Read Circles Of Fear Page 8


  Vic had picked Brad up from where he was staying in town and they were making their way through the traffic towards Stirling. Brad was keen, trying to find out as much as he could about Jason and Vic, and Vic was picking Brad’s brain as well. Vic told Brad that years back he and Jason were in rival blues bands and how he respected Jason’s playing and experience. Jason had always stuck to the blues and his only excursion away from it was with his last band “Asteroid”, which had done really well, but it just wasn’t him. Jason screwed everything in sight that looked good too and his ability to take women from other guys had caused him problems. Vic on the other hand explained that he had strayed away from the blues, trying to make big money with pop bands, which had worked. He had plenty of money but hated playing. He explained how his last band 'Smooth Mustard' had some great original pop tunes, but they were having heaps of trouble getting a recording contract.

  “One of these suit-clad executives we saw and we saw a few, wanted a kilo of cocaine before he’d think about it and didn’t even want to hear the songs,” said Vic.

  Brad was shaking his head, “Tell me about it man! I had one of them wanted to sleep with me a few years back.”

  Vic looked at Brad, “Did you do it?”

  Brad raised his eyebrows, “I’ll pretend you didn’t say that,” he snapped.

  Vic shrugged his shoulders, “Sorry. How was your last band?”

  “Same shit as yours man, good money, but I love the blues. I was doing a lot of studio and backing work for overseas acts and even starting to get somewhere, but then I got busted for dealing coke and did a stretch inside. I ended up with some friends in a disco band called ‘Don’t Ask’ when I came out, but after a couple of years of that shit I badly wanted to play some blues again. That Jason guy really lights me up and your drumming is so tight. How come you’re built like you are, do you work out or something.

  His thin, six foot frame and long blonde hair looked frail beside Vic’s short and muscular anatomy. Vic wore his hair in a crew cut too. Their looks were far from being twins.

  “Yeah, my mum runs a gym and I work there part time as an instructor. Say you better not mess with any drugs while you’re playing with me and Jason. Jason doesn’t even smoke or drink and I lost my younger brother due to an overdose of smack. That’s why I’m so keen to play with Jason because he’s not liable to book out on overload.”

  Brad was nodding his head, “Sounds alright to me man. I must admit that I have a joint now and then but never when I’m playing.” Vic turned into Jason’s father’s driveway and as they went around the back of the house they saw Jason and Malinda sitting beside the pool.

  “Wow, is that woman a doll or what,” remarked Vic.

  Brad frowned and shook his head, “I swear I’ve seen her somewhere before. Soon as I saw her she rang a bell. Must have been a while ago because I can’t remember at the moment when or where, maybe it’ll come to me later.”

  They pulled up in front of the shed and Jason started to walk up the track towards them. “Brad, you had better come clean with Jason about the bust and the dope, then he won’t get upset if he finds out later.”

  Brad nodded and smiled, “Yeah I reckon you’re right, never played with two guys who were straight before, may be worth it.”

  Vic interrupted, “I get a bit pissed now and then and I tend to get violent when I do. I haven’t drunk for a while now though.”

  “If you’re going to get violent man I’ll have to have a few joints to mellow me out, I hate violence,” they both burst into laughter.

  “What’s the big joke, can I get in on it?” asked Jason as he walked up beside them.

  “How ya goin?” was the chorus.

  Brad put his hands in his pockets and looked at the ground, “Look Jason, I was busted for coke a few years back and I have the odd joint at home and from what Vic was telling me I thought I should let you know.”

  Jason smiled, “Did Vic also tell you that he’s done time twice for belting people while he’s pissed and that I’ve had the clap five times because I can’t keep my dick in my pants? So we’ve all got problems, now let’s play and to hell with it.” They all shared the mirth.

  Jason looked at Brad, “Thanks for telling me. It’s no problem now you’ve mentioned it, but definitely no smoking or drinking during gigs, only afterwards, the life of a band pissed and stoned is around forty five minutes far as I can make out.”

  They entered the rehearsal room, closed the door and prepared to go to work. Jason had listed the songs they had played yesterday and they ploughed through them with ease. A few of the endings sounded a bit messy so they tidied them up as they went. Pleased with their progress they continued on and when they were exhausted they had two hours of useable material.

