Read Citrine Page 66

  Chapter Twenty Five

  Kevan’s throat was so dry, she couldn’t swallow. They were moving at a snail’s pace down the side of the cliff face. She tried to keep herself from looking down, but lost yet again, as she glanced to bottom of the cliff, her entire body frozen over the fact that they were hanging off the edge of a sheer cliff. She closed her eyes against the absolute stupidity of their situation, and focused in on the voices that were around her.

  “My god’s, we’d better find another way to get out of here, because I don’t know that I’ll be able to climb this path again, it’s already going to give me nightmares,” Kaitlyn panted behind Kevan, as she kept up a never ending voice of doom monologue.

  “It’s not that bad.” Kira chirped.

  “Says the four inch flying fairy,” Kaitlyn complained. “Trying being five foot nine and having a ledge the width of a balance beam to walk along, and then we can compare the definition of not bad.”

  “Enough woman,” Marcus growled behind her, “We’re all making the same descent, and we really don’t need the running dialogue.”

  “Says the immortal warrior who won’t die if he happens to slip off the edge, and plunges to the bottom,” Kaitlyn spat at him. “And DON’T CALL ME WOMAN!”

  “One more word, and I swear to the gods, the first chance I get, I will take you over my knee and give you the spanking that you so richly deserve,” Marcus threatened, but he wasn’t so sure that he wouldn’t do it anyway, as the idea of teaching her a little discipline appealed to him.

  “As if that would discourage me, big boy. Who knows, I might like the idea of you spanking me,” Kaitlyn teased the tiger. Marcus muttered under his breath, and his cheeks reddened as all kinds of pictures flashed in his head. Kaitlyn smiled to herself; she loved it when she got one over on Mr. Personality.

  “You know Kaitlyn, Marcus is only voicing what the rest of us are feeling. So now, knock it off and watch what where you’re going. I don’t want anyone falling, immortal or not, that’s not part of the plan.”

  “Fine!” Kaitlyn told her sister with a pout.

  “How much further, Kira?” Kevan questioned the Fay, who was doing somersaults in the air.

  “You’re half way down, Kevan,” Kira informed her, as she hovered not far from Kevan’s shoulder. “Kevan?”

  “What Kira?” Kevan asked, as she reached out for her next handhold.

  “Can I ask you a question?”

  “Can’t it wait?” Kevan asked, as she pulled herself along.

  “It could, but I’m curious about why you would use this path, when the other one looks so much easier?” Kevan’s head shot up, almost making her lose her balance. “What other path?” Kevan demanded.

  “It’s right next to the one that you are on, only it’s on the backside of those rocks.” Kira pointed to the ones they were clinging to.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” Kaitlyn whined. “Why the hell didn’t you tell us that there was another path?”

  “You didn’t ask,” Kira told her. “Besides, you’re the ones who asked me to show you the way down this path, so I thought that you had to go this way for some reason.”

  “Kira, is there any way for us to get from this path to the other one?” Kevan questioned.

  Kira did a twirl in the air before she floated up, pointing ahead of them. “Around the next bend, there is a passage through the rocks.” A short time later, they all stood on solid ground, with rock on all sides, feeling safer than they had in a while.

  Kevan looked to the still dancing Kira, shaking her head, just as Kaitlyn spoke up. “Next time, if you think that we are about to embark on a crazy idea, and you have a better idea, speak up Kira.”

  “Okay,” Kira chirped with another twirl. “Kevan, I’m hungry.”