Read Circles Of Fear Page 11


  Friday morning and Jason and Malinda awoke to the phone ringing. Jason stumbled from the bedroom to the wall phone above the breakfast bar to find it was Brad announcing he was in town safe and ready to go. The phone rang again and this time it was Vic asking if he had heard from Brad and sounded relieved to hear he had. Vic said he was getting to the gig early to mess around with Brad and make sure everything was okay. He hung up sounding happy. Tom then rang, keen to hear the same news and to say he had heard that the weekend was going to be really big with everyone he had spoken to intending to see the new band.

  Malinda had been cleaning up the unit when Jason answered a call asking for her. She looked noticeably worried as she took the phone.

  “Who is it?” she asked.

  “It’s your father princess. Thanks for the message you sent. Your mother and I are over the moon about you and Jason, but you realise how much danger you have put him in. Have you told him yet?”

  “Yes and no. How’s Tammy?”

  “She’s been asking for you. She’s safe and in good spirits. Sly knows the guys I have minding her and he’s petrified of them. Seems to be the only way you can deal with him. We have some good news on your divorce and you won’t have to appear. For some reason he’s backed off and has agreed to settle, we can’t understand why. My attorney seems to think you know of something that could damage him and he doesn’t want to stir things up. All you have to do is sign some papers.”

  Malinda sounded relieved, “Great, and my car?”

  “You should get your car about midday today. It’s on its way to you now. One of the gentleman who is guarding Tammy is bringing it over, so you can expect him any time. It was taken to the outskirts of the city inside a truck so Sly wouldn’t know it had left. Why on earth you didn’t buy a car there is beyond me.”

  “Dad, you and mum bought me that car last birthday and you know how much it means to me.”

  “Yes okay. Your mother thought that may be the case. Jason’s father dropped in and saw me on Monday, while he was here on business. We’re expecting a big wedding in the next year. He told me about Jason’s mother. We had no idea; he kept it to himself.”

  Malinda whispered, “Jason was devastated. I never bring it up, and as for the wedding; we’ll have to see what happens. We are moving to a better place dad, and as soon as we are organised I’ll come and get Tammy.”

  “Yes love, things seem to be working out fine. Make sure you keep us informed of your movements and we will see you soon. The gentleman bringing over the car will stick around for a while. Just a little insurance so your mother and I have a bit more peace of mind. We love you, bye.”

  Jason was playing his guitar on the lounge in the sunlight, his attraction to the sun revealed an aura about his body, Malinda studied it at a distance for a few seconds, and she conceived there was something special about Jason she didn't understand. She interrupted him, explained her phone call and the impending arrival of her car. “What kind of car is it?” asked Jason.

  Malinda looked blank. “A red one. Dad and mum got it for me. Said it was good for my image, but it spins the wheels all the time, especially in the rain.”

  Jason put in some practice at being a father. “Doesn’t sound a very safe car to carry Tammy in. Has it got good tyres?”

  “Jason it’s brand new!”

  As they spoke there was a loud knock on the door. Jason opened the door to find a tall heavily built, square jawed man in a suit and dark glasses. “I’m looking for Mrs Morgan,” he growled.

  Jason pushed his way into the corridor and confronted him. “Why?”

  Malinda stood along side him as the large figure handed her some keys, “Your car, Mrs Morgan. Your father asked me to hang around inconspicuously for a while. He’s worried about Mr Morgan doing something silly. I hope you don’t mind sir, just a bit of insurance. Her parents are very worried. Your daughter is fine Mrs Morgan. She looks just like you. Your father said that’s how I would recognise you.”

  Jason smiled with relief. As he started to walk down the stairs, he turned and spoke again. “I’ll be driving a new Ford Fairlane hire car, silver in colour. Have a nice day,” and he left.

  They went back inside the unit and Malinda put on some shoes, “I’m going down to my car. Dad and mum put some of my things in it for me.”

  She headed down the stairs to the car park, followed by Jason, whose face lit up as she opened the door of a very low red sports car.

  “A Ferrari Testarossa.” Jason ran his hand across the roof and looked inside. “These things are capable of a hundred and sixty miles an hour. There’s no way you’re carrying Tammy round in this.”

  Malinda was still surprised at his constant care for Tammy who he had not even seen, could the seed of destiny have unconceivable links she didn't understand. She shook her head and raised her eyebrows. “I only go in third gear, anything above that scares the shit out of me. Can you carry these bags upstairs for me?”

