Read Chrysoprase Page 18

  I was convincing her to travel back with me. I wasn’t even trying that at this point, but I could feel that I was swaying her over with my words. I truly wanted to find my dad and get to know him. It was a piece of my life that had always been missing.

  “You’d really do that?” she asked.

  “Yes, Mom. I’d do anything for you, and I have always kind of wanted to meet my dad.” I hugged her back tightly.

  Time had passed as we talked, and I was unsure how long we had been sitting there. It was cool in the room, but together we stayed warm. We were sitting in the dark whispering for quite some time, yet still no one came by. Either the palace had to be huge, or they weren’t looking for us. It was strange to not hear another sound. It was completely quiet.

  “I always wanted you to meet him, too,” she replied.

  “Let me send you home in the future,” I replied. I needed her back there safe from this time.

  “Right now?” she asked.

  “Yes right now. I can’t have them find you with me, if they do come. I can leave at any time, but you can only leave if you’re with me. I promise to not be far behind. I’ll wait a little longer for Seth and Dee, and then call for Logan. I’ll get everyone home, and then we’ll decide what to do next. I’m sure Seth and Dee will know who my father is, and how we can find him. Together we’ll face the future and the past,” I explained. My mother nodded. “Please, let me save you first, and we’ll all come home right behind you.”

  “Sounds like a plan. You are very much like him, even though I raised you. Your father always had the plans, and now you do. I will do as you ask, as long as you promise to come right home after getting the boys back. They will be in danger if you leave them here. They’ll be the first targets of Prince Saru. He always suspected the Egyptians of taking me to begin with, but he could never prove it since there was no trace of me left,” she replied. I figured that much. They would think Dee and Seth took my mother again, and she would be gone and unable to prove that they did not.

  “Logan,” I called into the darkness. I waited a few seconds without him instantly appearing before realizing he wasn’t coming.

  I turned to my mother. I had no time to wait for Logan to come this time around. I could send her home without him, and when he came he could take both of the guys. My arm warmed, and I thought of the future. Ty and I had worked out a technique where I could push the person into the future and not go with them. I’d do that now, and then wait for the guys to come back. I had no time to think about it. I needed my mother safe.

  I placed my warm hand on her and saw time speed up. I found our home where Ty was waiting.

  “I’m sending you back to my room where Ty is. We should get back soon after you. I’ll see you in moments,” I told her. She smiled at me.

  “It really is great seeing you grow up,” she told me as the tingle began to engulf her body. She leaned down and kissed my forehead. “Your father is General Meryamun; he is General Paramessu’s partner, running the Egyptian military.”

  His name gave me tingles. My father had a name. He was becoming more real each moment. My mother was a great parent, but she couldn’t make up for him not being there. She couldn’t hide her sadness that he didn’t get to see me grow up also. I never considered going back to find him, but was excited now by the prospect. I was going to get to meet my father. It was exciting and scary at the same time. The man who risked everything to get me safe had been an illusion my whole life, and now he was becoming real.

  She faded from me, and I was left alone, lost in a palace in a time I didn’t belong. Logan didn’t show up, but I kind of expected that. He wasn’t the most reliable. I wouldn’t have to wait long, but I was truly alone for the first time since I got into the past. I had to believe Seth would come to me. Otherwise, I was screwed.

  I felt the tingles before I heard the footsteps of Seth and Dee’s approach. They were coming my direction fast. There must not have been anyone around for them to take such a direct route to me.

  “Logan,” I called into the darkness for the tenth time. I had no idea why Logan wasn’t replying. It wasn’t a travel-free zone like Ty’s room, since I had just sent my mother back, but I could find no more excuses. He was starting to annoy me.

  “Mari,” Seth whispered into the darkness as they came closer.

  “Right here,” I replied as I reached up and grabbed his arm. He was passing me near the doorway into the room as he looked for me. His lips crushed against mine instantly as he pulled me to my feet.

  “Where is your mother?” he asked.

  “I sent her back,” I replied, not getting enough air since his hug was crushing me.

