Read Circles Of Fear Page 43


  Wednesday the eighteenth of August, six am, Jason had risen early. Only a few hours ago, he had given consent to the killing of another human being. He sat in the enclosed patio and watched the steam rise from the heated pool in the cold morning air; he felt no remorse; his instinct told him it had to be done. Harry came in for an early swim and sat next to him.

  “What do you think about Sharp’s death Harry?” asked Jason.

  “Relief, not just for me, but for everyone. Matt was one of those people who was an enemy of mankind.”

  Jason nodded. “I still can’t believe ADAM, I saw it with my own eyes. I still have trouble with the parts I couldn’t see, the satellite system.”

  “That I can’t show you. Four of them are on the equator diametrical to each other, at a height of 35,900 kilometres. At that height they orbit the earth at the same speed as the earth’s rotation, they appear stationary to an observer on earth. That’s nothing new. Each satellite has a small sphere creating its power, they are only the size of a table tennis ball, using the technology in an industrial sense as you suggested. The sphere also does away with the need of an oscillator to keep it pointing towards the earth’s surface like conventional satellites. It also does away with solar panels and batteries. They all have two antenna systems, one to communicate with each other, one to gather its information from every one else. The one above the bunker has a third that communicates with the bunker surface hidden pick up grids. All the satellites have the third antenna, but only the one above the bunker need use it. The grids and radio wave system were designed by a Sharp. He was a clever man; that was his input.

  The satellites themselves are only the size of a two hundred-litre oil drum. There are also two more, one above the south and north poles of the earth, directly in line with the axis. These two are different; they have two spheres inside them spinning in opposing directions, this is to do with keeping them in one spot. They are the satellites that centralise ADAM’s steering system. Because they were so small, they were launched as secondary objectives to launching rockets as our main task, this put it all in our financial range. We sold some of our technology to pay for it all, nothing that was of any great importance. The satellites are well within the earth’s magnetic field, so pods can fly close enough to the satellites to defend them. ADAM can work out itself if any object is on a collision course and take it out respectively, it’s already done that several times.”

  Jason looked at Harry. “It’s five past six in the morning Harry, but thanks for that anyway.” Harry laughed and dived in the pool.

  It was eight-thirty when they dropped Tammy to school. They made their way towards the city office, for what would be Jason’s last meeting with the board. Harry told Jason of an old aircraft hanger that stood over top of the bunker while they worked on the project, it was taken down when ADAM became operational. This helped the area look as if they had ceased whatever they were doing there. The hanger was rebuilt on the outskirts of Woomera town, he noticed it was still there when they passed by. He was planning to use the facility again for ongoing research. Jason thought this was a good idea, he had a vision of an electro magnetic transport system for the public, spanning the entire country; powered by Harry’s revolutionary spheres. Harry wanted to develop an autonomous submarine fleet to work with ADAM. Jason was against developing ADAM’S awesome strike capability any further than it was, but agreed, as long as industrial development didn’t suffer. He asked Harry that ADAM remain a secret for now and that he have something of his vision to show the people in the near future. Jason said he had a plan of hope using ADAM’S technology, building an industry around a pollution free transport and industrial system. Harry’s immediate priority was the sorting of information in ADAM’s memory banks, he thought it would take about a week. During that time he would also enlist some help. Jason informed him that anyone in a major role would have to be introduced to him. He relied on his instinct to warn him of their good or evil intentions.

  On arrival at the city office, Watson introduced eleven people to Jason. All would be playing major roles in the company somewhere and had been forwarded from all areas of operations for his appraisal. Jason walked along the line shaking hands as they were introduced. Part way along the line a man stepped back shacking with fear, not wanting to touch Jason. Jason sensed the evil within the man, further along the line a man clung to the wall, averting his eyes from Jason.

  Jason glared at them. “I don’t know who you men are and don’t wish to. You are both evil, please leave, there is no place for you in our organisation. You both have a chance to change your ways, you must find whatever good is within you and harness that. If you continue the way you are, I will drive you from the face of the earth.” The men fled down the stairs as Jason shook the hands of the rest of the people. “Wherever each of us are, we all are. We all bear each other’s destiny in our hands, welcome.” The newcomers were speechless and in wonder at his presence. He continued on to head the meeting. While Harry met the rest of the board, Jason studied the board’s reports, after familiarising himself with them he convened the meeting.

  “This meeting is open gentlemen; I have a meeting to attend with the APP at one pm so my appearance here will be brief. We have a new arm of the organisation, Harry Briggs of Australian Defence Arms Manufacturers whom you have all met and are probably familiar with his unfortunate previous experience, as depicted in the press. We have been able to place Harry back in his rightful position in life. Some of us were sceptical on the purchase of ADAM, I knew of the potential of the company by means that have been disclosed in the press. I couldn’t release those facts then, Harry’s life may have been in danger. Harry will build a new arm of ADAM, it will be called The Corporation. ADAM has technology to take us well into the year two thousand and twenty with our planning. To give Harry an idea of our resources, can we have a brief update from everyone? We will start with Steven, Ramrod Records.

