Read Claiming His Mountain Bride Page 39

  “Do us a favor,” Micah murmured as the rest of the room filed out. “Maybe try to not follow any of your ex-boyfriends to sketchy lofts anymore?”

  I laughed, throwing my arms around them and burying my face in their chests.



  We skipped the fancy restaurant in favor of dinner back at Luke’s palace. Home cooked was always a million times better anyways.

  After dinner, and some great wine, we moved into his private quarters. After another glass of wine and some lingering kisses, Julia left us to go take a long hot bath, leaving us alone around the table in Luke’s study.

  Victor cleared his throat first, toying with his wine glass.

  “Being with us is dangerous for her.”

  He looked up, his face grim.

  “C’mon, we’re all thinking it. This was just tip of the iceberg shit. Hell, this happened while we’re keeping it a secret. Can you imagine the shit she’d have coming at her if we ever made this arrangement public?”

  Luke and I said nothing, just stewing in our thoughts for another minute.

  “The video is destroyed, by they way,” Luke finally said. “I got a confirmation from my private computer forensic guy as we were finishing dinner. Dan made one copy of it, which was on his laptop, and the forensic guy assures me nothing was emailed or uploaded.”

  “We’re in the clear?”

  He nodded at me. “In the clear. It’s gone. They’re incinerating the phone and the laptop now just to make sure.”

  “And that fuckwit?” Victor growled, his look souring. “Please tell me you’ve reinstated medieval torture here in the north?”

  Luke smiled grimly. “I wish. I’ve talked to my attorney — he’s aware of the full situation, but he’s the most discreet guy I’ve ever known. We’re going to pin this up as a ‘conspiracy against the crown’ charge, which is some serious shit. We’ll dangle that in front of her ex, and when he loses his shit over the eighty years he could be looking at locked up with some of the worst criminals in the three kingdoms, I’m betting he’ll beg on his knees for mercy. He’ll keep his mouth shut about what he saw with the right threat hanging over him.”

  I nodded. “Nice work, man.”


  “Still think we should shove hot irons up his ass,” Vic muttered.

  So, the immediate danger was gone. The video was erased from the face of the earth. Dan had apparently gotten into the Club that night alone, having followed Julia and then somehow having slipped through a security hole — a hole you could be damn sure would be fixed. His two goons weren’t exactly the brightest bulbs in the box, and it didn’t take long for our interrogators to realize they didn’t even know what was on the vid.

  So that left just Dan himself who’d seen what he saw. And Luke was right — with the right threat, that pussy would be pissing his pants and tripping over his own tongue trying to tell us how quiet he’d be.

  But then, this wasn’t the end, and we all knew it. There was more danger for her out there — more if we went public somehow. And that brought up another train of thought entirely — how could we all be with her? Publicly, that is?

  “How does this work?” I finally said out loud. “Her, us, the public.” I scowled. “How do we live openly with the women we love without the kingdoms and the senate tearing us apart?”

  Victor shrugged. “There’s the Charming brothers, over in Marland. Word has it they’re in the middle of re-writing their laws so that they can be with Princess Ilana of Avlion.”

  “King Lucian’s oldest?”

  “The very same.”

  Luke whistled. “Shit, those two have fucking balls.”

  He was right — King Lucian of Avlion was legendarily protective of his three virgin daughters. Well, or maybe no-longer-virgin daughters, if what I’d been hearing was true about the Charming brothers from Marland. Not to mention the rumors of Prince Magnus and Prince Logan with Lucian’s other daughters I’d also heard whispers about recently.

  But Caspian and Cade Charming weren’t us, and Marland wasn’t the fractured three kingdoms of Revania. They weren’t under the thumb of crooked senators looking to pad their own pockets at the expenses of the countries they were supposed to be serving.

  I said as much to Luke and Victor, who nodded.

  “True, it’s a different scenario,” Victor mused, stroking his strong jaw. “But it’s precedent.”

  “Which would be fantastic if we still had control of our own fucking countries,” Luke growled.


  They looked up at the heat in my voice.

  “Why are we still this broken country torn into three by fucked up trade deals and shitty politicians? The fuck are we doing, ruling these little fiefdoms separately instead of a strong, powerful country united under one banner.”

  “With the three of us ruling?”

  “Fuck yeah,” I growled at Vic. “Yeah, man. Hell, we’ve been working together in pretty much everything since we were five — back-channel politics, business dealings,” I shrugged. “Women.”

  “We’d need the backing of the right people,” Luke mused.

  Victor laughed. “Are we seriously discussing this?”

  “Yeah,” I growled. “Yeah, man we are. I’m fucking tired of being a mascot for the country I’m supposed to be ruling, aren’t you? Aren’t you tired of watching our broken senate systems run Revania into the ground split into three?”

  My friends’ faces were grim.

  They felt the same as me.

  “Fuck it,” Luke stood, pacing the floor and stroking his jaw like he did when he was thinking over some sort of air-tight business contact.

  “Let’s do this. It’d be hard fucking work, and there’s going to be major pushback, but I think we could do this with the right backing and the right laws. This country wants us back in power instead of the crooks running the senate, I think that’s obvious to see. We’d have the backing of the public, we just need the right people near the top to see the good in this.”

  I grinned, and slowly, I watched a smile break over Victor’s scowling face.

  “Let’s do it,” he said quietly, standing as well. We brought our glasses together over the table, a burning, tingling energy creeping and spreading through the whole room.

  “Let’s do it,” I said again as we toasted. “Let’s put our country back together.”



  After the world’s longest bubble bath, I wrapped a sumptuous robe around myself and stepped out into Luke’s master bedroom.

