Read Church Blood Page 4

  Moss expected something like this but wasn’t prepared to consider a job offer only a few days since he retired. Moss said, “Stanley, it sounds interesting and if I may, let me give it some thought for a couple days. By the way, I appreciate your offer to an old timer like me. I know you’ve read about the serial killer doing away with clergy. I just couldn’t take it any more Stanley. That type of case is for young guys and not for me. Stu Williams,, my partner has retired to Florida and he’s not happy picking oranges with the Mexicans.” Moss laughed and so did Stanley.

  “Would you consider the two of us? Stu is on his way to Phoenix as we sip our brandy. It’d be kind of a two for one sale as neither one of us is hard pressed for money.”

  “We would be happy to have him and of course you too. It’s hard to find reliable help and as we deal in a lot of cash, honest investigators are even harder to find. You have my e-mail, phone numbers and address. I’ll wait anxiously to hear from you. Of course all expenses of secretary, office and equipment would be company paid for.”

  Chapter VI

  A couple days later Moss found a RV park and paid for a weeks stay. This was all new stuff for him, but as soon as he pulled in a very friendly silver hair woman smiled at him as he entered her office. He introduced himself and told her he was a complete newbie at this RV game. A big map took up one wall and on the map stick pins with names dotted the map. She wrote his name and space number then told him to follow her.

  It was pleasantly warm in Arizona and as Ms. Silver hair, Moss immediately forgot her name, drove out of the carport in an electric golf cart, he followed her to his spot.

  It was a drive through space and not far from the laundry and shower room. Silver hair showed him how to hook up the water and electricity. The previous owner had all the necessary equipment to make it level and stationary. With some sweat running off him, two hours later Moss had it where it was level. A small parking area was next to his motor home for his Range Rover.

  After a shower and change of clothes, Moss drove out to find something to eat. He was not ready yet for cooking, but thought he might stop at the supermarket for some cereal and milk.

  Returning Moss booted up his laptop and checked his inbox. A message from Miles and Stu were waiting for him along with a message from his son. He read his son’s first and thanked him for a job well done. He added his new address and said he would get a new cell phone soonest he could.

  Stu was next saying he was in Texas and would be in Phoenix in a couple of days. Moss gave him the address of the RV Park and then he read Miles with keen interest. Moss sat back contemplating what Miles had sent him. If in fact the next assassination would take place right here in Phoenix. How ironic he thought. The old run but you can’t hide adage hit home. The next thing will be his FBI friend Tim banging on his door for help. Then he thought, don’t flatter yourself Moss, they don’t need you anymore.

  He decided to take a short walk around the Park and see what was happening at eight pm at night. As was a habit, he put on a wind breaker, but there was no need for a coat. The night was warm, but a little smoggy. However, looking up he could see many stars that when before he never noticed living in a city. The RV Park was about half full he guessed. Most had lights on and some people were sitting outside chatting with a neighbor. To Moss it felt nice and friendly as most were old people like himself. He said hello and or a nod passing by. His thoughts were on Stanley and the arrival of his former partner Stu.

  This could be a real major life changing experience and secretly was a little excited about the promising future. Moss ended his walk and checked his inbox for messages. Nothing there so he went to bed. As he drifted off to sleep, he thought of his cat and sort of missed the company.

  The next morning Moss awoke to a bright sun pouring into his back bedroom window. He looked for his old clock and discovered it missing, but saw his old cell phone instead. By his calculation he had had ten hours of wonderful sleep.

  After a hot shower, then his usual cold water wake up, Moss felt like a new man. He fully expected Stu today and then they would hash over the new job prospect. But first he had an address given to him by Stanley for the office location. He would drive by and check it out. Now it was time for breakfast and he was happy he got some cereal and milk. Eating out was not his favorite thing to do and it was time to stock up on food.

  Moss had really never looked the motor home over before. Now he examined the small fridge first and frowned at its smallness. The stove burners seemed ok and the cupboards were adequate for his needs; as was the table.

  Moss sat down and made a list of things to do and buy. His love of coffee hadn’t gone away so he decided to splurge for some beans, grinder and drip for his daily needs of caffeine. The kitchen supplies were a one stop affair at a department store. Plastic plates and set of four would suffice his needs in all things.

  A city map would be nice he thought. He drove around until he found a tourist information place and stocked up on maps of all kinds. Moss followed signs to city hall and then found the local FBI office. Moss was using his lap top and a physical map to find the address Stanley had given him. Thirty minutes later he found a strip mall and at the end of the mall stood a two story red brick building nicely designed with dark glass windows.

  Moss parked in front, stepped out, noticing anchoring the strip mall was a dollar store. He walked into the brick building and went to the wall that listed the buildings tenets. The first floor seemed rather full, but the second floor appeared mostly vacant. Moss climbed the marble stair case and looked around the second floor. The place smelled new and fresh was making him feel a little giddy at wondering if he would have an office here.

  Back outside he went to both the supermarket and dollar store. An hour later he was back on the road to his RV Park. Moss was a little surprised when he parked his Rover and saw a smiling Stu waiting for him. They shook hands and Stu pointed to a motor home parked not far away as being his and his wife’s new home on wheels. Stu helped him carry in his newly purchased good then they sat down to talk a little business.

