Read Citrine Page 20

  Chapter Seven

  Kaitlyn watched Brennan storm around the living room. Anger fueled her need to move, and the best way for her to deal with it, other than throwing things, was to clean. Kaitlyn had tried to talk her down since they had gotten back to the house. But Brennan being Brennan, had gotten more and more wound up with one continuous rant, that really was the same thing, only the wording was slightly different.

  We won’t need to clean for at least a month, Kaitlyn thought to herself hours later, when she walked back in on the still ranting Brennan. The verbal tantrum was getting old and tired, and the level of arrogance pushed it over the top. Brennan behaved as if she was the only one who could tell them how to live their lives. She was so upset over the Kevan thing, as she called it, that Kaitlyn refused to let her go to the shop. Fortunately, Kendra had the day off, and was able to take over for them.

  Kaitlyn didn’t trust Brennan’s customer service skills, considering the mood she was in, and what might come out of her mouth, going on about how Kevan had betrayed the family. Kaitlyn pulled out her ear buds when it looked like Brennan might be winding down, but it was wishful thinking, and if she didn’t do something quick, this could go on for days.

  “She chose them over us,” Brennan threw out for about the hundredth time. She glared at the relaxing Kaitlyn. “How can you sit there so calmly? She’s your twin, and she chose those people over us.”

  “Well, what did you expect? It’s not like you gave her a choice,” Kaitlyn stated. Brennan shot her a look of disbelief. “Oh, come on, you know what Kevan’s like. You did the worst thing you could have possibly done, you gave her an either or choice, with no compromise. Her entire life, whenever she has been given those types of decisions, she has always done what everyone thinks she shouldn’t. And you gave her the biggest one she’s ever had to make in her life, and on a silver platter, too. So don’t blame Kevan, she stayed true to form. She loves the underdogs, and will fight for them with every fiber of her being.”

  Kailtyn’s statement only pissed Brennan off more. “Not on this, she knows the stories just as well as we do. I was so sure that family would triumph on this one, but no, she chose them.”

  “You knew what you were doing, so now you have to live with the consequences. She’s our sister, and your partner, so you’re going to have to deal with it sooner or later.”

  “No, I won’t!” Brennan spat out.

  “Yes, you will, or how do you plan on working together, never talking to each other? Jesus, I can certainly see how that would make for a welcoming store for your customers,” Kaitlyn threw at her.

  “I don’t have to do anything,” Brennan stated, even more firmly, “Unless Kevan changes her mind then we have nothing else to talk about. Otherwise, I’ll do what I have to in order to protect the family.”

  “What the hell is going through that brain of yours Brennan, what are you brewing up now?”

  “It’s simple, I’ll buy her out!” Brennan spat out with anger. “Yes, that’s exactly what I’ll do. She made her choices, now she can deal with the consequences. The Crystal Shop would be mine.”

  Brennan jumped when Kevan walked in. “Fine Brennan, if that’s what you want, I won’t try and change your mind. Have George draw up the papers, I’ll sign them ASAP. You put most of the money into the business, so it’s yours. Now, if you’ll excuse me,” she turned to leave the room.

  Kaitlyn reached out to her twin, “She’s angry,” Kaitlyn tried to explain, attempting to play peacemaker, which wasn’t her thing.

  “Don’t talk for me!” Brennan warned Kaitlyn.

  Kevan looked to both of them. “Yes, don’t you dare talk for our big sister, she knows it all,” Kevan’s resolve echoed like steel through her voice, “She continuously points out I have to live with my consequences. I’m fine with that, but just understand something Brennan; you have to live with yours, too. You haven’t been able to bully me into doing things your way since I was five years old, so why would you think it would change now?”

  “We’re your family,” Brennan sniveled.

  “Yes, and families are supposed to be willing to let others make their own choices, even the choices that really bring on the fight, without trying to throw them out. Isn’t that what being part of a family is? I guess not in Brennan’s world, it has to be her way, or the highway.”

  “Kevan?” Kaitlyn questioned. “You’re both upset.”

  Kevan could see the worry in her twin’s face. “I’m not upset. I understand everything she’s doing. Only difference is, I’m not asking her, or you, to change your minds on anything. Brennan, trust is a two way street. I accept your decision. Now, I’m going to go grab a few things and be on my way.”

  “This is your home too,” Kaitlyn told her, “It belongs to all of us.”

  “Not anymore,” Kevan stated. “I won’t live where making a decision is grounds for throwing someone out of the family; that isn’t a family in my opinion, it’s a dictatorship. I’m allowed to make my own choices, be they good or bad, it is my choice.”

  “Where are you going to go?” Kaitlyn asked, knowing this was not the time to push Kevan to change her mind. They both needed some time to cool off and think things through.

  “I’m not sure, but I’ll be okay. I have my cell, so call if you need anything, if anyone needs anything.” She raced up the stairs to her room, hiding the tears that were threatening to fall.

  Kaitlyn turned to Brennan, her anger burning brightly in her eyes. “Stop her,” she ordered Brennan, pointing up the stairs at Kevan’s retreating figure.

  “No, it’s her life,” Brennan stated, digging her heels in. Kaitlyn shook her head at the pain in Brennan’s eyes.

  “You’re going to regret this when you start actually using that brain of yours.” Kaitlyn wanted nothing more than to smack Brennan to wake her up. The problem with stubborn women, no one wanted to admit an error of judgment, especially Brennan.

  Kevan walked down the stairs. Kaitlyn was waiting for her. “I’ll arrange for the rest of my stuff once I know where I’m going,” Kevan explained, not looking at Brennan, who was standing across the room, her arms crossed, refusing to look at Kevan, even though it was a struggle. “Don’t worry Kait, I’ll be fine.” Giving her twin a quick hug, Kevan hurried out the door at the sound of the taxi honk.