Read Claiming His Mountain Bride Page 29

  “That’s fifty bucks each, ladies.”

  I blanched.


  “Yeah, seriously,” he grinned. “You wanna pay some other way though, we can definitely talk.”

  I swallowed the sour taste in my mouth as I opened my clutch. “Yeah, cash is fine, thanks.”

  “Creep,” Emma muttered as we stepped into the small entrance room. A thumping pulsing rhythm of sexy dance music came from the other side of the door, inside the club.


  A dark-haired girl with sleeve tattoos smiled at us as she handed us two blacks masks. I shivered again, this time in a sort of nervous excitement as I took it from her and ran my hand over it.

  “So, we have to keep these on the whole time we’re here?”

  She gave me a funny look. “Uh, no?” She shrugged. “You can take them off whenever, it’s just a theme night.”

  The casual way she shrugged off the question took a little of the “sexy-dangerous” mystery out of the place, but I pushed that out of mind.

  I was going to enjoy tonight. And I was definitely going to keep this mask on, if only because it pushed me a little outside my comfort zone, and maybe that’s exactly what I needed right then.

  I blinked behind the mask as I straightened it on my face, turning to see that Emma had hers on as well. I grinned.

  “Ready for this?”

  She nodded eagerly. “Definitely.”

  I started to turn for the main door, when she grabbed my arm.

  “I think we should get wild tonight.”

  I grinned. “Wild, huh?”

  “I’m being serious! We never do stuff like this, and I think we both need a night of just cutting loose, getting wild, and pretending our actions don’t have consequences.”

  I laughed deeply. “Wow! Watch out world, Emma Vale is out for blood tonight!”

  She rolled her eyes behind her mask. “No, c’mon you know what I mean. Let’s have one drink more than we should, dance until our feet are killing us, and kiss some hot boys.” She grinned wickedly. “And maybe we can see what happens after kissing.”

  I grinned back, the excitement from earlier spiking through me. I doubted either of us were really going to get that nuts tonight, but it was the mindset that counted, and that, we had in spades.

  “Let’s do this,” I said eagerly as I turned and yanked the door open.

  Thundering bass music washed over us, the room absolutely packed with people dancing, sweating, grinding, drinking, kissing, and panting to the music.

  “No regrets, right?” I glanced quickly at Emma, seeing her nod.

  “No regrets.”

  We stepped into the swirling, grinding crowd as the doors shut behind us.

  * * *

  I was halfway through my cocktail, half-heartedly swaying to the music by the bar while Emma told me some juicy gossip about work when I saw him.

  The fire in those dark eyes across the club as they burned into me told me he’d seen me long before I saw him though.


  The man was absolutely gorgeous, in that surreal, perfect, magazine-model way. His blond hair was cropped short, his high cheekbones and strong jaw chiseled out of iron, and the confident, cocky smirk on his face did very interesting things to my pulse. He wore a mask, like me, but I could still see the glint of something wicked in his eyes behind it.

  “Holy crap,” Emma muttered next to me, leaning in as she sipped her drink through her straw.

  “Okay, that is exactly what we need.”

  I laughed. “We, huh?”

  “Fine, you. He’s pulling your panties off with his eyes right now anyways.”

  I blushed as I rolled my eyes at her.

  “He is not.”

  “He’s literally having sex with you, right now, from across the whole club.”

  I laughed, as if brushing her off, but when I turned back to him, the laugh caught in my throat. My pulse skipped, and a hot flush creeped over my body.

  Emma was right — he was tearing my clothes off with his eyes as he smirked that cool, cocky grin at me. I swallowed, quickly taking a big sip of my cocktail and then choking on it slightly as the man started to stalk across the dance floor towards me.

  His eyes never left mine.

  “I think I should go use the bathroom,” Emma said quickly, turning to leave.

  “Wait, don’t you dare leave me!”

  “Have fuuuuun,” she giggled in a sing-song voice. “Get wild!”

