Read Citrine Page 77


  Grey burst onto the second floor of the tower, just as Olivia backed out of the room. The sound of Grey’s footsteps drew her attention, and she looked to him with tears streaming down her face. His heart sank when Olivia touched his arm, then she took his hand, and directed him into the room where he expected the worst.

  Standing on guard with a makeshift sword in his hand, and a young woman at his side, was a man looking a lot thinner, and quite a bit greyer, but ever regal. Even with the beard and ragged clothing, Grey knew that it was Tyrone.

  “Father,” he cried, not sure he believed his eyes. “Please tell me this is real!”

  “It’s real Grey, it’s real.” Tyrone dropped the sword, swaying. The young girl standing beside him grabbed his arm to stop him from dropping, as Grey stepped up, and pulled him close. Closing his eyes, he gave a silent thanks to the gods for giving him back his father. Tyrone spoke with a voice choked with emotion, as he embraced his son. “It’s about time you got here. I was beginning to wonder if you would ever figure it out.”

  “I wish I could say I did, but it was Caleb who figured it out.” Tyrone looked over Grey’s shoulder, spotting his old friend. “Well, aren’t you a sight for these old eyes.”

  “I am very glad that the rumors of your death have been greatly exaggerated,” Caleb drawled. “But I should have known that you would be entertaining,” he said, as he watched the young woman step away from Tyrone.

  Tyrone held his hand out to her, drawing her close to him. “This is Azure; she has been locked up with me for a while.”

  “Azure?” Grey questioned. “As in, Wren’s friend, Azure?”

  “You know Wren?” the young women questioned, her head shooting up. “Is she okay?”

  “She is fine, but she believes that you are dead,” Grey informed her.

  “No! I have been here for almost two years,” she told them. Caleb scrutinized her, wondering what it was about this young woman that seemed so familiar.

  “Father, I’m so sorry,” Grey told Tyrone. “I’m sorry that we argued, and that I acted so foolishly, storming off, leaving you alone. I can’t tell you how devastated I was when Ronan finally tracked me down. I was drunk, and had been for weeks, mad at you for ordering me to marry Helene. When he told me that you were dead, all I could think about was how horrible I had been the last time we had talked, and that rather than dealing with our problem like a man, I had stormed off like a child and pouted.” Grey poured it all out, needing his father’s forgiveness. “By the time we returned to Elden Castle, Bart had already seized the throne, claiming that I was responsible for your murder. I don’t know which is worse, believing that you were dead, and our last conversation had been a fight, or having all the people of Elden believe that I murdered you for the crown. I don’t want the crown, ever.”

  “Grey, stop,” Tyrone told him. “Yes we fought, but that never changed how I felt about you, ever. You are my son, the crown prince, and I love you.” Grey sagged with relief. Things might look bad, but together they would get the crown back.

  “I tried to get into the castle once, but I was nearly caught. Bart had changed the entire king’s guards, replacing them with his own men. We have been fighting a losing battle for the last four years.” He bowed his head in shame that he had not been able to get the throne back. “I am so sorry, Father. I have failed you.”

  “Stop, my son, you have not failed me; the time was not right for us to take back the crown.” Tyrone’s hand rested on Grey’s shoulder. “I knew that you believed I was dead. The guards here certainly aren’t up to the cairbare standard,” he joked, looking to Caleb and Niall standing in the doorway watching them. Caleb’s eyes came back to the young woman, watching as her entire body tensed. Something about her was inexplicably familiar.

  “I have learned a great number of things that I was not supposed to hear.” Tyrone shook his head. “Sloppy.”

  Caleb looked over his shoulder, spotted Eve standing behind them, and he waved her over, leant down, and whispered in her ear. She nodded, and slid through the spectators.

  “Hey Grey, I am very happy for you, but how about we get your father outside. I’d say from the look of him he’s missed a few meals, and could use a couple of days of sun tanning.”

  Tyrone was quite confused by Eve’s words, and silently asked his son if he understood. “I have no idea, Father. These women confound me at times,” Grey admitted.

  Eve smiled, as she took Tyrone’s hand in hers, and tucked it under her arm to escort him out.

  “Relax, your highness, I will attempt to explain ...”

  Niall’s snort of laughter made them all look at him. “Now this is an explanation I would love to hear.”

  “Oh, would you shut up, Niall,” she spat at him. The laughter that rippled around the room covered the gasp that came from behind Tyrone. Eve turned back to Grey and Tyrone. “Ignore the jackass,” she told them. “Come on; let’s get you some food and water. I would say that it has been a while since you ate.”

  “Wine?” Tyrone asked hopefully.

  “How about we start with water, and we’ll see about some wine in a couple of days, maybe.” Eve looked at Caleb and gave him a smile; Caleb nodded, as relief surged through him.