Read Circles Of Fear Page 19


  Jason’s sudden change of abode had disrupted the ability of people to contact him. He had given his new location and phone number to only a few, wanting time to come to grips with the loss of Malinda.

  He had just returned from taking Tammy to school on Monday morning and his father had left for his office when the phone rang. Jason answered it.


  “I’m trying to contact a Jason Brinkly and have been informed I may do so on this number,” a voice replied.

  “This is Jason, who is this?”

  “Geoff Harrison of McDonald International. I’m the McDonald family lawyer. Mr McDonald told me I could contact you there. I’m so terribly sorry about Miss McDonald but...”

  Jason interrupted straightaway. “That’s Mrs Brinkly, she was my wife.”

  “Sorry I’m aware of that, just a slip of the tongue. I’ve known Malinda for many years and I’m so terribly sorry. I have power of attorney for Malinda and have to inform you that you are the sole benefactor of your wife’s estate. I need to see you as soon as I can to sign some papers.”

  “You mean her car and personal things?”

  “I don’t think you understand Jason. Your wife was a very wealthy woman. She has made it quite clear you should receive all.”

  “What do you mean by all?”

  “You mean you don’t know, Mr Brinkly?”

  “I have no idea. She gave me Tammy and there’s nothing else I want except her, but unfortunately that’s not possible.”

  Harrison remembered the conversation he had with Malinda when she signed the changes to her will. He now understood what she meant. “Jason, this may come as a shock to you then. Malinda’s estate stands at seven hundred and eighty million dollars in available cash, plus real estate to the approx value of twelve million, some of it overseas.”

  There was complete silence for a few seconds, “I’ll get Tammy some new toys. Her old ones are getting a bit grubby.”

  Harrison smiled. “As you wish Jason. Is it possible for you to come to Sydney to see me?”

  “No way. I have to look after Tammy. She’s doing well in school and we are both trying to get over the loss of her mother.”

  “Then I will gladly come to you. Where can I find you?”

  “John McDonald can tell you exactly where.”

  “Tomorrow afternoon be okay?”

  “Yes I’ll be here.”

  “It’s been a pleasure Jason. Oh and I like your music. I have your latest CD at home. Look forward to meeting you tomorrow, bye,” and they hung up.

  Jason walked around the house wondering how anyone could get seven hundred and eighty million dollars and even more difficult, what do you do with it when you get it. He had the song he had written by Malinda’s grave folded up in his pocket. He got it out and studied it. He turned to the only thing he knew to show his feelings.

  Mary, Tammy’s live in nanny was dusting the lounge where Jason sat studying the song.

  “I must record this song.” Jason thought out loud.

  “What was that Jason, I didn’t quite hear you?” asked Mary.

  “Oh nothing, I must make a phone call.” He picked up the cordless phone lying on the lounge room table, went up to his bedroom and rang Steven Brooks.

  “Jason, great to hear from you. I haven’t rung. I put everything on hold regarding the band; figured you’d need some time to yourself. I’m so sorry about Malinda, I can’t believe it.”

  “I’ve written a song about her and I want to record another album.”

  “Fine, if you feel up to it Jason. I have some news for you. The album’s still number one here and number four in the States. It’s also selling well in Europe. You’re a millionaire Jason.”

  “Oh that’s good, I was wondering where my next million was coming from. I’ll get on to the band and call you again when we have something. ”

  “I’ll let Hank know. He’s called several times to see how you are. There was a news report regarding Malinda in the States; everyone’s been very upset.”

  “Thanks Steven, I’ll catch you soon, bye.” Jason could still smell Malinda’s perfume on the phone as he was using it.

  Harrison arrived Tuesday afternoon with a wad of paperwork. As they worked through the formalities, Jason learnt more of Malinda’s past from Harrison. Malinda’s first husband was a chemist and had developed a perfume that was powerful and lasting. It sold well but he was killed in a plane crash, taking the secret of the perfume formula with him. Nobody could analyse the secret of the perfume’s ingredients, so they lost it. This had already made her cosmetic range popular, so with Savanna, who she had formed a modelling agency with in university, she built an international manufacturing and distribution empire, backing it up with their modelling agency. They called it Malvanna.