  She ducked away from my poking finger and pushed her way through the bar crowd.

  “Oh you get wild,” I muttered at her disappearing back.

  “Maybe I will.”

  I gasped at the sound of the deep, velvety baritone voice in my ear. I whirled, and my heart jumped into my throat as I looked up into the gorgeous, captivating, panty-melting face of my dark stranger.

  “Get wild, that is.” He grinned, a brow cocking behind his mask as I looked up into his face. “I might need some help though.”

  I felt the heat creep into my face as he stepped closer to me, those eyes still locked on me.

  He wore grey, expensive looking slacks and a crisp, white, tailored shirt that stretched across his broad muscled shoulders — tucked in, unbuttoned at the neck, with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows of his muscled arms.

  “Oh, that—” I bit my lip, falling into those eyes. “That’s just my friend. It’s this joke we have.”

  He shrugged casually, that grin of his still making me warm all over.

  “Well, joke or not, you strike me as a girl who could get a little wild.”

  I laughed, rolling my eyes. “Trust me, you have no idea how wrong you are.”

  “Well, I mean you dressed up, you look fucking fantastic—”

  I blushed as he continued.

  “You came out to a Masquerade night, and you’re drinking a martini.” He winked at me. “My kind of girl, actually.”

  “Oh, trust me, this is not me.”

  “Well, it suits you.”

  I grinned.

  “I’m starting this crazy new job tomorrow and…” I trailed off. “I’m just out celebrating I guess.”

  “Well let’s celebrate then.”

  I shivered as he moved closer, my back against the bar with this gorgeous, perfect man towering over me — his smokey eyes and his panty-melting grin sending a buzz through my body.

  “I’m Matthew.”


  “Dance with me, Julia.”

  It wasn’t a question, it was a request. His hand took mine and he pulled me — heart racing and body tingling — after him into the mass of grinding dancing people.

  I gasped as he pulled me into him and let our bodies come together. Thudding music pulled us into the deep sway of the bass, and my whole body melted against his — shivering — as we started to dance.

  “You know what?” Matthew purred into my ear, his muscled body rippling against mine as we swayed to the sexy beats. His hands slid up and down my sides, making me gasp a little and making that tingling electric feeling pulse deep in my core.

  “I think I like you wild.”

  “I’m not being all that wild,” I whispered back, swaying my hips and feeling sexier and sexier by the minute as this insanely gorgeous man pulled me tight against his body. I could feel his hard erection pulsing against my thigh — a lot of my thigh actually, and I bit my lip to keep from moaning.

  “You’re getting pretty close to a total stranger. That’s fairly wild.”

  “You seem friendly enough to me,” I said with a small grin.

  His eyes burned fiercely for a second as he leaned close.

  “Maybe that’s just how I lure you in.”

  I shivered, swallowing as his hands slipped around my waist, pulling me tight against him. I suppose I could have been scared, or put off. But instead, all I felt was alive.

  Alive and very, very turned on.

it seems to be working then.”

  Matthew ginned. “And what’s that?”

  “You being charming to lure me in,” I said, my voice low. “Because you seem to have done just that.”

  We were so close that if we weren’t wearing clothes, there’s a good chance he’d already be inside me — already thrusting deep and making me scream as his thick cock filled me to the—

  I blinked quickly, shaking my head and pulling back from him just a little.

  God, what was getting into me? This was not me at all. Not the club, not the skimpy dress, and certainly not dancing like this with a man I’d just met — however insanely hot he was.

  “Well, I may have lured you in, but I think the wild streak is all you, even if it’s new for you.”

  I wet my lips, eyeing him and trying to act cool.

  “What makes you think me being wild is something new for me?”

  “Everything,” he growled, pulling me tight to him in one quick yank.

  I gasped, my hands dropping to his chest and feeling the coiled muscle beneath his crisp dress shirt. My pulse skipped, my breath caught.

  My pussy throbbed, my thighs squeezing together.