  Jason put the bags to one side, sat Malinda in the passenger seat and went for a test drive, listening to the Ferrari engine scream through the back streets. He gently brought it to a stop in the car park of the unit and switched the growling engine off.

  “There is no way you are carrying Tammy around in this thing. It’s too dangerous. I’ll have to have it.”

  Malinda had found three of Jason’s weaknesses; her self, children and fast cars. She was very happy she had all of them.

  Jason and Malinda arrived at the venue of their first gig in somewhat more sedate transport, as his equipment would not fit in Malinda’s Ferrari. Jason placed his amp on the stage assisted by Tom while Vic and Brad sat in the dressing room. Jason did a quick check of his sound and joined them to discuss the two one hour sets they would have to do because they couldn’t afford a support band. They drew up three copies of the sets they agreed on and put them on the stage where they could see them and handed a small one to Tom so he knew what to expect. Brad and Vic would do solos in the second set after Jason had introduced them and as they were all happy with the set up they joined Malinda in the crowd, who was dancing to the music the DJ was playing. It was early and the place was already nearly full and the band felt happier that they didn’t have to face the night alone. Jason noticed the large figure who had delivered the car standing against the wall still wearing his dark glasses and making the bouncers look like garden gnomes. Malinda had drawn her own crowd of young guys on the edge of the dance floor and the large figure scanned them like a hunting hawk. Jason had a feeling of unease and suspected that Malinda hadn’t told him everything, but was sure that in time she would. With ten minutes to go they made their way to the dressing room and prepared themselves. Malinda came in and kissed them all, wishing them luck and went back to the dance floor followed by a large crowd of friends Malinda had not seen for many years who had gathered in the dressing room.

  The band took their positions on the stage and the DJ strained over the noise of the cheering capacity crowd to announce them. They were introduced as the town’s newest front line band, “Full On” and driving blues chords filled the room and the party started. Between sets the dressing room was sealed off as too many people wanted to show their appreciation. The band dried their sweat-soaked bodies during the break, with Malinda dancing in amongst them and only returning to the dance floor when they started the second hour set. Jason drew out some of the solo work and Brad and Vic did their own solos and by the end of the night they had played some tunes unrehearsed and run slightly overtime. Jason shared the vocal work with Brad and found their voices were still working well as they did a demanded encore. They left it at one encore knowing the crowd would return for more if they left them wanting. As they left the stage Jason heard Vic talking to Brad, “I think we’re really on to something with this band.” Jason somehow thought he had heard that somewhere before, this time there was no fall from slumber.

  Tom and Malinda appeared in the dressing room, Tom saying tha
t the show was great and Malinda collapsing in a heap on Jason’s lap with exhaustion after dancing the night away. They assisted Tom in loading all the equipment into the truck and got paid. Jason woke Malinda who had fallen asleep by then and they all headed home for some rest as they still had Saturday and Sunday nights to do before counting any chickens.

  Saturday night’s gig was harder. The base crowd were trendy and the venue was very upmarket. The band was pleased when the venue had a capacity crowd early and they recognised a lot of faces in the crowd. Malinda arrived late and a bit sore from the previous nights dancing and threw out all the women who had congregated in the dressing room. The trendies joined in on the show when they started not wanting to look unhip to the crowd of enthusiastic R’n’B punters who had graced their territory. At the back of the venue, not far from the ever present large figure who watched over Malinda’s every move, stood Steven Brooks from Ramrod Records watching in awe as Jason took the crowd in the palm of his hand and held them there. He never expected to see such talent. As the band did a hard-earned encore Steven made his way towards the dressing room, waiting at the side of the stage as Jason thanked the crowd. The stage went black as Tom killed the lights. The band filed off stage and as Jason walked past Steven, Steven extended his hand.

  “Jason,” Steven shook Jason’s hand firmly, “Steven Brooks from Ramrod Records. Can I have a word?”

  Jason looked very puzzled. “Come into the dressing room. It’s quiet in there.” They walked into the dressing room and closed the door. Brad and Vic had disappeared into the crowd so they were alone. “What is it you wanted?” asked Jason.

  “Your band is great Jason, I really mean that; I hear you have a lot of hot original material and Ramrod are really keen on signing you up.”

  Jason cut him short with loud laughter. “Look, whoever sent you in here to wind me up, go back and tell them good try.” Jason stood and walked towards the door and before he could open it Brad and Vic burst in.

