Read Circle Seven Page 14

  Chapter 13

  The joy of getting an apartment after everyone had been approved for their new locations was welcomed by us all. Regardless of whatever our spiritual inclinations were, comfort was always a nice luxury to have. We were but a holler away from each other. Our folks felt that a group staying at a motel for an extended period of time would look suspicious so we all moved out.

  Our parents had their money saved but for us by law we had to go to school yet in these times it seemed like school was a way for the government to gauge how "normal" you were. The governmental elite that ran the globe knew of the threat the youth posed to their future endeavors. It was paramount for them to pick us off and send us to the camps or kill us off, it all depended what kind of threat you were.

  “It is so great to put some roots down if only for a minute.” I said.

  “Yeah but I do not expect it to last long, I actually prefer the motel because it does not give the illusion of things being permanent.” Bilal said.

  “Well, for now this will do I guess. I just want to get to work, for people tasked with such a huge task we haven’t been doing much lately.” Nyema said.

  “I don’t think they want us coming into school with the glow.” Skylar said.

  "The point of it all was to keep our energy low.” My father said to as we settled into our new location.

  “You have to listen to that ignorant music that keeps your energy levels grounded where you are only thinking about earthly desires in that feeling you must remain throughout the day because the military and police on the grounds of the school will test you all. Do not lose yourself in the moment; remember what we are doing here. And I have complete confidence in all of you which is why we are doing this." my father instructed us.

  “Well, I will see you all in the morning; I am going to get myself together so I can be fresh for my first day. See you all in the astral plane.” Skylar said

  “Well this is a routine I am familiar with.” Bilal said getting comfortable in his bed.

  “You’re a fool, good night boy.” Nyema said following suit.

  As I got ready for bed, my mind was running at a thousand miles per hour. So much had changed in such a short time. These nightly recollections I was doing gave me a sense of clarity before my slumber where my dreams were becoming lucid by the day. In the midst of my thoughts I drifted into sleep.

  Gun shots and alarms woke me up in the morning but I was not in the apartment. I was in school, I had fallen asleep in class and from nowhere the military came storming into the building. For some reason all the students and the teacher were looking to me for guidance. Without thinking I jumped to action, our class was on the second floor in the back of the building so I quickly made my way over to the window selecting a couple of male students to go out first and look around to make sure their we're no soldiers lurking in our direction. With no hesitating they listened to me and jumped out. Looking around they gave the signal that the coast was clear. I instructed everyone to go out and make their way to the woods past the river and wait ten minutes, if I did not arrive then go to your homes and hide.

  I knew these kids were not in any danger, it was us that they were after. I had to find Bilal, Nyema, and Skylar before they did. I moved with a sense of clarity and purpose through the halls on the way to their classes. When I arrived at each room it was empty. Still I kept hearing the footsteps of soldiers approaching. As I ran to the footsteps I heard screaming but the screams we're not of pain or agony but of victory after a major battle had been won.

  As the noise grew closer with every footstep I made my way to a door that was cracked. In that door I saw myself immersed in blackness and chaos but happy. At this moment I realized I was dreaming, quickly I looked at my hand and pulled them closer to me. I then realized that I never said a word to any of those students, they were following my orders through my thoughts.

  The more I realized it was a dream the more control I had. I was able to just lift off like a jet and reach where Bilal, Skylar and Nyema were, throwing away any soldier that approached. We all were then able to lift off away from the school and shot straight up like an arrow into the sky. We landed on a cloud and in that cloud there was a tree with my father sleeping at the stump. When he saw us his face shinned with delight but this quickly turned to focus as he said to us, "Let's begin."

  At that time I woke up in a sweat, grabbing a glass of water trying to come down from the natural high given from the dream yet still not for sure I was awake.

  I immediately turned to my brother and sister who were fast asleep. As I adjusted my pillow to lay back down I couldn't help but to recall how vivid everything was in the dream and the sight of my father in the clouds. The tree behind him looked magnificent, surreal even with its girth and height it seemed to extend into outer space.

  The abstractness of these thoughts seemed foreign and almost out of place as I went back to sleep to prepare for life as an ordinary school kid. The high stakes games of terrorist and freedom fighters seemed the opposite end of the spectrum, yet I had to get some rest for my first day at my new school. This new path I was walking upon with a new identity in toe was approaching. And these in depth thoughts of higher planes and mysticism had the energy centers in my body vibrating which I knew could set off an alarm if I did not get them under control before school started. So I grabbed my iPod and turned on some music which brought me back down falling back asleep in the process.