  When Malinda married Morgan, against her father’s wishes, her fortune continued to expand. They didn’t know much of what had gone on when she was with Morgan, but Malinda’s parents had been very worried. Her father had stepped in during the divorce, retaining her wealth and keeping Morgan at bay. They were delighted when she came back here to Jason, but then tragedy.

  Jason left the estate as it was, telling Harrison he would think about what he would do with the fortune, but at present had no idea. Harrison told him he would keep him informed, as Jason may have to make decisions regarding the estate from time to time, but would leave it until Jason was ready if he could. As Jason saw Harrison out he had a question.

  “Do you remember the powerful lingering perfume you spoke of?” asked Jason.

  “Yes, my wife had some but it’s gone now.”

  Jason took Harrison to Malinda’s Ferrari in the garage, asking Harrison to smell the interior. Harrison opened the door and without even putting his head inside, could smell it.

  “Yes that’s it, amazing isn’t it?”

  “Can you remember what it was called?”

  “Yes, I’m sure it was called ‘Forever’.”

  "Why have I paid such a price for all this, has god no perception of grief. Have the hands on my shoulder guided me toward something I don't understand. Where are the answers, I have only questions."

  Harrison stood stone faced and spell bound, he hesitated for a few seconds before answering. "I feel the same way; sorry I can't be of more assistance."

  Jason decided to plunge himself into hard work with the band to help take his mind off the loss of Malinda, if it was here existence that lit his fire, her death continued to drive him on. He still thought of her constantly and visited her grave daily, lapsing into deep depression by day’s end and getting little sleep at night, he had fallen lower than he could have possibly imagined.

  Tammy was becoming of concern to him. He struggled to smile while he played with her. He felt this reflected on her, as they often sat together for hours watching television in complete silence. He wanted to change things so she was happy.

  He rang Brad, Vic and Tom, arranging for a rehearsal to practise the band’s existing material and put down new tracks for their next album. In a few days they had some promising results. They only rehearsed week days in school hours, as Jason spent all the time he could with Tammy and the band was under no pressure to produce as they had been with the first album. Brad and Vic had kept themselves busy, helping Tom doing stage and sound for touring Ramrod bands. Their new-found wealth gave them a more relaxed approach to life in general.

  Jason’s father felt now that he had Jason back. Having Jason and Tammy at home with him was very pleasing. He saw Jason daily, but had not yet pushed Jason to give up his music. He was well aware that Jason was doing financially well from the band, but knew nothing of his inheritance from Malinda. He thought Jason would drop the band and then saw himself free to graft Jason into his own world, pulling him outside the circle that had deprived his father of his place beside him. Bob was surprised when Jason plunged back into rehearsal with the band. This took Jason away again, with Jason showing lit
tle time for his father.

  Two months had passed and Jason was leaving for Sydney in a week to record a new album. Bob rang Steven Brooks. Steve’s secretary informed him of the call and he accepted it.

  “Mr Brinkly, Steven Brooks. Haven’t heard from you since you were here last. What can I do for you?”

  “I’m ringing about Jason. You are aware of the circumstances that I bought Ramrod in the first place, are you not?”

  “Yes, I remember your plan.”

  “This next record of Jason’s better flop so he comes home with his tail between his legs. You know what I mean?”

  “This next album of Jason’s has got as much chance as being a flop as I have of becoming the Queen of England. His first album is still in the charts all over the world. We are already booking football stadiums for his next world tour to coincide with the release of his next album.”

  Bob Brinkly became aggressive and interrupted. “You work for me, Brooks. I’m giving you instructions and I want them carried out. Ruin my son’s band!”

  “I thought that would be easy until I saw your son’s band Brinkly. You failed to mention to me that he is very good. I would have signed him up if you didn’t own the company. I just never knew he was there. I told Watson about it some time ago.”

  “I’ll give you a month Brooks. You have done well up to now, if you don’t do as I ask I’ll ruin you.”

  “Your son is a friend of mine, Brinkly. Whatever happens, happens. It’s not really in my hands; I’m just doing my job.”

  “One month, Brooks, or else!” Bob hung up. He knew his demands may not be carried out and his plan was backfiring. He would wait a month then try to get Brooks on his side. He didn’t want Jason to know what was going on.