Read Circle Seven Page 39

Chapter 38

  As we arrived the beauty of the architecture stood out you could see the fingerprints of the ancient ones throughout the country. It had a feeling of nobility that was not from the populace but something that resonated deep from the soil. It was beyond words with clay dirt that seemed to be the molder of those ancient scholars that took the continent of Europe out of the Dark Ages giving them castles, language, math, and science, it felt like home. Our first plan of action was to meet up with Nyema and Skylar who had arrived a couple of days earlier. It was not as if they were as notorious as Bilal and I. I knew that our actions in Jerusalem would be epic but was still tickled by the constant reminders of our efforts whether it was seen in television or in newspapers. We had generated an interest in our movement globally that sought to threaten the way of life as the world knew it for a multitude of people. We just had to make sure our work was complete.

  Morocco was just as crazy in the streets as Saudi Arabia where we were met with swarms of people in the street that wondered what we had up our sleeves next. They were even calling us the Sultans of Morocco and asking us were we going to extend a treaty of peace and friendship to our enemies. We just laughed at the love we received knowing that listening to that elder in Jerusalem paid dividends, knowing that we would have to repay the debt one day.

  “We have to get to the safe house. We cannot get caught up in the celebrity of it all.” I said.

  “Yeah but you have to admit it is kind of cool, but you are right. Let’s make our way to the girls.” Bilal responded.

  As we made our way out the crowd we were handed a note from a suspicious man that bumped us as we walked to our taxi. As I opened the letter it was written with the inscription “To the leaders of the Circle Seven”.

  “I see they coined us by the symbol, how dope is that.” Bilal said.

  We waited until meeting up with the girls to open the letter. But it was strange how the guy had given it to us. He did not look he was from Morocco, he looked more West African, like a relative of Nomo. There was no threat from what was presented but curiosity was wreaking havoc on the brain trying to decipher what was written. Being patient was never a strong suit.

  As we met up with the girls we all embraced both being successful in what our tasks were. Although Bilal and I went off the script by making our efforts seen to the public.

  “You know you made it difficult for us to be seen with you all in public.” Nyema said.

  “I know this was Bilal’s idea, he always wants to been seen.” Skylar said.

  “You all just hate the fact that we are a global phenomenon. We are like the Jackson 5.” I responded.

  “But seriously we got a letter from some random guy on the street today.” I said.

  “There isn’t any powder on the envelope is there because if you get me poisoned I am going to kill you.” Skylar said.

  “It was very cryptic.” Bilal said.

  “Well open it!” Nyema screamed.

  “To the leaders of the Circle Seven my name is Khafre. I was hoping to assist in helping with your efforts here on the Mother continent. We have been following your campaign since its inception and would love to help on whatever you have planned here. I know you can gauge my intentions and see that they are pure. We currently have a group of 500 ready for whatever you all have planned. We are a group that have been working against the efforts of the colonist and there handpicked leaders for hundreds of years where we have had moments of success and moments of utter failure where they have killed our most charismatic personalities. We all seem to have the same fate as people of the Diaspora whether they are here or African leaders in America that were stolen from here years ago and the descendants of those that sailed years from Mali to the states before that. We would be honored to join you and hope that you accept us and we can work together for the liberation of Africa. If possible we would like to set up a meet if you are interested on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean at dawn.”

  “So, what do you all think, 500 is a nice number.” I asked.

  “Yeah, see you all our works have borne fruit.” Bilal said.


  “I am interested to see if the fruit is rotten Bilal.” Skylar said with Nyema nodding in agreement.

  Everyone serves a purpose is what I heard echoed in my ears, the words of my mother and uncle. We just had to figure out how to best utilize the group. Before we could think we heard a knock at the door. It was a courier with a message. The leaders of the African countries wanted to have a meeting in Egypt. The idea was a slap in the face for so many reasons but we agreed looking to explain the disrespect of such a meeting in person. The meeting was scheduled 11:11pm at night. I do not understand why we always were asked to meet at such peculiar times like we did not understand the significance of numerology another smack in the face that was strike two for me. But I was glad it did not conflict with our meeting at dawn because I was excited to grow our movement with new recruits. We would be able to meet with them and they take a flight to Egypt which was only 4.5 hours away. I was under the assumption that the meeting was similar to the meeting with the King of Saudi Arabia being that I know that he had told his compatriots in Northern Africa in hopes that they would make the same deal with us sustaining their power in the region. Whoever ended up in our favor felt that they have been granted a Get Out of Jail Free card especially after the incident in Jerusalem where Buckingham Palace was only rumored to be us. It was an excellent play for us where leaders continued to grovel at our feet. For us it was not about that though it was the opportunity to get them in a room and get them to understand why it was important to be on the right side of history. It is a pitch we were good at giving especially when the person on the other side of the table knows that you can make them dust with just a thought.