  An hour later they both decided to accept the job offer and Moss sent an e-mail to Stanley. Moss made coffee and told Stu to ask his wife if she would like a cup. Stu said she was a bit under the weather with all the traveling and such things, but he would go ask her.

  A short knock and both Stu and his wife Karen came into the motor home which smelled like fresh ground coffee. Karen commented on the aroma and she did appear to be a little pale. Moss said, “I’m new at this coffee grinding thing, so let’s see what we get.” The grinding was the worst part as it grated on the nerves. He decided to buy it ground and forget the hassle of grinding the coffee beans.

  “This is very tasty Moss,” Karen said. “I’m tired of instant coffee and Stu we need to upgrade our lives a little. I’m tired of pinching pennies. Let’s live a little now that we are retired.”

  Moss looked at Stu and Stu looked at Moss. Both wondered where that came from as Karen was usually a very quiet and polite woman. Stu winked at Moss and then said, “By God honey, you’re right. Let’s not want for anything so right after we buy a car, let’s go shopping.”

  They all three laughed and spent the next hour talking about the new job offer. Moss’s laptop was sitting on the floor next to the table when they heard a mail come in. Moss read the mail and said, “That’s from Stanley and he will be here tomorrow to help settle us in the new office. I sure hope we made the right decision Stu. With the news Miles sent me and this new opportunity, I hope we’re not in over our heads.”

  “From what’s you’ve said Moss, the idea of someone taking out a Catholic Cardinal at a convention is just unheard of. After that, what’s next the Pope?”

  While Moss and Stu, Karen had excused herself for a nap, discussed the new job, another mail came in. This one was from Miles saying the Cardinal convention was scheduled the week before and not after Christmas. Moss said, “Miles will fly in next
week. He asked me to pick him up. Meanwhile he sent me a Cardinal’s name that he thought was going to be the next victim. He’s from Seattle and his name is Vitro Guccilio. Attached is a vita on Cardinal Guccilio.”

  “Apparently,” as he read, “Vitro came from Poland as his last assignment. A scandal that was quickly covered up and then relocation to the USA was the result. It’s been all quiet since then in his life according to the news reports.” Moss kept reading and then added, “It appears this guy is in line to be the next Pope. Now I think I realize what is happening and why. If, for example, this guy was gay what negative impact would that have on the church? This could have extensive ramifications throughout the world. No wonder someone is going to the extreme of assassination.”

  “You know Moss it would seem that the world of today is very bizarre. I think we have out lived our usefulness. Here we have a black president that some say is Muslin and not American born; gay clergy who prey on innocent children; and an over populated prison system. I’m not religious to an extreme, but I think soon God is going to get pissed off and call a halt to this crop of humans he made. Meanwhile, I’m for letting the FBI handle this case.”

  “I agree Stu, but we can always help when asked. I have a nagging feeling we are not yet finished with this serial killer of clergymen Stu. It’s very difficult to stop an assassination attempt if that assassin is at all talented. With the latest one being killed by a rifle leads me to believe it will be the weapon of choice for the Cardinal. I’m sure the FBI will see to it that no Cardinal is left alone at any time. That will force the killers hand to use a long distance weapon.”

  “Well, Moss I’ll leave now and go see how my wife is doing. Meanwhile I’ll do some research on Vito Guccilio and compare with Miles when he gets here.

  While Stu went to see his better half, Moss decided a little walk wouldn’t hurt his appetite for lunch. It was a lovely warm day. Moss noticed most of the RV owners were sitting outside under their fold out canopies enjoy the winter sunshine. After making the rounds of saying hello, Moss went back to his motor home to prepare some lunch.


  Steve had a hard time making up his mind where to stay here in Phoenix. He needed more information from his client and then he could make decision. He checked into a flea bag hotel and set up his laptop for incoming mail. He had one message and that told him a full instructional message was to follow.

  Meanwhile, Steve looked through a beat up phone book on the off chance he might find his friends name. He had no luck, but the same last name had a letter ‘J’ in front so he wrote down the number. Later he would use a pay phone and try his luck.

  Lying down on the sway back bed, Steve had a splitting head ache. This affliction was nothing new to him. Ever since returning from abroad he experienced pounding head aches. The military doctors told him it wasn’t unusual and they should go away in time. Well time has passed and if anything they were getting worse instead of better. The pain killers were not working and he really needed something stronger. Maybe he would see a doctor before getting down to business, he thought, as he drifted off to sleep.

  Steve woke up an hour later with someone banging on his door. Groggily he staggered to the door and asked who was there. A deep voice of color informed him he had a phone call waiting for him. He told the voice he was coming and put on his shoes then tucked his knife in his back under his sweater. Walking down the stairs to the lobby, he wondered who would know he was here registered under an assumed name. Then he remembered before he drifted off to sleep e-mailing his client his location.

  The desk man conveniently moved down the counter to give Steve some privacy on the phone. Steve identified himself and listened. After a few minutes he hung up the phone and passed the guy a fiver for the heads up on the call.