  “I was worried about you when we came back, and you were gone,” he scolded me, but didn’t let me go. “I knew what you would have done, but I was still worried. I told you not to get involved. They’re not kind to women here. Did you travel into the palace?”

  “No. Logan took me. He came along to help us. I told him to help me,” I admitted.

  “Now what’s the plan?” Seth asked, not even caring.

  “Logan can take one of you back at a time, and then I’ll follow since I can go on my own,” I replied. “Logan,” I called again, a little louder. Maybe he couldn’t hear me.

  Logan appeared in front of us.

  “Here I was thinking you forgot about us,” I told him. I was being completely honest, although I had an idea that maybe he was leaving us alone on purpose.

  “I came as soon as I could,” Logan replied. He was dressed ornately in clothing I didn’t recognize. “I have a role to play here. I couldn’t just disappear from where I was.” His explanation was legit enough, but I was still worried.

  “Can you take Dee back first?” I asked. Seth was my main concern, but if they caught us anytime soon, Dee would take the blame for my missing mother. He was in more danger than Seth at this point and I owed him to be safe after he saved me before.

  “Of course,” Logan replied, taking Dee and disappearing into thin air.

  Logan and Dee were gone, and I was left alone with Seth.

  “Are you really okay?” he asked, moving me closer to the window in the dark room we were sitting in. Just like my mother had, he was looking me over from head to toe.

  “You smell clean and don’t have any outside bruising,” he commented.

  “I smell like when you try perfumes at a department store and instead of one scent, you come out smelling like a disgusting mixture of all of them. It isn’t clean,” I explained, and Seth laughed.

  “You didn’t get hurt at all?” he asked suspiciously. “I felt you get scared not too long ago. That’s why it took Dee a while to find me. I was already running to you.”

  “Yes. Some old guy tried to kiss me, and I kind of kneed him in the crotch,” I replied, shrugging. I was a bit frightened of the old man. He was way stronger than me, but I was safe now.

  Seth laughed, and I had to cover his mouth to keep him quiet. He kissed the inside of my hand, and I dropped it. “That’s my girl. I know I don’t need to worry about you. You will protect yourself, but still, I will always worry. You’re my girl, and I don’t want you to get hurt.”

  “I don’t try to, you know that,” I answered.

  “I know, but somehow adventure seems to always find you,” Seth replied. He didn’t sound happy about that.

  I laid my head against him as we sat back down to wait. Logan didn’t return immediately, but time traveling wasn’t an exact science. You could aim to get somewhere and be off by minutes, or even hours—days in my case. I was getting better at it, but it was still hard. Logan had even admitted to me that he wasn’t always exact.

  “You wouldn’t believe how crazy I felt inside the moment you were gone. I knew before we even went up to the room that you were missing. Dee had a hard time holding me back from marching into the palace and demanding you,” Seth told me as he rubbed my back. “You are mine.”

  “Now that would have worked
, right?” I teased. I could picture Seth doing just that. He would be fine if it were a princess, not a prince, running the country. Any woman would give him exactly what he wanted, but I had a feeling Prince Saru would never give Seth what he asked for.

  “I wasn’t exactly thinking about what might or might not work. All I knew was I needed you back,” Seth replied. “I need you like I need air. Please promise me not to just leave me.”

  “Can you promise me the same?” I asked.

  I knew the answer, and so did he. Neither one of us could promise that. We had as much control of our fate as the goddess allowed. Once I took him back to the future with me, there was no guarantee he would be allowed to stay.

  “I sent Logan to tell you,” I added.

  He shook his head with a laugh. “No message from him. Just me being crazy by losing you.”

  “I’m sorry,” I replied. That was never my intention.

  “I know neither of us can promise to never disappear. Then promise me that no matter what time or place we end up, we will always find each other,” Seth replied, drawing circles on my back as he rubbed it.

  “That I can promise.” I tilted my head up and kissed him. I’d never stop fighting to be beside him, and he was now promising me the same. I didn’t even have to doubt Seth or his love. Our fates were already intertwined.

