Read Citrine Page 49

  Chapter Nineteen

  Kevan and Caleb walked through the front door of Caleb’s house and into utter chaos. “What the hell is going on?” Caleb roared, getting everyone’s attention. “We can hear you in the driveway.” Eve, Kaitlyn, Roderic and Kayne all turned, to face Kevan and Caleb who stood just inside the door.

  “What’s going on, you want to know what is going on? I’ll tell you! Your jackass of a brother refused to listen to reason, and won’t let me go help Leila.” Eve looked to Kevan her concern evident. “Kevan, she thinks she’s crazy. You have to come with me. Help convince her that she’s not crazy.”

  “Okay, would someone please take a moment, and explain what the hell happened?” Kevan demanded as she shot looks at Kayne and Roderic, who stood silently stoic, arms crossed, they refused to let neither Kaitlyn nor Eve, leave. “Guys?”

  “Everything is under control,” Roderic told her. “If your sisters would shut up long enough to listen, I would have explained that it is not necessary to go back.”

  “What don’t you understand?” Eve barked at him. “She is not crazy, and we have to convince her of that.” She pleaded with Kevan. “She’s like Brody and Catherine, but she wasn’t lucky enough to have someone that was able to tell her the truth, so she thinks that she is schizophrenic.” Eve stamped her foot. She knew it was childish, but she couldn’t do what she really wanted, which was to punch them.

  “Eve, let Roderic explain,” Kevan told her.

  “Thank you,” Roderic stated. “Trying to get her to listen has been difficult.”

  “Well, if you did what Eve thinks you did, she isn’t the only one who’ll be pissed. So I would start explaining real fast,” Kevan warned him.

  “Eve tried to explain to Leila that what she has seen is real, but she wasn’t buying. She would rather think that she’s sick than listen. Marcus did what we had discussed before we even got there. He decided to convince her, another way.” Roderic fell silent.

  “How else would he convince her?” Eve questioned, alarm rippling across her face as she listened to what Roderic had told them.

  “Oh no, he shimmered,” Kevan guessed, and Roderic nodded in agreement.

  “With her,” he clarified. “I’m sure that they’ll be here soon.”

  “Hold on, let me get this straight,” Eve said. “You idiots decided that the best way to convince a woman, who thinks that she’s crazy, is to take her and send her flying with some man she doesn’t know, or trust, through time and space.” She just stared at them with disgust and disbelief. “Unbelievable!” Shaking her head, she walked away before she could do something that she was sure that she wouldn’t regret. Looking to her sisters, she could read the anger in their faces. At least she knew that she wasn’t the only one upset.

  “Eve, it’s happened; now we’ll have to deal with the consequences.” Kevan couldn’t believe how quick shit could land.

  “Yeah, easier said than done,” Eve whispered, unsure what she could do to fix this. Kevan looked at the men watching them. “Marcus could have given us a bit more time!”

  “Oh, please Eve,” Kayne snorted. “She wasn’t listening to you, and nothing you said was going to convince her. The only thing that was going to convince her was action, so that’s what Marcus did.” Kayne softened his tone, asking, “You touched her, Eve; was she sick?”

  Eve shook her head. “No, she’s perfectly healthy,” she assured.

  “So, she’s like Brody?” Kayne questioned. “Just like you said?”

  “How would I know?” she told him, her anger and frustration spilling over.

  “You’re the doctor, think, what did you notice when you touched her?” Caleb questioned her.

  “I don’t know!” she snapped. “You all seem to think this is so simple. Well it’s not. Yes, I’m a doctor, but I’m use to x-ray’s and tests, not closing my eyes and seeing it in my head.”

  “It’s okay, Eve,” Roderic attempted to assure her.

  “No, it’s not!” she vented. “She’s not sick, I know that much, but there is something different about her. We may never know what that might be after what you morons did.”

  “Well these morons need your assistance,” Marcus stated as he stalked into the foyer, carrying the unconscious Leila in his arms.