  It was late in the afternoon when they all made their way to the house and sat around the pool while Malinda was inside watching television. Brad explained that he could be back from Sydney with his van and gear by Thursday and could stay with his friends until he found somewhere permanent. Vic had finished his commitments with his old band so they were all ready to go. Jason got a cordless phone from inside the house, but found it not on the hook but on the table in the kitchen, with the faint smell of Malinda’s perfume on it. The battery was fine so he took it outside. He rang Tom first and broke the news to him. Tom was over the moon and had not taken on anymore work, hoping to get good news from Jason who said he was going to get back to him after he had made a few calls, with some definite work. Jason looked through his note pad in which he kept all his bookings and was going to try to change all the “Asteroid” gigs for the new band and realised then that the new band had no name. Brad and Vic were busy throwing each other in and out of the pool.

  “Hey guys we don’t have a name for the band yet, what do you reckon?”

  Brad and Vic came to the edge of the pool alongside Jason. “I don’t know,” said Vic.

  “When were playing it’s pretty, you know, full on,” remarked Brad.

  Jason looked relieved, “Great idea Brad, ‘Full on’.”

  “I didn’t mean call the band ‘Full on’, it’s just that when we play it’s like something lifts us up and carries us, it’s really full on,” Brad replied.

  Vic flicked the water off his hair and it went in Brad’s eyes, ‘Full on’, yeah I like it.”

  “Short and sweet really isn’t it?” said Brad rubbing the water from his eyes.

  “All those in favour of ‘Full On’ as the band’s name raise their hand,” said Jason. They all raised a hand. ‘Full On’ it is then.”

  Jason began what was to be a mammoth three hours of calls changing all his old band’s booked gigs to his new band ‘Full On’, telling only the right people that the new band’s repertoire was hard driving R’n’B. He also managed a press release in the newspapers, mentioning only briefly the change of musical direction for the band and concentrating on the line up of talent he had drawn together. Some promoters were suspect on the drawing power of a new act against the guaranteed price asked by him, so he was forced to drop the guaranteed price to just cover expenses and they would be paid all money over the guaranteed price from the money taken on the door. If they drew well they would get paid, if not, the crew got paid but they missed out. Other venues, that carried a constant house crowd, paid a straight fee, feeling no danger with a new act as long as it was good. Jason’s reputation got him through and he ended up with only one cancellation. He rang Tom back and confirmed all the dates, now only experience and hard work would assure survival. Survival would be enough money to live on.

  “We’re set to go guys! Eighteen gigs in six weeks in SA then we’ll try Sydney and Melbourne. I didn’t bullshit so much as bend the truth with the promoters, but being only three piece helps with the price. We’ll stick in a rhythm guitarist if we do ok, what do you reckon?” asked Jason.

  Brad and Vic had conned Malinda into preparing some food for them and were sitting around the table in the
gazebo that adjoined the enclosed patio and mumbled in support with their mouths full. Brad wiped his hands and face with a napkin and moved from his seat in the gazebo to a chair next to Jason by the pool.

  “I’m really rapt, can’t believe my luck,” Brad said nodding his head.

  “We all just happened to be in the right place at the right time, we’re all pretty lucky I guess,” replied Jason.

  “This is your dad’s place eh?” Brad enquired.

  “Yeah, one of them,” Jason said with a solemn look.

  “Does he own a gold mine or something?” asked Brad.

  “No, he’s a corporate crook. He sort of robs people, but apparently it’s quite legal. Spent his whole life just making money. Was never anything more important to him and he even makes me pay for the power to the rehearsal room. I think he’s still got his school lunch money,” Jason said, making sure to sound depressing.

  Brad shook his head, “Really,” he paused for a second, watching Malinda who had come out to pick up the dishes from the gazebo, “Does Malinda come from Sydney Jason?”

  “She was born here, but I think she’s spent a lot of time in Sydney. Her parents live there now. Why do you ask?”

  Brad rubbed his hair backwards and forwards, “I swear I’ve seen her somewhere before, I just can’t remember when. She’s not the kind of woman you forget!”

  Jason looked interested, “We grew up together, she used to live opposite but their house burnt down and her father moved their business to Sydney. I hadn’t seen her since then, until she came and found me the day before yesterday. You’re right too, childhood sweetheart, I never ever forgot her.”