  “What was it like?” Seth asked curiously. I pulled my head up to question him before he added, “Your short stint as royalty.”

  I smacked his arm. “This isn’t royalty. This is being caught in a game I never learned how to play. They are all evil here. I don’t know if I’d even be close to the same person I am now if I was raised here. I’m thankful my mother took me to the future to raise me.”

  “Then it wasn’t all sitting around drinking exotic drinks and eating the most expensive foods while frolicking about?” I could practically hear a grin in Seth’s voice.

  “Nothing close. Let’s just say that I get the very distinct feeling that the attempt on my mother’s life that she lived through came from right within the palace. These people are evil, and the women might just be at the heart of it.” I cuddled into his warm arms. “I can’t wait to get out of here.”

  “You missed me then?” Seth asked, all seriousness in his voice.

  “Of course I missed you. I was worried about what you would do, and I will have to thank Dee for being the voice of reason. I tried to tell you my plans to get my mother, but you didn’t listen. I thought Logan would tell you,” I replied.

  Seth pulled off his ceremonial headdress and scratched at his short hair.

  “I can’t help wanting to protect you. I’ll probably feel that way forever,” Seth replied. I snuggled in close.

  “I love that about you,” I replied. I truly did. Maybe I should have planned more to save my mother, but I knew that if anything went wrong, Seth would be there with me. I had faith that he would save me.

  “I just want you to remember I can be included in all of this, too,” I added. I needed him to see me as an asset. The whole time they planned, I was never included. It was my mother, after all, and I was the one with the time travel ability.

  Seth kissed my forehead. “I promise to include you. I tend to forget you’re not like other girls.”

  “Got that right,” I replied. “And you’ve never been like all the other guys in my book.”

  Seth laughed and hugged me tight.

  “Marcella. I don’t know how this is possible. You run off without telling me. Drag me into some political war. Run away and hide in a palace where we can be found any moment. And somehow this all makes me love you more. I’m not going to let them have you to marry off to Prince Arik-ninari.”

  “Who’s that?” I asked.

  “Not the one trying to kiss you?” Seth asked, confused.

  “No. I’m sure that was Lord Enil,” I replied. I hadn’t heard of a Prince Arik-ninari, and the name didn’t ring a bell as anyone I was introduced to at the dinner. This was someone completely new and that was confusing.

  “What?” Seth asked, anger starting to rise. “Your mother left you alone with Lord Enil?” The name alone was upsetting him.

  “Not exactly. Lady Saska sent my mother to talk to the prince, and then hauled me off to give me to Lord Enil,” I explained, lacing my fingers in his and keeping him from standing up. I didn’t understand why he was angry.

  “On purpose?” Seth asked.

  “Um, yes. She told me to do anything I needed to do to please him since he was important to trade,” I replied. The guy was a creep, but it seemed his reputation preceded him. “Too bad I have trouble following orders.”

  “I can’t believe her. I knew that woman was trouble, but Lord Enil? She must really dislike you,” Seth told me as he pulled me back into his arms. His heart was still beating fast.

  “I think she really dislikes my mother. Who is this other one trying for me?” I asked. I was sure I didn’t meet the other prince.

  “I have only ever heard the name. I’ve never met him before. He’s an Assyrian prince. Prince Saru wants to get in close with Assyria for protection,” Seth explained.

  “Doesn’t he want in close with everyone?” That seemed like more likely to me.

  “Everyone except Egypt.” Seth chuckled like it was a funny thing to do.

  “Why not Egypt, too?” I asked.

  “Prince Saru thinks that by having both Assyria and Hittite as allies, he can fight against Egypt. Nothing he does will stand up to my dad if my dad wants to march this way. Hittite and Assyria aren’t going to support Nahrin completely. They might send some troops, but nothing that will matter. They just see it as a buffer zone to keep their own countries safe. Saru can’t see that, and is dumb for thinking his alliance will keep him on the throne. There was only one reason his father was doing well, and that was because he was controlling the Nahrin and keeping it safe. He sided with no one, and fought with no one. Prince Saru isn’t that wise,” Seth explained.