  “Maybe I lied. Maybe I get wild like this all the time,” I said flippantly, still trying to act like this was normal for me.

  Matthew grinned, clearly not buying it, but maybe amused that I was keeping up this charade. He leaned in, and I shivered as I felt his breath on my neck.

  “We’ll see,” he growled lowly before pulling away. His hips swayed, and I gasped as his leg moved between mine. He pulled me close, his hips still swaying as his thigh slowly spread mine, moving between them until my hot little pussy was right against his leg through his pants and my tiny dress.

  He swayed to the music, and I let my eyes flutter shut as I felt his leg muscle flex right against me.

  “I can get—” I gasped as his hand dropped to my ass, his strong fingers squeezing me possessively and pulling me tight against his thigh.

  “I can get plenty wild.”

  “That a fact?” he groaned into my ear, his cock throbbing hard against my thigh.

  “Uh-huh,” I managed to tumble out, my whole body shivering, the last of my reservations falling around him.

  “How wild?”

  I gasped, loudly, and my eyes flew open at the second voice that suddenly growled into my ear. It was deep, and darkly edged and it sent something like fire blazing through my body deep into my core. Matthew held me tight, but I quickly darted my head around to suddenly lock gazes with the most intensely dark set of eyes I’d ever seen.

  My body tightened, the blood pumping hotter.

  He was gorgeous. Dark, longish hair, a squared, chiseled jaw, and a fierce, hungry look in those dark eyes. He towered above me — probably a few inches taller than Matthew even, and before I could say a word, he moved right against me. I shivered before I could help myself, the feel of his thick, muscled body pressing right against my back. His big hands immediately went to my waist, and as he pressed himself against me, I gasped as I felt something hard and huge press right against my ass.

  I froze, my body absolutely melting between the two beautiful, muscled strangers, before suddenly, I snapped out of it.

  “Um, I’m—” I shook my head, twisting to look up at this new dark stranger.

  “I’m dancing with someone?”

  Yeah, no shit.

  I immediately cringed at what a stupid, obvious thing it was to say. But then, this guy had just walked right over and put his hands on me, despite the fact that I was clearly dancing extremely close with Matthew.

  Matthew, who suddenly just chuckled.

  “Julia, this is…”

  “Van,” the big guy purred, his lips pulling back in this absolutely panty-melting smile as those dark eyes flashed at me. “Pleasure, Julia.”

  “Van’s a friend, don’t worry.”

  I smiled curiously to myself at that comment — ‘don’t worry about the guy who’s just come up and pressed his rock hard body against your ass while I’m doing the same to your front. He’s a friend.’


  Yeah, that’s me — the master of playing it cool, dropping smooth sexy lines like that when the two hottest guys I’ve ever seen decide to turn me into a sandwich.

  The music thumped around us, and before I knew it, I was swaying to it along with both of them. There were no words, just this feeling of being one thing, moving to the beat. We moved even closer together, if that was even possible, and I felt myself getting hotter, and wetter, and feeling like I was drowning in the most perfect way as the two of them put their hands on me.

  Matthew’s moved up my front, his thumbs teasing over one rib at a time as he pulled me in time to the music against his thigh. My dress started to push up high, and I knew I should care, but there in that dark sexy club, with them, I didn’t.

  Not one bit.

  I knew he could feel how wet I was as my bare panties rubbed against his thigh — God I was probably leaving a wet spot on his pants. But I honestly didn’t care. Not because I was drunk, or feeling inane, but more just that for some reason, I felt completely at ease with the two of them.

  The two men I’d just met.

  Crazy, I know.

  Behind me, Van leaned down low, his breath hot on my bare shoulder before I felt his lips against my skin there. I moaned quietly, pushing back as I felt his other hand grip my hip and pull me into his erection. He throbbed against the cleft of my ass — so hard I couldn’t believe it hadn’t torn a hole in his pants at that point. He made no effort to hide it either, which I actually found extremely sexy.

