Read Circle Seven Page 18

Chapter 17

  The first sphere which sat upon the top of the tree was Kether, the sphere was the crown of the tree closest to the cosmic mind of the universe which according to the mystical writers of the packet nobody would be able to reach. We all took that as a challenge in our minds but never spoke that goal to each other.

  The second sphere of the tree was Chockmah, this represented wisdom but in its uncontrollable form.

  The third sphere was Binah, this represented understanding and is also used to house the raw energy of Chockmah and give it limitation as it is directed throughout the rest of tree.

  “I have to say this was not what I was expecting.” Nyema said.

  “This seems to worse than the Sepher Yetzirah and the Gates of Light because at least these books gave us tools towards the end of the book.” I said.

  “Yes, this seems like a review of concepts.” Bilal said.

  “Let’s just keep reading and see what we find out, we have to get out of this microwave generation thinking expecting everything to happen right away.” Nyema said to us.

  “Zohar wasn’t that girl from school today named Binah?” Bilal asked.

  “Yeah I didn’t make the connection initially as I was looking at her boobs.” I said.

  “You think they are agents sent to track our movements?” Bilal asked.

  “First of all, ill Zohar But I think that would not be the smartest thing to do is send an agent to watch students of the qabalah with a name they could easily recognize and connect to any sort of surveillance. It is the universe speaking to us you feel me, we are on the right path for sure.” she said.

  “In this environment you can never be too safe let be grab my trusty pendulum to see for myself.” Bilal said.

  “Always the Sagittarius I see, never believing anything and having to find it out for yourself.” I said to him.

  “Isn’t that always the safest bet?” he said to me.

  “For our sake, I hope so.” Nyema responded.

  “So, what did it say?” I asked.

  “Nyema was right.” He said laughing.

  “Let’s get back to it.” I told them.

  As we delved back into our lesson we reviewed how these three spheres or sephirot in Hebrew were know as the Supernal Triad which were the highest powers known in the universe and highest states of consciousness achieved by man.

  This where I wanted to get to but we had a long way to go, the top three sphere were separated by an abyss where below it the other seven spheres resided.

  The fourth sphere was named Chesed, which was mercy. The fifth sphere was Geburah which was severity, the sixth sphere Tiphareth which was harmony, the seventh sphere Netzach which was victory, the eighth sphere Hod which was glory, the ninth sphere Yesod which was foundation. These six spheres were separated from each other by the veil of the sanctuary; it was not as large of a separation as the abyss but still required much effort to cross. The final sphere was Malkuth which was the kingdom which represented closet the tree got to the physical world.

  “This is a lot of stuff to process.” Bilal stated scratching his head.

  “If we were able to figure out that all that these school systems teach is bunch of foolishness and lies, yet still manage to be the best in the class; this should be a challenge for us but we will manage.” Nyema said.

  “But this is not new information we have at least came across this all before.” I said to them.

  “Yes, but we have never been pass this point and this is only day one. So, in our first encounter with this it covers everything we have learned in our lives about the system in a matter of moments, and we are just cracking this open.” Bilal said.

  It was intense to be honest. There were so many connections to be made and it was only the first day of study. Each sphere was connected to four minor arcana cards in the tarot deck. So, that was a great buy from the spiritual shop we stopped at when we first arrived to Arizona.

  The sphere of Kether was related to the Aces cards in the tarot deck, Chockmah had the twos from the deck, and so on and so forth all the way down the tree to Malkuth which were related to the tens of pentacles, swords, cups, and wands.

  But that was only the beginning there were also four worlds to the tree which were Atziluth, Briah, Yetzirah, and Assiah.

  In these worlds they each contained their own tree and had a whole different set of correspondences. For instance, each tree was matched with a royal face cards composed of Kings, Queens, Knights, and Pages which were equivalent to the four worlds respectively. Now this only made sense because my mother had been reading tarot since a child and it was a part of our family tradition so to say. It freaked a lot of my friends out but you cannot change who you are. So the understanding of the cards was not too much of a stretch. But still it was a lot to take in. It was recommended that we focus each night on a specific sphere from the supernal triad on down to Malkuth to allow our subconscious mind to begin to grasp the root of the tree before specific exercises on each individual sphere and each path. In total there were thirty-two pieces of the tree 10 spheres and 22 paths per world.

  “You know this is similar to grandpa’s Masonic teachings with the thirty-two degrees and the thirty-third path being the Ain Soph Aur.”I said.

  I was able to gather as much from the book and connect it to what I already was aware of.

  This Ain Soph Aur was the triple dark blackness seen in ancient Egyptian writings of the deity Ausar also known as Osiris. Our understanding of the Tree of Life was different from contemporary Kabbalah that you would get from a pseudo-spiritual kaballah center. We had a black qabalah which made our purchases and reading material from the spiritual store in Arizona so interesting.

