Read Chronicles of the Vampire Hunters: Creation Page 11


  The alarm sounded at six am but John was already on his feet. He still felt horrible but the fever had broken sometime in the night. He was just glad it was a grunt that scratched him, if it had been a Maker he would be laid up for days. Though their claws wouldn’t turn a human like their fangs, they were still very poisonous to humans.

  The Cleaner was cleaned and loaded, his new Kevlar vest hung loosely open over his chest. It had been seven years since his last hunt. Seven years since he had watched one of his best friends get decapitated before his eyes. Seven long years. That was a long break for even the best hunters.

  Ben rose groggily out of bed rubbing his eyes. “Ugh, damn John." he yawned deeply. "Did you get any sleep last night?”

  “I got enough.” John set The Cleaner back in its case then checked the two sawed off twelve-gauges he had bought from the pawnshop and the .357 tucked into the back of his waistband. “Time to go to work Ben.”

  “Alright.” Ben said, grabbing his glasses off the nightstand and putting them on. “Did you want to call Jake before we head out?”

  John thought it over for a few seconds before shaking his head. “No. Why worry him.”

  “You’re sure? This might be the last time you talk to him.”

  “No. I’ll call him when I’ve gotten Julia back.”

  “Okay then.” Ben said, with a sigh then picked up the phone.

  “What are you doing?” John asked snapping the cases shut.

  “I’m calling my wife and kid. You know, in case I get killed?” Ben said, sarcastically. “Is that okay with you?”

  “Yeah. Of course.” John said, feeling bad that he had even asked. “Sorry Ben. I’ve just . . . I’m sorry.”

  “It’s alright, don’t worry about it. I know you’re anxious to get this done. I’ll just be a minute okay?” Ben picked up the phone and dialed. “Hey baby, it’s me . . . yeah, we’re about to head out. I just wanted to call and tell you I love you. Give Chris a hug for me and tell him I love him too . . .” he grew silent as he listened to his wife on the other end. “Cat, I don’t think . . . alright, alright.” He held the phone out to John. “She wants to talk to you.”

  John picked up the phone. “Hi Cat.”

  “Hi John.” she said, in a thick Spanish accent. “Look. I’m sorry about what happened to Julia. But you get your head in the game okay? If my Ben is killed because you're not doing what you’re supposed to, you’re going to have to answer to me. Understand?”

  “Yeah Cat, I got you. I promise I won’t let anything happen to him.”

  “Good. Take care of yourself John and bring Julia home.”

  “Goodbye Cat.” John handed the phone back to Ben.

  Grabbing up his gun cases, duffel, and the keys off the dresser John headed out the door leaving Ben alone to talk with his wife. Time to get your head in the game. He thought to himself. God let me be swift. Let me be strong. Let me be your right hand of judgment on these monstrosities. Watch over my team and please God don’t let me get them killed. Watch over Jake and protect him and please God, let my Julia come home to me. Amen. Oh and God . . . if Terry’s up there with you, tell him . . . John smiled to himself. Tell him he’s just going to have to wait a little longer till we can share a six-pack again. Amen.

  Tossing his duffel and gun cases into the trunk John climbed into driver’s seat. Turning on the engine, he put it on his favorite rock station and cranked it up until the speakers were at their max. Gun’s N Roses Welcome to the Jungle was on. Closing his eyes John let the music flow through him, putting everything else out of his mind. He barely noticed when Ben climbed into the passenger seat next to him.

  “Ready to go to work?” Ben asked.

  John looked at his old friend, his mind clear and determined. “Let’s Rock and Roll.”