Read Circle Seven Page 41

“Well it is all the same and all comes from this continent anyways so there is no difference we just know that god dwells within and continuously work on the ability to perfect that connection and realize the talents we have in the physical.” I said.

  “Well let us try this ancient work your way. I am intrigued to see what happens.” Khafre said.

  Khafre and his men were able to join us in the circle and adjust quickly to the methods we gave him as we proceeded. We all meditated together. As soon as everyone got in synchronicity with their breath counts we saw the top of the pyramid lift up off of the top of pyramid like a soda can and light travelled in creating a star portal. I assumed it was the other side of the black hole similar to the ones in our trances but I had never seen it in the waking hours. We all remembered the whispers from our future selves telling us about this where the melding of Africans from both sides of the world were merging the breath count which was the true ruler of this plane and we were in one of our ancient artifacts. I could not have planned it any better myself. We all were pulled to the other side of the portal. The four of us welcomed the transition but the bodies of Khafre and his comrades fought with their souls. Because the secret we learned from our parents which we tried to inform them of was that the soul is immortal but the body is in constant fear of death because although the body is also an immortal instrument which transition into different forms as it moves in matter it has not accepted it. It is only concerned with this incarnation only. Where the soul in contrast has been around for eons in occupying these different forms of planets on different planes and in different spheres has accepted its lot and welcomes the opportunity to be free of the physical and travel. So, there is a battle when reaching higher levels of consciousness where the soul fights with the body that is afraid to die. An agreement has to be made to the two where there is an unspoken contract for the soul’s return where they are then not fighting the transition to higher levels of consciousness but working together because the both understand the benefits that come from the higher levels.

  So we saw this conversation going on between Khafre and his compatriots that came along for this journey. But as descendants of ancient they were able to figure it out and rather quickly which was impressive. We saw them finally transition to the other side of the black hole. Coming with us made them avoid the tree all together as we were the living embodiment of the tree of life on Earth so there interaction with us represented the climb to higher levels. So as we welcomed them to the other side they looked with marvel as they were surrounded by dark matter. We reassured them that this would be good for them. They were bombarded with an assault of an upgrade in the dark matter energy. We saw them growing but we knew there was more for us.

  “As they are busy with that let us explore this side a little bit.” I said to my family.

  As we explored we saw a pyramid which was exact replica from which we just came. In that there were ourselves though not in appearance but we knew we were the same in meditation. It was a whole different world here but it was only a glimpse into another world.

  “I think they are doing the same thing we are doing, tapping into another world.” Skylar said.

  So this was just the tip of the iceberg I realized, we needed to keep going to go beyond where we are currently are at because although we were at another level to anybody on our plane there were still milestones to be reached. Stagnation equals death and we can never be content with progress. So in that moment we all agreed we needed to meditate on this side and open up a new portal.

  Nyema and Skylar brought us up to speed on their mediation in Stonehenge where there was a new battle that our parents were not aware which was between the spirit and the soul and it transitioned to even higher levels. We took heed to their information as we began to take our place in the pyramid. We sat next to ourselves in this dimension and went further into meditation which opened up another portal to another place we had to get familiar with.

  In this place we saw ourselves again. It seemed that we were following them somewhere but the destination was unclear. In this state they were older but since time had no relevance I was not able to get a fix on their age. In this space we are able to see the birth of our home, the first star. It was a beautiful sight where the alignment of all that was needed lined up perfectly and a sun was born. From that is where we originally came so we thought but the look on the face of those that we followed went deeper than that. It was as if we had missed something completely in our previous visits because there was a cause to this first sun and we were a part of it. This first mover that made all this happen, what was of its essence is that from whence we came? It was like Alice in Wonderland where the rabbit hole got deeper and deeper. In that thought we realized that there was no difference between that first mover and us. It was not the first star we were from but were the primordial mover from which all life flowed at least on this level of the black hole. Now we could continue to mediate on that theory through other black holes and the consensus I felt from the group was that regardless of when this first movement happened we were a part of it because there was no separation between us the that mover being that the essence that is in us is within that first movement which we have received a glimpse of on Earth having everyone in our reverence, but there was a larger task at hand which was to return the planet to the ancient ones and their descendants. That goal had not changed but took on a different plight especially with the escort of Khafre and his followers with us here they were reaching levels that they had never seen before and would need to be guided with our meeting this evening in mind. And in thinking of this meeting I was immediately brought out of trance and awoke the others at the time was approaching for the meet.