  I mean I grabbed the Gates of Light which was a treatise on the way of the traditional Jewish doctrine of the Kaballah based on manuscripts such as the Zohar, the Bahir, and the teachings of Rabbi Isaac Lauria. Bilal’s book, the Book of Coming Forth by Day was one of the oldest known religious/spiritual texts in the world. Nyema’s book the Sefer Yetzirah dealt specifically with a plane on the tree of life and focused on manifesting your will in the physical world through manipulation of the Hebrew letters.

  “We just have a lot of studying to do so that we can understand these books inside and out and share them with each other, comparing notes in the process.” Nyema said.

  This may all seem a little too much but it all made sense giving what our parents taught us. Our people were the origin of everything. The people that were portrayed by the media as the chosen people were converts to a religion that was new to the world but based in old African traditions which is why the text from which it received its highest acclaim talked down on the land that gave birth to the planet. It was necessary to discredit and pillage a place that birthed so much. Through Bilal’s book we were able to link the different pictures also known as glyphs or better yet Metu Neter in their ancient tongue with their Hebrew counterparts and understand that this qabalah system was only a piece to a puzzle and this piece was taken from Egypt or better yet Kemet the land of the black.

  “I see why it was so important for mom and dad to push this information on us so early. I hated them for it but as the days go by I understand their madness.” Bilal said

  “Yeah, listening to the television will have look every way but the right direction to figure this all out.” I said.

  “I just do not know what they expect this all to do. We are just reading books though it is like a big study session. But what is the point, what is the end game?” Bilal asked.

  “I guess that is for us to find out Bilal.” Nyema said.

  It was all about reclamation and redemption, there was an evil being perpetuated by the elitists of the world under the leadership of the pope, the United Nations, and the president of the United States. They were using this system in order to oppress the masses. The world was under their spell as they were able to bend light and manifest their will on the people since they oper
ated in groups their vibrations from the energy they were manifesting was greater than the sum of everyone doing nothing using the same science that we were learning.

  But original people they were not, they were as my mother called them “imposters” living off the ages of work put in by ancient people but claiming it as their own and offering no credits to the innovators of the genius that they are reaping the benefits of whether from the basic that were taught in the classroom to the closed conversations behind the curtain. It was now our time to take back what it was ours but it was going to be a gradual progression and not happen overnight. But it was important to see ourselves in the system; we were the beginning which made Bilal’s book he discovered in the store so powerful because from that book we were able to link everything.

  Now I am not saying that the Egyptian Doctrine was the oldest spiritual book ever made but as far as we knew it was the oldest manuscript that we had available for study. But being that the translation was written by person who was melanin deficient, I do not think the writer had the tools to in order to properly interpret it. Everything was linear where the mind of melinated people rotated in a three hundred sixty degree manner similar to the planet being that we were composed of the same celestial matter as the cosmos. It was not to say that melinated people were better per se but original and in tune with the planet, where their vibrations were on the same frequency and when those people were able to redirect their thinking the frequency of the planet would respond. But again this would take time we had to get our feet in the dirt and become one with tree as we began our journey.

  The first night of meditation focused on Kether, we all read about the sphere in the packet prior to our meditation. In the packet it focused on the qualities of the sphere which was absolute unity. It had no attributes and qualities that went beyond this quality of unity. It was the idea that everything was connected and apart of the oneness that connected every thread in existence where everything beyond that was a step away from the perfect black where perfection and chaos went hand in hand.

  “You all ready to go in and see what this qabalisitic hype is all about?” Bilal asked.

  What did this system have to offer us and could it really help redirect our current lot as terrorist. If so, what would the cost be?

  As we each put on the pentacle chains and placed our items bought at the store next to us. I had my wand, Bilal had his sword, and Nyema her chalice; we lit a candle and burned some myrrh oil. From then on we began to focus on in and out breaths on an eight count, eight in and eight out. After we lost track of counting and there was only the breath, our minds started to clear; from then on we were able to focus on the sphere of Kether and the idea of absolute unity. It was in this moment I felt the minds of my brother and sister, it was very subtle as everything was in moments like this where their energy signatures were very strong and pushing on my space. It was not in an intruding, but we were connecting in some way. I felt them but it was not their physical body, their aura was expanding and so was mine and it was like two universes colliding. During this first session I did not experience any mind chatter, usually I think of day to day things such as work that needed to be done for class, chores for home, or any type of mundane worries. In this moment it was peaceful and I would not want to experience this with anyone other than Nyema and Bilal.

  After fifteen minutes of mediating on the sphere we opened our eyes and blew out the candle. There was not much that was said because we said so much to each other without saying anything. We all just gathered our belongings and made our way to bed for the evening.