Read Circle Seven Page 16

  Chapter 15

  “Hey, Skylar what is this Indus Kush tradition that my father told me that you would be learning as preparation for surviving these time?” I asked.

  “Right now just understanding the pantheon but it is going to get to a point where we will be dissecting different texts and yoga techniques. He is also mixing in some chaos magick with it as well as far as my readings go. But knowing my father he is going to bring it all together and have it all make sense, still the basics I have to get first in order to move forward.” She said.

  “And from what I hear you all are going to be taking on the Qabalah head on. Are you all ready for that?” she asked.

  “I know I am, and am pretty sure they are too. But it covers a lot of different topics. Similar to yours it is going to be a process but we have the best team around us to have it all make sense for us if we have any questions.” I replied.

  As Nyema and Bilal walked ahead I could not help realizing that we all were walking into something special tonight. It was the beginning of the rest of our life and I was not sure how it was all going to turn out. Amazingly, I felt as calm as the ocean on summer day in the midst of my thoughts about it all. The more that I continued to think about it the more it became real and I realized that I was accepting this as my life and the way things were now. This was my life and I embraced it, I just had to make sure that all the work that was done by our parents to put us in the position was not in vain and that something positive could come from it. My school-self was just a disguise that I wore during the day but at night our masks came off and we embraced our true selves.

  We are at war but looked at like the villains where we are only being who we naturally are but it is considered a threat to those in power because we can remove they veil and can possibly stop them from their path of corruption and tyranny. But the first step was tonight.

  “Let’s stop by this store to get something to eat, I ‘m hungry.” Bilal said.

  “Yeah me too, but I want something light, maybe a salad because between school work and whatever we have to do tonight it will need energy but nothing too heavy to make me tired, and Skylar is a vegan anyways.” Nyema said.

  “We have known Skylar as long as you Nyema, we know she is a vegan but thanks for the reminder.” Bilal replied.

  “I am still feeling heavy from that bacon this morning.” Nyema said.

  “I think I saw a salad place on the way to school which is right around the corner. We can stop and eat before we get home.” I said.

  “That works for me, but does anyone know how our parents are able to keep us a float with no jobs?” Nyema asked.

  “I had just assumed that they have been saving for this, being that they knew this was coming. But who is to say, the parents I thought I knew so well seemed to have more layers than I thought possible. The depths to their understanding about us and our place in this world went beyond my mind’s comprehension. We are against the world and are surviving. The thought of it gave me a smile because I knew that once we were trained in whatever our parents had planned we would be a serious threat. It gave me a sense of purpose and I was thankful even knowing the dangers that came along with it. I read a long time ago that your destiny is agreed to before you arrive her on this planet out of your mother’s womb, and only the four of us would be crazy enough to agree to something like this” I said.

  “If I was a betting man, it sounds like you enjoy this circus.” Bilal said.

  “It is an interesting experiment to say the least, stakes are definitely high but life without any adventure and danger would be dull.” I told him.

  “Enough talking let’s get in here and get something to eat. I wouldn’t be caught dead eating that garbage they served in the cafeteria.” Skylar said.

  We each had a salad, light enough not to weigh us down but filling enough to have us fill for homework. I got the feeling of anxiety sitting at the table with everyone chatting about their first day as I knew our next moments were uncertain. The distraction of school was a good one by our parents I realized. I figured out that they did not want our brains to overload from the information so we had the basic western education to pacify us during the day. In this way we were able to not be overwhelmed by our circumstances and could have one foot in this world and our other foot in the spiritual, we were world travels in the spiritual sense. After a while this would all be routine and that anxiety in the pit of my stomach would subside. I just needed to get this first night under my belt. I do not do well with uncertainty and these current life circumstances had me on my heels where I was constantly adjusting in order to be the rock for the group which was my normal role. Needless to say I was anxious to get home.

  “You guys almost done, I am ready to go home and put this work in?” I asked.

  “For sure, I want to see what had dad at a standstill in his development. We got show him how to do this, it’s a young man’s game now. He got us in the race, now it is time to cross the finish line.” Bilal said.

  “Finally taking things seriously, I see.” Nyema said.

  “At least you guys have each other I feel like I am on an island.” Skylar said.

  “Never that sis, we will compare notes daily and it will all come together I am sure. They are all too close for us not to find commonalities in their teachings.” I told her.

  “Yeah it is just a different path to the same destination.” Nyema said.

  “Skylar, your father is a genius and he has some great things planned for you. Regardless of how we study we cannot lose focus of what is going around us, the world is going crazy. The land of the free is not as free as we thought and a war has been waged against our parents and others like them, and do not forget about those synthesis classes you better tell me all about your work tomorrow and I promise to do the same, we are like sisters, heck we are sisters. There is not anyone who could understand having crazy parents like mine but you. So, do not feel bad we are just in different classes but we are on the same path to our degree.” Nyema continued.

  “Okay enough of the Lifetime Network moment between you two we got to get home.” I said.

  “Yeah I just threw up in my mouth.” Bilal said.

  As we all got back to our apartment we were able to knock out our homework with ease and then the real work began.