  The look in Khafre eyes was one of clarity which was not present prior to our entrance into the pyramid. As we made our way to the meeting in the heart of Cairo we were all clear with our intent we had to eradicate the leaders of the continent that were in the pocket of the elite through their institution whether their schools, International Monetary Funds, or World Banks. All of these institutions were created to break the back of the Africans making them dependent on sources outside themselves. Khafre was determined that this would end and they would no longer be subjected to those that did not have the best interest of the continent in mind.

  Now through our travels we knew that we had planned all these transgressions a long time ago but it did not make the acceptance of these conditions any easier. So, to right the ship was an honor. These Africans in charge were no real leaders as they were selling their soul for power and greed which made them no different than the elite of the world as they were their puppets chosen to subdue and dilute the ancient ones and their descendants.

  Trying to put this feeling aside I walked into this meeting with a leveled head in order not to give away our plans. As we made our way to the meeting I had an image of what I was expecting from these leaders which was similar to the King of Saudi Arabia. However, with their arrival I knew this was not going to be the case.

  The leaders of these African Nations came into the room for a meeting they requested and acted like they were doing us a favor by the meet. The leader of the meet was the representative from South Africa. Now this aggravated me on a lot of levels as there country could have led these assault years ago but let the government elite keep their claws in the country. But again my feelings could not be announced.

  “So, you are on our continent and are looking to do what?” he asked.

  “We are not sure yet but we do know that your love for western culture and your subservience to the west is a detriment to your people.” I responded.

  “Let’s cut to the chase. You all are puppets that work for people who are completely against you that look to destroy you in every way possible whether it is disease, exploitation, colonialism, or war. You all just sit by getting fat and watch your people die without any actions of correction to their plight.” Bilal interjected.

  I tire
d to interrupt to no avail because Bilal was getting agitated by their tone tremendously.

  “No Zohar, they need to know, they allow all this to happen and it makes me sick. You all have all the resources yet lack a backbone to stand up to your oppressors. We are not better in America but at least we have begun something.” Bilal continued.

  “You need to wake up out of whatever fantasy you are in. Have you ever heard of Lumumba, Mandela? They kill all of our leaders no different than yours. It is either we get with their agenda or we will die. And I my friend want to leave, for nothing good will comes out of this meeting for any of us.” He responded.

  “You all are the disease crippling your people and allowing the elite to exploit your land. Here are our terms, get them out and stand up.” Nyema said.

  “Woman, you are crazy we will do no such thing we are living good and have no need to jeopardize that based on your idle threats. I do not know what T.V. magic you all did in Jerusalem but this is not that we will not be intimidated by your kind.” He said.

  “We do not threaten you, but they will. We have 500 people ready to take your heads off if you do not comply with our demands and they are hoping you fail to comply as they are ready to stand up.” Skylar told them.

  “You do what you must, because either way we are dead.” He said.

  As I gave the signal the followers of Khafre swarmed on them leaving only the echoes of screams in the night as they eradicated the obstacles from the freedom of Africa. The came in and wreaked havoc cutting, slicing, and shooting all of the leaders and those that came with them. It was a complete slaughter one that would be remembered for all time. We had come in with this intent in mind but I had seen it play out differently than what occurred as I thought they should fall at our hands but it was better that it went this way. As Khafre and those who came with us were embalmed in dark matter they saw the big picture and what we wanted to accomplish. In our exit he told us he understood our vision and his people would be able to secure leadership on the continent on our behalf and rid the area of those who looked to exploit it. We were encouraged by his resolve and were able to leave the continent in good hands as we empowered its people as we worked together.

  “I knew it was going to be us that took them out.” Bilal said

  “Yeah me too, but it is better this way. They have connections in all the countries and they needed to do this to empower themselves.” I responded.

  As we made our way out of the Egypt we got a call from the King of Saudi Arabia.