Read Citrine Page 5


  Caleb pulled into the driveway, and just as he always did when he came to Marcus’ place, he shook his head at the monstrosity his brother called home. The sixteenth century stone manor matched Marcus to a tee, from the stonework covered with ivy, to the stately row of windows and the large, intimidating mahogany grand entrance. It was a reflection of Marcus’ staid personality. It wasn’t Caleb’s taste, but then, according to Marcus, Caleb had no taste.

  Bounding up the steps, he walked through the front door yelling for Marcus, and made himself at home with a glass of Glennfiddich.

  “Please do help yourself to my very expensive scotch,” Marcus’ upper crust tone, making Caleb wonder for the millionth time yet again how two brothers, who looked so alike, could be so different.

  “Want one?” Caleb questioned, pouring another shot.

  “No thank you. I don’t think it would aid this headache.”

  “A headache? Since when do you get headaches?”

  “It doesn’t matter, it refuses to cease. I have even resorted to aspirin.”

  “You talked to Rhiannon.” Caleb’s concern was evident.

  “It’s but a headache. Now, what are you doing here?”

  “I got a text from Brody, so here I am.”

  “He should inform me when he plans to use my home as a meeting place.” Marcus shook his head as he collapsed into the armchair.

  “He’s your protégé.”

  “Do not remind me of a momentary weakness. So what is so important you need to invade my home?”

  “Oh, the bond of brotherhood,” Brody chimed in from the doorway. “Ain’t it grand?”

  “Brody, must you massacre the English language? You would never know you graduated summa cum laude from university. And since when do you use my home as your office?” Marcus voiced his annoyance, his headache making him even more difficult than normal.

  Brody snickered, “Chill out dude, this info concerns all of us, so I figured a confab here would get the info highway shortened. I can leave it for later, but you would be pissed if I did that!”

  Caleb tossed a can of beer at Brody and kicked at a chair for the youngster to park his behind on. “Now that you have Marcus’s attention, what do you have, Brody? Another Vamp uprising, maybe a demon birth, what?”

  Brody scowled at Caleb, recalling the demon birth in which he’d participated. “Oh man, this info is right up there with that shit. Word has it Sanctuary’s is being targeted; only nobody seems to know why. All I get is somebody has it in for Wulfson, they don’t care about Sanctuary’s neutrality. We might want to warn the pack at Sanctuary; they’ll want to pack up the good crystal.”

  The idea of someone risking the wrath of the races by targeting Sanctuary got Caleb’s attention. It had been neutral ground for almost 80 years, a place all races could go and not worry. If the information was correct, whoever was behind this had better watch their backs, because when Alexander found them, there’d be blood. Caleb thought to himself

  “Brody, you talk with your sources; Marcus and I will inform Alexander. Who in their right minds would think attacking Alexander on his territory would be a brilliant idea?” Caleb snorted.

  “The attack is illogical. Either they’re very confident, or too dense to realize they’ve signed their own death warrant,” Marcus drawled dryly, drawing a chuckle out of both Brody and Caleb.