  Brad was about to speak but stopped in his tracks when he saw Steven. He gazed at him for a few seconds and then spoke. “Well if it isn’t Mr Ramrod himself, I didn’t think they let shit house rats into this venue.”

  Steven nervously pulled out a cigarette and lit it up. “Brad Bishop. I wondered if it was you. Your hair is a lot longer these days.”

  Jason sat back down. “So this guy is really who he says he is.”

  Brad continued, “He’s the top man from Ramrod. Signed a band up I was in five years back and took all our material. We didn’t read the contract as well as we should have and he put in a couple of real fancy clauses and other bands ended up with our stuff.”

  “Why would you want to sign a R’n’B band that’s only doing covers? I can’t believe that you’d want to, a major record company hasn’t signed a blues band up in this country for twenty years,” said Jason in a sarcastic manner, as he felt uneasy inside himself with the situation.

  Steven stubbed out his cigarette. “Look, I got a hot tip on you. I just happened to be in town and thought I’d have a look and now I’m really keen. You guys are gonna be really big I can feel it. There’s a big opening for a blues band with Ramrod; we’ve been looking for a while and you guys are it. Come on guys, what do you want me to do, beg?”

  Brad jumped in, “I smell a rat man.”

  “I think this guy’s serious and we better have a good talk,” said Vic.

  Jason shook his head. “It’s taken me all my life to write my songs. After what Brad said I don’t think I want to give them to you.”

  Steven stood up, “You can write your own contract for God’s sake.”

  “Could you wait outside for a while?” asked Jason, he felt a hand on his shoulder, looked around but Brad and Vic were clear of him.

  Steven walked to the door. “I don’t usually, but this time I will,” and he walked out followed by Tom who had come in half way through the conversation, Tom had no idea why he had suddenly been compelled to walk to the band room. Tom introduced himself, to Steven and told him that you couldn’t give Jason anything because he liked to go get it himself and suggested he change tactics, by trying to tell him he couldn’t do it. Then he disappeared back into the dressing room where the main discussion was around full control of the band’s contract, if they were to sign one. Jason insisted that they hadn’t even passed go yet and some guy wanting to record them was unbelievable.

  Steven had worked out the message Tom gave him and pushed his way in the door. “Jason maybe you’re right. We need a band that can record a dozen originals within a month. You’re really great, but that’s probably a bit much to ask of you guys.”

  Jason’s ears pricked up. “These guys are the some of the best players in the country. We could have a dozen original songs recorded in a month, no problems.”

  Steven rubbed his hands together and smiled. “Great, let’s go then.”

  “Be at tomorrow’s gig with the details of the contract for us to see. We want complete control of everything, no strings, plus sixty percent after expenses,” explained Jason.

  Steven raised his eyebrows. “You don’t want much then. I’ll see what I can do, but it may not be that good.”

  Jason shook his hand. “If it’s not that good don’t bother coming.”

  “I’ll be there early,” said Steven as he left.

  They all sat discussing their good fortune, but Jason was suspect on how such a thing could happen in such a short space of time and was not convinced all was well. If Ramrod wanted things to happen that quick they would have to rehearse twelve hours a day, a lot of time for a band that really needed to work for a living.

  Malinda burst in the door from her usual position of partying up on the dance floor as the venue was closing.

  “What’s happening?” she enquired.

  “Nothing you’d believe,” said Jason, “Now come on guys we’ve got to pack up and we haven’t got any roadies.”

  Malinda went to sleep in the dressing room, exhausted by her dancing again as the band all pitched in dismantling the PA and lights. A very pleased manager took Jason to one side and paid him, asking him to get back to him on a couple of bookings. As the band loaded the gear into Tom’s truck Jason noticed a silver Ford Fairlane close by Malinda’s Ferrari in the car park. The large figure inside was still wearing his sunglasses.

  Steven could see a lot of his father in Jason as he attempted to negotiate with him and had wasted no time on the way back to his hotel. He rang the local newspapers on his mobile phone from the cab, giving his contacts there all the information on signing Jason and his band up to Ramrod Records. He then rang all his contacts at radio stations making sure that they would headline the information in all news bulletins straight away. He did all he could at that time of the morning and was sure that night’s gig was going to be a bit bigger than Jason would ever dream, knowing that the band could really pull it off. Steven leant across the front seat of the cab.