  Brad stood up, “I’ll get Vic , he’s wandered up to the rehearsal room, he’s probably packing up. We’ll have to get going and I’ll fly back tomorrow and be back by Wednesday, Thursday at the latest.”

  Jason handed Brad a list, “These are the gigs we’re doing next weekend, Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights. Vic will tell you all about them, so make sure you’re back in time.”

  Brad took the list and started towards the rehearsal room, “No worries,” he shouted as he started to run.

  Jason picked up the towels scattered around the pool and went inside. Malinda had tidied up and they were going out the door to load up Jason’s gear and leave as Vic and Brad drove past sounding the horn and waving frantically. They walked to the rehearsal room hand in hand, loaded his gear in amongst Malinda’s suitcases and headed home.

  Jason opened the front door of his unit and carried in two of the suitcases, placing them on the floor in the lounge. Malinda took the bags she was carrying into the bedroom and in a few seconds came storming out, standing astride, with her hands on her hips. She appeared displeased.

  “There is a woman in our bed!”

  A young redhead walked out of the bedroom, wearing only her panties and looked at Malinda whose eyes had gone deep black as her jealousy turned to anger.

  Joy turned to Jason, “Can you screw me first Jason, I’m really busting,” she said, slurring her words badly, affected by her intravenous habit.

  Jason sat casually on the couch by the window, picked up a magazine and started studying the contents at random, “Joy, you’re off your face again. We went through this last week. There is nothing left in our relationship so go and get dressed, leave and don’t come back, Can’t you see you wrecked my last band and now you’re trying to wreck my life?”

  Joy started caressing her breasts, “Come on Jason I’m really hot.”

  Malinda threw herself at Joy, gouging at her eyes and running her backwards into the wall. She pinned her there by the throat, “If you’re not out of our lives in the time it takes you to dress, I’ll make you look ugly as, bitch.” Malinda released her and she ran into the bedroom.

  Malinda then confronted Jason, “How did she get in!?”

  Jason put down his magazine, “There’s a hidden key.”

  Malinda calmed slightly, “How many know about it?”

  Jason looked ashamed, “A few,” he whispered.

  Malinda sat astride his lap facing him and pushed back his hair, “You’d never lie to me would you my love,” she whispered.

  “No,” Jason replied, kissing her several times.

  “We’re moving next week,” insisted Malinda.

  “Good idea.”

  Joy came out of the bedroom and headed for the door. She turned to them as she opened it, “Never again Jason.”

  Malinda stood up, lifted her dress off, dropped her underwear and threw back her hair as she sat back on Jason’s lap. “I’m sure he’s going to be so worried about that.” The door slammed.

  Jason smiled, “Thanks for that. Don’t you think it was a bit over the top? You could have just let her go, she won’t come back.”

  Malinda stretched herself out on the couch, “I have no idea why I did that, it just seemed a good idea at the time, now thank me properly.”

  Jason stood up and undressed, lay on top of her on the couch and unable to control his primeval instincts of love, he made love to her with such passion that they wore themselves out.

  Malinda was watching Jason play his guitar while they recovered on the couch, when she noticed some framed pictures on the wall. “Who are those ugly black guys on the wall Jason?”

  “That’s John Lee Hooker and Muddy Waters, they’re traditional blues players and we stole their music and turned it into rock’n’ roll.”

  Malinda sat up, “Why have you got a picture of an old sailing ship in between them?”

  Jason stopped playing and looked at the wall, “It’s a seventeenth century slave trading ship on its way to South America from the African colonies. It just may have John Lee Hooker’s or Muddy Water’s ancestors on board. Without the slave trade there would have been no Negroes in the Mississippi Delta and we wouldn’t have been blessed with all those guys like Chuck Berry, who invented the basis of rock and blues. They have inspired me all my life, so I hang them there in respect. I’ve been playing a couple of their tunes just now and sometimes I feel as if they are walking beside me.”

  Malinda looked deep into his eyes, “Jason, not only do I love you, but I like you too.”

  Jason retrieved the hidden key so they wouldn’t be disturbed and they talked of finding a new place to live during the coming week, but couldn’t yet decide where.