  Steve decided to find something to eat and left the hotel with the black guy wondering who this guy was. It was only a fleeting thought as many strange folks came and went at the Night Shade Hotel.

  He found a café not far from the hotel and sat at the counter at the end so he could view the room. The plus size waitress took his order and with a fake smile, moved on to refill the well used coffee cups in front of about ten strangers. He went over what he’d heard on the phone. He was to check into the Hyatt and choose a room where he could plainly see the Western building of the Phoenix Convention Center. The message was clear he would be a sniper again. He was to go to the bus terminal and pick up his package. Inside the package he would find all the necessary information he needed and a bundle of cash for a down payment.


  Cardinal Guccilio sat smugly in his office in Los Angeles. After a temporary stay in Seattle he was transferred to Los Angeles to weed out accused priests of bad behavior. Specifically he was to retire some and to transfer others before he would return to Rome.

  The current pope was in ill health and plans were in the making for an enclave. Political moves were all too obvious as the main candidates for pope was just three. Cardinal Guccilio was the front runner and that is why he felt confident of his position. The upcoming convention in Phoenix would, he hoped, solidify his candidacy.

  If anyone was brave enough to ask the volatile question whether or not the good Cardinal Guccilio was a homosexual, would result in a shocking response. Vito Guccilio had covered his tracks well and stayed one step ahead of any accuser who maintained he was gay. However, more than a few of the younger members of the Catholic faith could attest to being compromised on more than one occasion.

  The young priest, who just served him morning coffee, felt a hand brush his pants. With a baby face smile, his eyes locked onto Vito’s grey eyes sending the message of acceptance.


  Back in Phoenix Moss waited for Stanley to arrive at the new office. Moss was having second thoughts about this new adventure. As his son reminded him, ‘you’re not a spring chicken anymore dad.’ He was parked so he could view both the office and the come and going of people shopping. It was times like this when he missed his wife the most. Her only fault was that she was too quiet and he wanted her to talk more. Quite the contrary to most married men whose wives never stop talking. To Moss there was big difference between talking and listening to gossip. His wife was not a gossip type person. However, if the cat could talk, he might burn some ears. He wondered how the fur ball was adapting to his new life.

  Moss saw a car pull in to the front of the brick office building and Stanley stepped out waving at Moss. With him was a female and extremely tall for a woman. Moss was wearing tan Dockers and a sports coat to match. He hopped he was properly dressed for this position. Stanley, he saw was dressed much the same as he was. After an introduction and hand shakes around they entered the building.

  Moss followed the new secretary Lee Post into the elevator taking them to the second floor. What a waste, Moss thought. We should just walk and then he could catch a nice view of Ms. Post’s long legs. What Moss did catch was a nice scent from her as they quietly rode the silent elevator up.

  Stanley had the keys to a double door office. He gave them both a tour of the large office and showed Moss where one of two offices, he could choose, was. Moss had told him Stu would be a little late as he was renting a car and waiting for it to be delivered. Stanley said, “The Company will lease two cars Moss for you and Stu. That’s part of the job description I failed to mention. In addition you have full medical and, God forbid, death benefits.”

  “I think we will do just fine,” Moss said. God what a stupid thing to say he thought.

  “Ms Post has a file folder for each of you with a standard contract. If you have any question let me know. Other than that, the office furniture should arrive any time now. Phones and other connections are for this late afternoon. By tomorrow we should be set and ready to go. Also, Moss, there is a file for a missing person I’d like you to look over for your first case. I’m not pushing you to rush, rush, but as you know, the sooner the better.”

Thanks Stanley, I’m not one to sit around doodling on paper. I prefer busy as to chair warming waiting for someone to call.”

  “Our problem Moss is that we have too much business to handle. We hate to be selective, but the time factor demands we be particular which case we accept.”

  They were still standing talking when the furniture men arrived. Moss was impressed that in an hour two offices, a conference table and chairs and the secretaries furniture was in place. On there heals came the computers and by dark the telephones were ready to go.

  Stu had arrived and the three of them sat in the conference room getting acquainted. It appeared to Moss that Stu and Stanley liked each other. Ms. Post seemed to take charge of where things should go and that was fine by Moss.

  After all was said and done, they went out to dinner. Moss was hoping Ms. Post would loosen up a little as when she did smile, which was infrequent, her face lit up, but when shy and reserved, and she looked a typical old maid. Moss guessed her at around fifty. Apparently, according to Stanley, she had come highly recommended from another investigative agency that was looking for a younger more appealing receptionist. Moss thought, there loss our gain.

  Stanley said, “While we wait for our dinners, let me tell you a little about this first case you’ll be looking into. It’s fairly high profile, but while we sit her in public, I’ll not mention any names. The person missing is a run away spoiled brat. She was last seen or heard from a week ago. A girlfriend owned up that she had spent the night with her, but since then, she seems to have disappeared. The parents are quite upset because she is only thirteen and they are afraid of predators. The downside is you two have no experience here in Phoenix and don’t know the wrong side of the tracks from the other.”

  “What do the local police have to say about this case,” asked Stu.