Read Citrine Page 81


  They had been moving in and out of the edges of the Griswold Forest, attempting to stay ahead of the dogged tracking of the king’s guard. So far, they had succeeded, but now they were running low on food, they were tired, and just wanted this thing done. Caleb hoped that the time that it had taken them to find Tyrone had given Kevan enough time to do what she needed to, because now they were ready to finish this, once and for all.

  With a quick glance over his shoulder, he took in the menagerie of people that made up their group. Tyrone, having had a steady supply of food, looked better, but was still not his robust self. He could see that both Grey and Olivia were concerned about his health. His eyes settled on the dirty young woman holding onto Oscar, and his thoughts were confused.

  Azure was a wary soul. She spoke only rarely in clipped sentences, took the offered food and a little else, but everything else was close to the chest with that one. She had tripped once, and Niall had reached out to give her aid; she just about took his head off, warning him to keep his grubby hands to himself. Eve had tried several times to get close in order to read her, but she was wary, and stayed out of reach. Caleb smiled a bit, thinking that at least now that she and Tyrone had bathed, it had rid them of the stench that left a trail that even the stupidest guide could have followed.

  Now that they seemed to have shaken their tail, Tyrone had insisted that they head for the ruins of the old Elden Castle. Why, he wouldn’t say just yet; he had asked them to trust him and that was where they needed to go. It had been a hard two days ride while still avoiding the King’s guard, but now they were close. Niall rode up beside Caleb, and quietly began to talk.

  “Has he told you why he is insisting that we go to the old ruins?”

  “Not yet,” Caleb admitted.

  “He’s playing it awfully close to the chest, not that I blame him, considering everything that has happened to him, but are we really sure that we can trust him?”

  “What are you saying, Niall, do you think that Tyrone has been corrupted by Bart?”

  “I don’t know, but I don’t like doing things that take us too close to a place that wants us dead, without knowing why.”

  “If Dreyden could sense us, he would have sent guards after us already.” Caleb looked over to Tyrone, who was speaking quietly with both Olivia and Grey. “No, I don’t believe that he has been corrupted.”

  “I hope you’re right, Caleb. It’s a big risk that we are taking with our lives, trusting a man that has been under Bart’s and Dreyden’s control for four years.”

  “Niall, you’re right, it is a big risk, but I know Tyrone, and so do you. He isn’t corrupted, but our other tag along, her I’m not so sure about.”

  “Ah yes, our touchy Ms. Azure.”

  “Touchy? If she had a weapon in her hand when you attempted to help her, I hate to think what she would have done.” Caleb shot a look over his shoulder at her.

  “She does not like to be touched, at least not by me,” Niall chuckled

  “What do you mean?” Caleb asked.

  “Oh, she has no problem with Grey, Olivia, Tyrone, or Oscar touching her, but if one of us gets close, she moves as far away, as quickly as she can,” Niall told him.

  “I had noticed that she doesn’t want Eve touching her, but now that you have pointed it out, you’re right. She is an enigma, that one.”

  “I just hope she’s on our side, because if she isn’t, then who knows what kind of ambush we could be walking into,” Niall told him.

  “Well, I guess we will just have to make sure that we pay close attention to her.”