  “Hey cabbie, you ever heard of a band called ‘Full On’?”.

  “Yeah just heard you raving on the phone about them. Couldn’t help but overhear. Sounds like they’re going to be really big from what you were saying.”

  Steven slapped the seat with his palm. “Yep, really big and there’s nothing they can do about it except hang on to their hats, cause it’s gonna be one fast ride.”

  Midday Sunday and Jason had put the phone off the hook. It hadn’t stopped ringing from eight in the morning onwards. Everyone from old band members to the media had not stopped asking questions and congratulating him. All newspapers and TV stations were sending reporters to that night’s gig and the venue they were to play had rung saying they had been swamped with calls for reservations and were worried about security. All booking agents in town had called wanting to handle the band, plus a host of other calls he couldn’t even remember.

  He looked out the window and saw the silver Ford Fairlane parked in the street just down from the units. The large figure was
leaning against a tree in the parklands still wearing his dark glasses and Jason felt he was already losing his freedom. He listened to the news on the radio announcing the big breakthrough of Jason Brinkly’s new band “Full On,” signed to international recording company Ramrod. The band gathered at Jason’s unit before going to the gig, now realising that Steven Brooks was serious and they needed to discuss the impact of things on their lives. Brad and Vic were keen, but Jason was still suspect of the whole thing. Jason came under attack from Vic claiming this was the big test and Jason was frightened to go any further, as he was a few years earlier with Stallion Records, because if he failed he couldn’t handle it. Brad who was the only one who knew anything of Ramrod Records, insisted it was too good an opportunity to turn down even if it did fail and that Steven must think they were a sure thing to be acting like he was. After much debate Jason agreed, not only for himself, but the whole band’s sake, he felt the invisible hand of reassurance on his shoulder. They would do it. Malinda listened in, worried that the sudden surge towards stardom would affect the development of their relationship and wanted to seek reassurance from Jason that things wouldn’t change. Brad and Vic left for the venue to give Tom a hand and let him know what was going on and Jason and Malinda set off a little while later in Malinda’s Ferrari, as Jason’s equipment was now in the truck. Jason noticed the silver Ford Fairlane in his rear vision mirror. He assured Malinda that the most important thing in his life was Malinda and Tammy and that the band would have to revolve around that, but he would have to make certain commitments for a month or so. Malinda was convinced and began to cheer up as they approached the venue car park.

  Steven Brooks was busy doing a press release outside the stage entrance with several members of the media when Jason and Malinda pulled along side them in the Ferrari. Although Steven wasn’t expecting it to happen, he directed their attention to Jason’s arrival. They swarmed around Jason as he tried to get out of the car.

  Steven spoke to himself with a chuckle, “This guy is better than I thought.”

  Jason was trying to answer a barrage of questions when the silver Ford Fairlane skidded to a halt and a large figure with dark glasses leapt out, forcing the journalists back and shielding Malinda and Jason as they headed for the dressing room.

  Steven spoke to himself again, “Oh wow, this guy is really good.” He finished the press release for the journalists who hurried away with their stories and went inside and got access to the dressing room past the large figure , now guarding the door. It took some time to explain to Steven, Brad, Vic and Tom that what happened wasn’t set up, but a chain of unrelated circumstances. Jason informed Steven they would sign as long as the conditions were as he had requested. Steven took them into the venue where either side of the stage stood the biggest PA available in the state and over the top of the stage was an enormous light show.

  “This is minimum for you guys from now on,” said Steven.

  “What about Tom’s gear? We always use him.” asked Jason.

  Steven put his hand on Tom’s shoulder, “I rang him this morning and we came up with this together. He will continue to do sound for you if that’s what you want. I got him two roadies as well.”

  “Yeah, who’s gonna pay for all this?”

  “All in your contract Jason. I’ll have it ready tomorrow. All you asked for, all I want is an album and a video completed for international release in a month. We get the whole show at a pretty good price on permanent hire and you guy’s door taking will skyrocket with all the publicity. Don’t worry I’ll take care of everything.”

  The venue manager confronted Jason. “Jason we’re a bit worried about noise and crowd security tonight; we never expected all this.”

  Jason looked angry, “Last time I was playing here you complained because the production wasn’t big enough and the crowd was down.”

  Vic chipped in. “You told my old band the same thing.”

