Read Cicada Song Page 27

  Chapter 26

  Sara was pulled from a series of forgettable dreams by an unexpected rapping on the door. She heard the knocking again, so she pulled on a robe and noted the unexpected rainfall that beat against her bedroom window.

  “Stan?” She said upon spying him through the peep hole. She read the clock hanging on the wall and opened the door. “It’s two in the morning!”

  “I need somewhere to stay, just for tonight. I can’t go to Mom’s again. I can’t keep lying to her.”

  Sara stepped aside. Coffee was soon made and Stan was shed of his wet clothes and wrapped in a warm blanket. She handed him a steaming mug and scooped up his clothing. She headed for the laundry room but then stopped and sniffed his shirt.

  “Have you been drinking?”

  “No. Leslie threw it on me.”

  Sara wanted to ask more questions but chose to take care of his beer-soaked clothing first. With the garments in the wash she returned and found Stan’s feet propped up on the couch, his anger and frustration apparent.

  “So what happened?” she asked, sitting beside him now.

  Stan took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. “She was mad after seeing us together, as usual. We argued and decided it would be best if we both left for a while to cool down. I went back to work, apologized to Percy for being late, and worked a couple hours. When I got home, I found Leslie drunk out of her mind. She’d gone out and stocked the fridge with beer and told me she was having some friends over.”


  “I don’t know. She wouldn’t tell me. She demanded that I leave before they got there and started making comments about how I can’t handle my liquor. I reminded her that it was my house, bought with my money, but she didn’t want to hear it. She told me she didn’t need me getting drunk and that started the fight. We argued a lot and she threw her beer in my face. Then she went to the fridge and handed me one and told me to drink it so I’d hit her again and get arrested.”

  “Oh my god! That little…”

  “No,” Stan stopped her, “it’s my fault. She can say that because the last time I got drunk I did hit her. Anyway, I set the bottle down and left the house. I walked around the block to cool off, and she locked the doors while I was gone. I hung around for a little while but left when I saw a car pull up. That was about an hour ago.”

  “Did you recognize anyone in the car?”

  “No. There were two guys and a girl. I don’t think any of them were from Anderson.”

  “Since when does Leslie drink?”

  “Since she got that job at Carney Park. I’ve asked her not to drink around me, but she never listens. She started staying out late with co-workers about a month ago, and I’m guessing that’s who the partiers were. They’re mostly college kids, so that’s what they do, and they’ve pulled her back into it. It’s just a phase.”

  “It’s not right, Stan. There’s no excuse for that. She’s a grown woman.”

  “She’s just reliving some good times. I owe her that.”

  “I can’t believe you’re defending her on this.”

  “She’s just drinking,” Stan said with a shrug. “There’s nothing wrong with that. And the crap she says while drunk, well, I’m the last to criticize, aren’t I?”

  Sara hesitated before speaking her thoughts. “Are you sure drinking is all they’re doing?”

  “What?” Stan asked in an irritable tone.

  “If she’s been staying out late, particularly with college boys, and not wanting you around—what if there’s more to it?”

  Stan stared at Sara with an incredulous look. “You mean what if she’s having an affair? What if she’s sleeping with one of those guys?” Stan shook his head, the volume of his voice elevating. “No, Sara. I don’t think that. She’s going through a hard time right now but that’s all. I can’t believe you’d even suggest...”

  “I’m just looking at the possibilities. I know you love her, but this isn’t the first time she’s gotten close to people outside of Anderson, and…”

  “Enough!” Stan shouted. He spilled coffee on his hand and cursed but then calmed himself. “You and Leslie hate each other, I get it, but I know Leslie better than anyone, and I’m tired of her always taking flack from you people. When we moved to Anderson, I told her how great everyone was, but all she’s gotten so far are criticisms for being different, accusations for being friendly.”

  “If everyone is seeing the same thing, then maybe there’s something to it.”

  “So she’s having an affair because she has friends? Is that what they’re saying? Is that what they say about you and me, Sara? Are we having an affair?”

  She gave Stan a dirty look but he didn’t relent.

  “What about Phil?” he asked when she didn’t answer him. “Were you and Phil having an affair? That’s a lot more likely being that you were still with Jake at the time, don’t you think?”

  “Jake is in a vegetative state, Stan!” Sara shouted. “I was trying to move on!”

  “That’s not what I’m talking about and you know it. You wanted Phil even before Jake was shot. And later, when you were with Phil, that wasn’t fair to Jake either.”

  “What happened before was a mistake, and my relationship with Jake is none of your concern!”

  “Yes it is,” Stan shouted, slamming his coffee mug on the table. “He’s my best friend, and you promised to always be with him. I have to make sure you keep that promise because he can’t, but you broke it for Phil, just like before when you tried to kiss him.”

  Never in her life had Sara hit someone. That was why her eyes went wide upon the realization that she had just smacked Stan across the face. It wasn’t the first time she’d wanted to smack him, and nothing was said here that hadn’t been said before, but something broke within her. She and Stan stared at one other in muted shock, neither of them knowing what to do next. Then Stan lay down and covered his head with the blanket.

  Sara took the coffee mug to the sink and made her way to the bedroom. Stan sniffled as she passed by the couch.

  “I’m sorry, Sara,” he said quietly.

  She didn’t answer but knew the offer was genuine. She blamed Leslie for his sudden aggression, but she also blamed herself. He was right about Phil, or at least, she believed he was. She turned off the lights and crawled back into bed. They could talk about it in the morning.