It is not a joke, but curiosity," said Quarles. "I thought you wouldkeep the jewels at Messrs. Bartrams and not here at the bank. It israther awkward for you, Mr. Hartmann."

  "What do you mean?"

  "I am wondering how you will explain your possession of LadyLeconbridge's stolen diamond necklace."

  Hartmann stretched out his hand to the bell on his table.

  "Ring if you want it to be known that Jacob Hartmann, the well-knownand much respected banker, is also Bartrams, who have a very bad name,I can assure you."

  "So you are here to trick me?" said Hartmann, thrusting his hands intohis pockets as though to prevent himself touching the bell.

  "No; to warn you," Quarles answered. "I have not collected all thedetails yet, but I think you know more of Miss Farrow than you haveadmitted, and are inclined to be revengeful. You must not use theweapon which chance has put into your hands."

  "Must not?"

  "It would be folly. The jewels will be applied for in due course, andthere the matter must end. A detrimental word concerning LadyLeconbridge, and your position as sole owner of Bartrams would becomeawkward, while your chance of getting a footing in the society you arestriving so hard to enter would be gone. Unfortunately for you, I knowtoo much. I am inclined to be generous."

  "A poor argument," laughed Hartmann. "The interview is over."

  "Generosity is at a discount," said Quarles. "By the first postto-morrow Lord Leconbridge must receive from you an ample apology. Youmust state emphatically that there is not a shadow of truth in thehints you have dropped lately concerning his wife. You must alsoconfess that three years ago you were instrumental in spreadingutterly false reports about Helen Farrow. You may excuse yourself asbest pleases you."

  "I shall send no apology."

  "By the first post, please," said Quarles, "or by noon Scotland Yardwill be busy with the career of Mr. Jacob Hartmann. Good day to you."

  It was not until we were in the empty room at Chelsea, Zena with us,that the professor would discuss the case.

  "The difficult way was the right one, Wigan," he said. "You areconvinced, I presume, that Hartmann has the diamonds?"


  "Let me deal with the banker's part in the story first--some theory inthe solution, but with facts to support it. Since Leconbridge is animportant member of the Conservative Party, and Hartmann has for sometime supported the party, I asked myself why Hartmann had not metLady Leconbridge before. Lord Leconbridge was practically bound toextend him hospitality; that he had not done so, in the only wayserviceable to the banker, pointed to the probability that LadyLeconbridge would not know him. Why? Had he pestered her in hertheater days and, because she scorned him, had he been responsible forthe gossip three years ago? It was evident, I argue
d, that there wassome connection, in Lord Leconbridge's mind, between Hartmann and thediamonds. The banker had done or said something to make Leconbridgesuspicious; had suggested possibly, among other things, that his wifecould not produce the diamonds were she asked to do so. The realnecklace had come into his hands, and he meant to take his revenge."

  "But how did he get the jewels?" asked Zena.

  "Let me clear up the banker first," said Quarles. "To-day, Wigan, hegave himself away when he said he would know if Lady Leconbridge werewearing paste. Of course he would know, because he had the realstones. No doubt he would have pronounced them paste before theassembled guests--a disclosure which might have proved disastrous toLady Leconbridge. Whether Hartmann knows the true story of thenecklace or not, I cannot say."

  "What is the true story?" asked Zena.

  "We may conjecture fairly confidently up to a certain point," said theprofessor. "As Wigan told us the other day, Mr. Dinneford objected tohis daughter's engagement to Rupert Lester. Dinneford is a wealthyman, fond of his money; Lester was a spendthrift, and in debt. LordLeconbridge came to the rescue and paid his debts, after a severeinterview with his son, no doubt. I will hazard a guess that the sondid not tell his father everything--sons, in these circumstances,seldom do. The creditor left unpaid, some hireling of Hartmann's itmay be, began to press the young man--may have suggested, even, howeasily he could raise money on the diamonds, which were so seldomworn."

  "Do you mean that Lady Leconbridge helped him?" asked Zena.

  "It may be," said Quarles. "Knowing how enraged her husband would bewith his son, she may have lent Lester the diamonds to pawn. The factthat she appealed to him to support her in her choice of the pearlslends weight to this view, but the housemaid's story of hearing anangry woman's voice in the corridor leads me to think otherwise. Ifancy Lester must have heard his father speak to Hartmann at thereception, and gathered that the diamonds were to be a proof ofsomething to the banker. Knowing Hartmann's knowledge of stones, hewent to Lady Leconbridge, took her into the corridor, where she learntfor the first time that he had taken the real jewels, and that she waswearing the imitation he had put in their place. She was angry,refused to have anything to do with the deception, and then, partly tohelp him, but chiefly to thwart her enemy, Hartmann, she consented tolose the diamonds. Lester took the necklace, and, to give the ideathat a robbery had taken place, and the thief escaped, broke thewindow of the small room. When he saw the advertisement he returnedthe necklace, hoping the mystery would come to an end so far as theouter world was concerned; and at the present time, I imagine, he iseither trying to raise money enough to redeem the jewels, or isgetting up his courage to confess to his father. He has probablypromised Lady Leconbridge that he will do one or the other before shereturns from Grasslands."

  What Rupert Lester's confession meant to his father no one will everknow probably. Practically, in every detail, he confirmed theprofessor's theory, and possibly Quarles and I saw Lord Leconbridgenearer the breaking point than anyone else.

  Leconbridge showed us Hartmann's letter of apology.

  "The snake's fangs are drawn," said Quarles. "Now you can let it beknown through the press that the necklace lost at the Duchess ofExmoor's has been returned. It is the exact truth. The real diamondsyou may redeem as soon as you like, and I think this letter insuresthat no lies will be told about your wife in future."

  "But my son is----"

  "He is your son, Lord Leconbridge, and our word is pledged not to makethe person who returned the necklace suffer."

  Leconbridge held out his hand.

  "May I give one other word of advice?" said Quarles. "This must havebeen a terrible ordeal to Lady Leconbridge. If I were you I should goto Grasslands to-day."

  And the professor and I went out of the room, closing the door gentlybehind us.