  Steven intervened. “Steven Brooks. Here’s my card, executive director of Ramrod Records international. I now manage this band. Is there a problem at all?” Steven enquired shaking the venue manager’s hand.

  “I’m a bit worried about the noise of these large sound systems or PAs or whatever you call them and the lights. There looks to be a lot burning heaps of power,” the venue manager replied.

  “You have three bands in here a week don’t you?” asked Steven.

  “Yes, they usually use the in house system and lights. Usually only international acts bring in this kind of equipment.”

  Steven started shaking his head. “Well I’m afraid that if you can’t accommodate my new international band then we’ll just pack up now before we upset you and oh, I have six other acts playing at this venue in the next three months and I’m going to have to pull those out as well. Bands can’t go making too much noise; the crowd might hear them! I’ll ring the hotel chain owner myself and tell him what’s happened. I may have to check some of his other venues, they may be unsuitable as well. Ok guys, pull it down and let’s get out of here.”

  The venue manager freaked out. “I said I was worried, I didn’t say don’t do it!”

  Steven interrupted. “Look bud, Ramrod are going to put hundreds of thousands of dollars into this band. If they can’t be seen or heard in your venue then we’ll go somewhere they can, or it would be a waste of time, and you can tell the TV crews they’re not here when they roll up in an hour or so. Now what’s it going to be?”

  “No problem. The show looks to be really shaping up,” replied the venue manager who then scurried away avoiding anymore confrontation.

  The band was impressed and felt more at ease with the sudden pressure that had been brought to bear by the interest in them. Television crews arrived wanting some live footage of the band which they combined with a short interview with Steven explaining his discovery of the band and their impending popularity. It was completed before the venue doors opened and a long line of people waited to gain access to the event whilst radio stations had picked up on some of Jason’s old recordings and were playing them with the news of the breakthrough for the band.

  Zup had arrived early and asked the band if he would be able to blow harmonica in a few songs. Jason played a few different tunes in the rehearsal room to show Brad and Vic his ability level. Once they heard him play they agreed it was a good idea and they arranged a few good songs for blues harmonica late in the set and had a quick rehearsal whilst doing a sound check. Steven was against Zup appearing, but the band was adamant that it would go down well as Zup was popular in his own right and it could help break up the constant guitar solos. Steven was forced to agree, not wanting to upset his progress and after talking with Zup for a while became more relaxed about it. The large figure was not at ease with Zup’s presence and hovered around Malinda, her being noticeably worried by Zup’s arrival, but later accepting him and teaming up with the large figure to keep the now capacity crowd away from the dressing room and stage area. Zup and the large figure were past middle age with greying hair, but both looked younger because of their muscle-bound fit looking bodies, Zup’s being largely tattooed. On further conversation they found a common bond, they were both conscripts and had done time during their teens in Vietnam. The large figure was reluctant to give his name to anyone, including Zup, so he was affectionately branded The Large Figure.

  As the night grew to an end and into the next morning the show was over the top. Zup gave it all he had when invited on by the band towards the end of the show, joining them for the encores which ran well overtime. The band was rocketing to stardom and as they sat waiting in the dressing room for the crowd to disperse they all felt they were losing their freedom already. Steven took all of Jason’s booking information saying that it would probably change, but not too much, staying in the same state until they had released their first album which would take a lot of their time anyway. Recording would be done in Ramrod’s Sydney studio in a month’s time and Steven was to bring in an American p
roducer for the album. The whole band objected but conceded, when Steven explained the automatic American release of the album if he used a certain American producer who would be in an advisory capacity, with the band having the last say.

  The sun was coming up when they all bid Steven farewell from a city restaurant as he headed for the airport for an early flight to Sydney to catch up on what he referred to as an increased workload. The band was to start rehearsing immediately for the base of Jason’s original songs with harmonica, saxophone and a second guitar being mixed in when recording. Jason was to stay in contact with Steven through his father’s phone, as that’s where they would be spending most of their time. Malinda was to move house for her and Jason later that day so they could move in on Tuesday and the phone could take a week to be operational at their new abode. The Large Figure had become the best of friends with Zup and they were seen exchanging information. Brad was going to move in with Vic. Tom couldn’t believe what was going on and how fast it had happened and they all dispersed to meet at Jason’s father late in the afternoon to start rehearsing after admiring Malinda’s Ferrari. Vic commenting on it being his next choice of car, but for now him and Brad jumped in his seventy-four Ford panel van and headed home to rest.