  We did not mind using fear except for those that opposed us, for the masses we wanted their devotion which we were given. Everybody wants to be free even if they do not know it yet.

  “Let’s gets some sleep, tomorrow is shaping up to be pretty intense.” I said.

  To think that the leaders of all the African Nation wanted to meet us, some kids from the city that happened to pick parents that instilled in them ideals that would tip the scales of power globally.

  “It is funny because I am sure that my father is laughing.” Nyema said.

  “Yeah he definitely played his role in the incarnation.” Skylar said.

  “I thought he was so crazy my whole life but it was everyone else,” Bilal said.

  “But we came around and look at us now, so close to fulfilling our destiny yet so much left to do at the same time the thought of it all is exhausting.” I said.

  I had to take a moment to step back and breathe because it was overwhelming at times. But we were here ready for the challenge and excelling at it, these were fun times as we were writing the story of our ascension to greatness.

  As dawn approached we made our way to the ocean following the sounds of the water hitting the shore. It was interesting to see what this group was about. All we use to hear in the states is that Africans did not like African-Americans; I never knew how true that was because my parents always had friends from the Motherland around. Nevertheless this dawn meeting I am sure would be beneficial as we had no real movement in Africa and this was the start.

  “Well here we are and its 7am where are they?” Bilal asked.

  No sooner then he asked the question we saw Khafre in the distance making his way to use with about 10 other people. I guess being conspicuous was not his strong suit.

  “Good morning, glad to see you make it. “ Khafre said to us.

  “Well, you said you had 500 hundred people that were ready to see some action so we were intrigued.” I said.

  “So is it all about people ready to die on the front lines for you all.” He asked.

  “You mean the newbies, they are get wits to be honest none of them are descendants from ancients or ancients themselves. These are people who
se guilt guide their growth the intent is not pure, so their lot is to pay the ultimate sacrifice with their lives as they rectify the decisions of their ancestors, this is their retribution to be a pawn in our rise. I will never even blink an eye at that. It is the law of universe that this occurs. You cannot think of time linearly link your colonizers Khafre it is cyclical. We are the only ancients we have ever put in harm’s way, well and Nomo but he is crazy. Ever since the president’s announcement proclaiming us terrorist we were well aware of the fact that no ancients were ever discovered. However, Africa is a whole different ballgame where the United States and Europe was just a warm up.” I responded.

  The choices we made initially were to destabilize the economy and promote fear in the elite. But Africa was different. It was the high rollers tables at the casino as this was definitely a gamble. The elite have had their foot on the necks of the Africans since we showed the cave dweller how to sail a boat. This was a place rich in resources but no African controlled them. They were all horded by the elite in power with a Negropean traitor elite African who was brainwashed allowing actions that were detrimental to his or her people. And I have not even touched the fact that Arabs had invaded and occupied the remnants of our high civilization in North Eastern Africa. So, yes this meeting with Khafre was a big deal.

  “Khafre let me be simple and plain to avoid the confusion. Your, our people will never be pawns. We are looking to place people we can trust in governmental offices and lead this continent and kick the oppressive forces out.” I told him.

  “Is he always this pleasant?” Khafre asked Skylar.

  “It is his parents’ fault they have told them the crimes against Africa suffered for as long as he can remember. This means a lot to him, it means a lot to all of us.” Skylar responded.

  I blame my passion to help.

  “But we know that you are not victims. None of us are unless we sit by and watch this happen. By doing nothing we become victims of our own complacency.” Bilal said.

  “Well by working together we hope all this complacency and intently focused destruction of the continent will begin to halt.

  Through Khafre and his compatriots that sentiment was going to change in Africa where we would get the African to look within in order to free themselves. We vowed to each other to sit back and let them have all the control in this revolution.

  “Let me tell you this Khafre, we are meeting with the leaders of the continent in Egypt this evening we would love to have you bring your trusted friends and come with us. We would love your input on the situation.” I asked.

  “Of course, it would be an honor to accompany you on your travels.” He responded.

  “Perfect we already have tickets and will arrange some for you as well. We will leave at noon.” I told them.