  “We released four new albums with big bands over the last two weeks. All are selling well. We are opening venues for live bands in France, England, Germany, Russia, Japan, ten states in the US as well as every major city in Australia, more are pending. This is being done in conjunction with our newly formed real estate management, Brinkly Property, headed by Geoff and David. ‘Full on’s new album is nearly ready, probably next week, we have some guitar tracks that the band would like you to play. There is also one for your vocals, an old one written by you; is it possible for you to do them in the next week or so?”

  “Book a suitable studio here,” said Jason. “Late in the evening preferably, bring the master over and we’ll do it. This will be the last time I’ll be able to do such a thing, they’re on their own after that.”

  Steven leant over and placed a tape in front of Jason. “Your mother’s recordings, they came out quite well. Some revenue has been changing hands so I don’t have an accurate profit margin, around eight million last week, I think.”

  “Thanks Steven,” Jason looked at the tape and put it in his pocket. “Watson.”

  “Yes, because we are all in the office complex here now, it has been far easier to operate, except for Nick who now has formed a good line of communication. Our Adelaide production plants are coming on fine, we produced some of our first new ceramic products this week. Retraining of our staff is in full swing, everyone is happy. Our overseas plants are being extended, profits are on the rise, an estimate for last week would be in the region of eleven million.”

  “Good,” said Jason. “David.”

  “Your idea of handling our own real estate is mushrooming. Three of the people you met earlier will play a major role, except one of them ran away when he saw Jason. I had reservations about his intentions, but wasn’t sure. Seems I must trust my own judgement in the future.”

  Jason nodded. “That should stand for everyone, you must grasp what I have been able to give you in this short time, a little of me will be with you all the time. Please continue Da

  “Now we are closer together like Watson mentioned, working together is paying dividends. Even Steven is finding it easier to work from here, the advantages pay for the travelling many times over. I can’t give an accurate profit margin for the last week but would estimate in the three million mark on property rental. We have large coffers of money we need to get working, it could be doing more for a lot of people, not only us. Looking at this with Geoff we find the daily interest on this money to be several million. The police completed the investigation into Capper, Wilson and Marshall the corrupt union officials, they were all arrested this morning. The unions involved are most grateful for our help, we are assisting in the seizing of their assets from embezzled funds to return to the workers of the state. The story will be front page around the country tomorrow.”

  “Can you add to that Geoff?” asked Jason.

  “Not really, David and I are really running in the same park now, other than I put Jason a hundred to one on for Prime Minister if an election is called by the present government, who at present will not admit they are finished.”

  “Here! here!” was the chorus from the table.

  “Nick, what’s happening in the west?”

  “Bob’s Bonanza is all go, construction is well under way, with good co-operation from the local government. The mobile gold plants on site are producing hundreds of ounces a day, all in nuggets. I do believe we are showing a profit over expenditure of a few hundred thousand, but it changes daily. Open pit mining has begun, ores are being stockpiled. We should be producing in three months, well ahead of schedule. Reserves now stand at two hundred and thirty billion dollars and rising with every exploration hole drilled. We are the focus of the gold mining world.”

  “Harry, what do you think?” asked Jason.

  “My brain’s ticking like a time bomb, I have heard of world-wide networks, real estate, investment, ceramics, we have a lot to talk about gentlemen. I think we can help each other more than you imagine. In two years we will be the world’s biggest corporation and you’re damn good people too, I can feel it.”

  “Great Harry,” said Jason. “I have an announcement to make, I will be stepping down as head of Brinkly International from this moment forwards. A chairman will be elected by the board, he or she will stand for a period of twelve months. Then it will be someone else’s turn. As so much money is being transferred from one area to another, calculating salaries from the idea we originally had will be difficult. We will have to go to fixed salaries as was the thought of most people, they will be set by the board. I nominate Watson as chairman for the coming year.”

  “Here! here!” was heard from around the table.

  “As everyone agrees, we require no seconding or vote on the matter, until one year from now.” Jason made notes in his diary. “Gentleman, Brinkly International could not be in better hands, I will leave you now, returning to meet new people who will have a major role on your request. I will now be serving the people of this country.”

  “Oh, Jason, before you go,” said Watson. “I have this for you.” Watson handed Jason a small bottle of amber fluid. Jason opened it; Forever’s fragrance filled the air. “It’s the formula on the disk, it took a while to get the ingredients; our chemist said it’s a perfume.”

  “It’s not just any perfume,” said Jason as he handed it to Geoff. “I think we’re going into the cosmetics business.”

  Geoff could smell the fragrance as soon as Jason opened the bottle. “It’s Forever Jason; this was the world’s biggest selling perfume. Where did you get it?”

  “Malinda kept it hidden for us, I don’t know why. I’ll send you the first female member of the board next Wednesday. See if you agree that she’s the right person to head such a venture.”

  “It’s a foregone winner with this,” said Geoff. “What will we call this new arm of the company?”

  “Mallita Cosmetics,” replied Jason.

  “And the perfume’s name to stay the same?”

  “No, call it Regeneration. There is one other thing. Harry, I would like an executive jet, the smallest, fastest available, on the tarmac at the airport. Twenty-four hours a day. I want to be able to get to ADAM, no matter where I am if the need arises.”

  “I understand,” said Harry.

  Jason looked around at them. “You will all be told of ADAM in due course, it’s part of the corporation. Any of you can call me any time, I will never be too busy for you.” And with that, he left them to continue their meeting.