  I snuggled in close under his arm and against his chest. He was warm, and the beat of his heart was back to normal. Our wait was getting longer, yet no one was finding us. We continued to sit, hiding. It had been a long day, and I couldn’t help my eyes drooping. Maybe I was tired, or maybe I was just content. I was safe in Seth arms. He stroked my head as I laid there.

  “The goddess was right. I was meant to find you. Even if I lived a thousand lifetimes, it was always supposed to be you,” Seth told me. It was strange to hear him put words to what I felt.

  I sat up a little and looked around. Seth noticed.

  “What is it?” he asked, on alert.

  “Nothing. I thought I heard something,” I replied. “Logan’s never taken this long. I really should send you back, and I can stay here alone to get my power back.”

  “You can’t come with me?” he asked.

  “No, I have two stones, but I already used one on my mother,” I explained. I didn’t regret sending my mother back. “I can still send you back, but it will be a couple days before I can leave.” I could see in the dim light that he was scowling. I guess a couple days wasn’t good enough for him. “Seth, if you get caught with me, I won’t be able to save you if they take you. I’ll do anything to protect you.”

  “As will I for you. The next time you return here there will be no waiting around doing something else. I’m going to marry you, and then no more men in this time can claim you. You are mine and mine alone,” he declared, sending shivers down to my toes. I liked the sound of that. I was already his from the first time he kissed me, but I was never going to admit that.

  “I just don’t know where Logan is,” I replied. “He should be here by now. He’s better at the time travel thing than I am.”

  “Maybe he’s not coming. Could he have a reason not to come?” Seth asked. I had told Seth everything that happened, but maybe not clearly enough.

  “I was afraid he wouldn’t come for you. I never told him that I had two stones just so
that I’d be able to get you back home with me,” I admitted. Even now that I knew the real reasons behind his leaving me all the time, it didn’t change anything. I might never be able to trust Logan.

  “You thought this might happen?” Seth asked. He wasn’t mad or accusing, just stating a fact, analyzing the situation.

  “He told me that he still cared about me, and I blew him off. He said he’d do anything to be my friend, even help save you because it made me happy, but there was just something about him. I thought I could trust him, and thought the old Logan was still in him, but I’m not sure the old Logan was anyone that still exists,” I replied. “I’m getting a feeling that the new Logan doesn’t plan to come back for you at all.”

  “Old Logan?” Seth questioned.

  “I told you that I dated him for two years in high school. Back then he was different. The look in his eyes was different. He was kind and caring, but now? I don’t know. I never saw him doing anything different since he’s been back in my life, but Ty had stories. He said you guys saw a lot of changes in him after I broke up with him,” I answered.

  “You’re the girl?” Seth stated it as a question. I had no idea what he was asking.

  “The girl?” I questioned back.

  “He tried to ask you out for months, but never had the nerve to. He figured you’d turn him down, but eventually he asked you and you said yes,” Seth added. That didn’t sound like Logan. He could have asked any girl in my high school, ones with or without boyfriends, and all would have said yes to him.

  “I wasn’t the girl no matter what the girl means,” I replied.

  “The girl he said was the one. You know. The one person you find that will make you see the world in colors, and without them your world is dull,” Seth replied.

  “Wait a second,” I added. “It was never like that with us. I mean, yeah we dated. I kissed him, but never went as far as I did with you. It wasn’t like that between us. It was more like puppy love. We would look at each other and sigh kind of love. It wasn’t real like this is.” I tapped his chest. He needed to know there was a difference. No one would ever compare to Seth. What I had with Seth was much more than I ever anticipated. “What we have is real. What I had with him was first love, puppy dog love,” I explained. Seth had to know the difference. “I’ve never felt this way with anyone before, and I doubt I ever will with anyone else. Logan has to know that. I love you and only you.”