Read Citrine Page 86


  Eve never wanted to be in another tunnel again in her life, if she could help it. This tunnel was narrow, dark, low ceilinged, and smelled bad. She smelled bad, the six very large men smelled bad; all she wanted was a shower, no, twenty showers.

  They had shuffled through the tunnel; slowly making their way towards what Tyrone swore was the Elden castle. Seeing as Eve hadn’t seen much in the castle, she would have to take their word for it; she just knew that she was tired of the running and hiding. She would have to deal with the fiction that turned into reality; shit, that didn’t seem right …. They had been moving through the tunnel for what seemed to be days, but in fact was only about ten hours.

  “How much further?” Niall questioned, as they came to yet another turn.

  Tyrone studied the markings on the wall, and then looked back, taking in the sight of the men bent over, but still at the ready with impressive weaponry. Even the women, who had been pushed to the end of the line for their protection, seemed to be affected by the limited space within the confines of the tunnel.

  “We are almost to the lower dungeons. I just hope that they are still accessible; they haven’t been in use for a very long time. Although, with Bart having been in control for the last four years, who knows what he could be using them for,” Tyrone admitted the pain in his voice palpable.

  “It’s not your fault, Tyrone. You’ve had no control over what he has done since he made everyone believe that you were dead,” Caleb tried to understand how the man felt.

  “He is my nephew, and it disturbs me that he can be so different from his father. Virgil would never have condoned any of this. He was my advisor and best friend.”

  Tyrone came to a stop. “At last,” he whispered, “We are finally here.”

  He pushed a rock to the one side, and they all watched in amazement when the wall in front of Tyrone slid to the side, revealing an opening into the room beyond. They waited as each pushed through the opening, stepping into the room. Eve paused before she moved to step into the dungeon, praying that she could handle what she could possibly be seeing; torture was not her thing.

  It was then that she heard shouts, and clashing of metal against metal, and she surged forward to join the men. Looking out of the door she saw the men surrounded by the waiting guards; that was when she saw Roderic spot her, and in the chaos of the fight, he took the advantage, pushed her back into the tunnel, and the door crashed closed.

  “NO!” Olivia screamed, and banged her fists on the rock.

  “Enough!” Eve yelled at her.

  “Dammit!” Olivia swore, as she slapped the rock with her hand, and a steady stream of expletives tumbled out of her mouth.

  Eve smiled, as she watched Olivia’s rant. Such a sweet, innocent face, spewing such filth; she just couldn’t take the poor girl seriously. “Feeling better?” she asked, when Olivia finally calmed down.

  “Not really, my hand hurts,” Olivia mumbled.

  “Poor baby, did the big bad rock hurt you?” Eve teased.

  “What are we going to do?” Azure asked.

  “We go for help,” Olivia stated, and she pushed past them both, back tracking the way they had just come.

  “Uh, who is going to help us?” Eve wanted to know. “And how fast can they get here?”