Read Citrine Page 91


  Rattling the bars of their cells, testing their strength, Caleb turned and leaned against them. He wanted nothing more than to rip the bars open, and go after Dreyden and Bart, but so far, they hadn’t done very well on that front.

  “So, do you think the girls will be able to help?” Niall questioned.

  “I never underestimate the Cameron women, because the minute you do, they prove to you just how resourceful they are. They never cease to amaze me with their minds,” Caleb spoke with a smile, as he thought about Kevan. “This isn’t over yet.”

  “Not yet, but soon,” Bart laughed as he walked into the dungeon. He stared at them, and his eyes told the whole story: he had finally embraced the insanity of his mind. “Soon, you’ll all be out of my hair.” He laughed with a giggle that sounded like a little schoolgirl.

  “What hair?” Niall whispered to Kayne, but loud enough that they all heard.

  “Soon it will be all mine!” he ranted, “Like it should have been in the beginning.”

  “Bart,” Tyrone tried again to get through to him.

  “No!” Bart screamed, as he covered his ears. “I won’t listen to any more of your lies.” And he ran from the room.

  “He’s completely delusional.” Caleb looked to the others. “Hopefully that will work in our favor.” Tyrone stared after the fleeing figure of his nephew. “Don’t feel sorry for him, he brought this on himself.”

  “Maybe,” Tyrone admitted, “but he is my brother’s only child. I’m just sorry that I didn’t see how much his mother’s bitterness had destroyed him. If I had seen it, maybe I could have done something to help him.”

  “Father, you are far too generous,” Grey told him. “He’s is beyond our help. Nothing you said, or did, would have changed what has become of him.”

  “I know that, but it doesn’t stop the regrets I feel,” Tyrone told Grey.

  “Remember, it was he who had you locked up for four years, telling everyone you were dead, and that I was the one that killed you,” Grey reminded him. “Remind yourself of all that he is responsible for.”

  “Not just him,” Caleb chimed up. “Dreyden had a huge part in all this. He exploited Bart’s weakness to further his own needs.”

  “Oh, I haven’t forgotten about that one,” Tyrone ground out angrily. “That one is an entirely different matter. If I had just a few moments with him ...” Tyrone stopped, not wanting to finish his statement.

  “Don’t worry about Dreyden. He will get his own,” Caleb promised them. “You have my word on that.” His whole body was cold, as he pictured everything that he wanted to do to Dreyden, to make him pay for all he had done.