  His hands moved to my hair, pulling it away from my neck and twisting it up into his fist. His lips moved up my shoulder, across my clavicle and to the nape of my neck, kissing me softly. My whole body melted at that kiss, and at that point I was barely capable of standing without the two of them pressing me between them.

  This was nuts

  This was completely insane.

  But then, that’s what tonight was all about right? Letting go? No regrets? I mean, tomorrow, I’d go start my extremely serious, extremely demanding and time consuming job. Which meant tonight was a last chance at being wild.

  And I was determined to see where this went.

  I gasped as Matthew suddenly leaned forward, and before I knew it, his lips were passing to mine. I moaned into his mouth, grinding into him as his friend kissed my neck and rocked his big cock against my ass.

  Holy shit, I didn’t know who this new me was, but I liked her.

  Slowly, Matthew pulled away.

  “Julia was saying she wanted to get wild tonight.”

  “Really,” Van purred into my ear. “And why’s that?”

  I swallowed, trying to find my voice as my body swayed between them

  “Because I deserve to.”

  Matthew grinned and I could feel Van doing the same behind me.

  “Because I’m starting this insane new job tomorrow, and life is about to get extremely tough and serious for a while.”

  “That’s a fairly good reason.”

  “And also because six months ago, I caught my boyfriend cheating on me for like the tenth time and finally left.”

  I could feel Van growl behind me. “Sounds like a fucking idiot,” he muttered.

  “He was.”

  They both chuckled, but then I took a sharp breath as I felt Van pull my head around and press his lips to mine. He kissed me slowly at first, then more insistently, his lips claiming mine as he growled into my mouth.

  “Well, he’s missing out, I can say that,” he murmured, pulling back.

  “Oh is he?” I said breathlessly.

  “Absolutely” Matthew nodded slowly as he pulled me close.

  Van moved in as well, and we started to dance again — moving closer, hotter, sexier. I was panting and practically moaning as I swayed between them. I tilted my head back into Van, losing myself in the music.<
br />
  Suddenly, I gasped as I felt Matthew’s lips on my neck. I moaned quietly, swaying between them and feeling so naughty and so dirty as they rocked again me. Matthew’s mouth sucked on my neck, and I gasped as I felt Van’s do the same on the back of my neck. He brought a hand to my jaw, and before I knew it, he was pulling around and kissing me again.

  I moaned, kissing Van as his friend kissed up my neck. I couldn't believe I was doing this, but swaying to that music, I couldn’t stop.

  Not even if I wanted to.

  Van pulled away, and suddenly I was turning back to kiss Matthew, moaning into his mouth as I felt Van grind his thick erection into my ass.

  “So, Julia who’s looking to get wild tonight,” Matthew murmured. “Just how wild are you looking to get tonight?”

  I flushed, the heat pulsing through me.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I think you know,” Van purred in my ear.

  “We’re just staying in town for the night, actually, on business. But we have a room at the Plaza Royale.”

  Oh, they have a room at the most expensive hotel in the city.

  But suddenly, what they were saying clicked and my eyes went wide.

  “You— you both have a room.”

  “We both have a room. There’s room for a third,” Van murmured.

  Oh my God.

  No way. No. I shook my head to myself, what the two of them were implying suddenly pulsing through me.

  I was not that girl — not at all.


  I bit my lip nervously

  “You’ve gotten quiet.”

  “I— well, yeah.” I laughed nervously, looking up into Matthew’s eyes. “I mean there’s two of you.”

  They pulled away, moving side by side in front of me.

  Matthew shrugged. “We both think you’re gorgeous, we’re both hugely attracted to you, and I think it’s fair to say you feel the same about us. This way, there’s no fighting.”

  “There’s no getting pissed at who got to take you home,” Van said cooly.

  I swallowed. “Who says either of you get to?”

  I gasped as they both moved close to me.

  “That,” Matthew growled. “That gasp says so. And the way your eyes are getting big behind that mask, and the way your cheeks are flushing pink.”