  The sight that greeted me brought a red to my cheeks that even burned through the flush from the bath.

  The three of them were waiting for me, in their boxer briefs — three gorgeous, muscled, chiseled bodies and the three perfect, amazing, protective, kind, loving men who they belonged to.

  They grinned at me, eyes taking me in as they moved towards me. Micah handed me a champagne flute.

  “What’s this?”

  “We’re celebrating,” he grinned.


  “Yep,” Vic flashed me an electrifying smile before he leaned in and kissed me slowly.

  “We’re taking our country back.”

  My brows shot up. “As in…”

  “As in reuniting Revania under one banner again,” Micah said, sliding against me, his hand toying with the ties to my robe.


  This was big. Revania had been three separate countries — North, South, and West — since I was a little girl. Bringing them back together was a huge deal.

  “Can you even do that?”

  “Damn right we can,” Luke muttered before his look softened. “It’s not going to be easy, but it’s time. And it’s what the people want anyways. Besides,”

  He grinned as he leaned close, kissing me.

  “We’ve got something to unite us now.”

  “Something, huh?”

  I stuck my tongue o
ut at him as he growled and pulled me tight to him

  “Someone,” he said quietly. “Someone none of us want to ever let go of.”

  My heart skipped as I looked up into his eyes, then turning to look at Micah and Victor.

  “Stay,” Victor purred, his hands circling me. “Stay, and be with us for always.”

  “How would that even work?”

  Micah shook his head. “That’s something we’ll figure out. But it’s all details. What matters is—”

  “Us,” I finished for him.

  They all nodded.

  “Well,” I sighed, tapping my chin like I was making a hard decision and trying to hide the grin as I watched their faces turn anxious.

  “I suppose you do have a much nicer bathtub than I do.”

  The three of them snorted out laughs, Luke shaking his head and arching a brow at me.

  “That’s the deal-sealer huh?”

  “It’s a pretty great tub,” I teased.

  Victor chuckled and pulled me close.

  “Would the fact that all three of us are completely in love with you do anything to sway you?”

  The heat bloomed through me, my heart flip-flopping in my chest as I looked up into all their eyes.

  And I knew without a doubt it was true. I knew it was complicated, and that it wouldn’t be easy, and that people would have a lot to say about it, but there was no denying it.

  They loved me, and I was helplessly, hopelessly, and totally in love with them.

  “I think it just might,” I whispered, melting against Victor and letting my lips press to his.

  I felt the other two move in behind me, and when the hands pulled at the tie of my robe, I moaned into Victor as they pulled it gently from my body.

  They moved me to the bed in slow motion, and when I went to reach for their cocks, Luke shushed me, pushing my hand away.

  “Lie back, beautiful. Tonight’s about you.”

  Three sets of hands pushed me back onto the bed as three hungry mouths found my body. My breath caught, my skin shivering as they let their lips and tongue and teeth devour me. My whole body melted, my eyes closing and a gasp caught on my lips as they moved over me. A tongue slid between my legs, curling around my clit before pushing deep into my pussy. Hands lifted my leg up and back towards my chest, spreading me wide as another tongue swirled over my ass.

  Another set of lips — Micah, I think, if I can remember through the haze of pleasure — kissed my mouth deeply, swirling his tongue with mine before moving to my neck. Lips grazed my skin there, making me gasp before he moved lower. His tongue teased my nipples as his two friends licked me between my legs, driving me higher and higher, until I was screaming my release to the ceiling.

  They took their time that night.

  Luke went first, holding my legs wide by the backs of my knees as he drove into me. Micah’s cock slipped between my lips, pulsing so hard and ready against my tongue. Victor’s strong powerful hands teased my body as his friends fucked me from both ends, until they switched.

  Luke’s cock was at my mouth then, and though I could taste my own sweetness on him, the taste only drove me higher, and I moaned as I sucked him hungrily inside. Victor twisted my torso sideways, running his tongue up the seam of my ass and probing my tight little hole deeply with it before he slid in behind me. His thick cock rested at my ass, slowly easing in until the head slipped inside. Pleasure rocked through my body as he began to slide in deep - stretching and filling me so amazingly as Luke took my mouth.

  Micah lifted a leg as he lay in front of me, running the head of his cock up and down my slit and teasing my clit before he found my entrance and pushed inside.

  I moaned loudly, consumed by them, taken by the three of them as they began to rock in and out of me slowly.

  It built, the heat growing hotter and hotter and the wave rolling faster and faster. Micah’s fingers rolled over my clit, Victor’s hands grabbed my ass possessively, and Luke stroked my cheek and told me how beautiful I was as I licked at the head of his thick cock.

  And when I came, it was like a hot wave melting through me. It was like my whole body turning to liquid and exploding into a million pieces. They rocked me through one climax and then another. I was vaguely aware of them switching a few more times, but I was too lost — too drowning in my pleasure to keep track.

  All that mattered was that it was the three of them and me, all together as one.

  When Micah drove his cock to the hilt in my ass and grunted his release, I shattered for what felt like the hundredth time that night. His hot cum filled my ass as Luke’s hand held me tight, grinding his cock balls-deep in my pussy. Vic gaped, and when his cock throbbed between my lips, I moaned as I swallowed every sweet drop of him. Luke roared his release as he followed us over, filling me with all of him as my own orgasm ripped through me.

  Half an hour later, we did it all over again.

  * * *

  It was later, snuggled in that big bed with my three big, powerful, amazing men holding me tight that I knew without a doubt that I’d never leave this. I knew that I’d fight for this, and hang onto this with everything I had, always.

  Because it was worth it. Love was worth it.



  It wasn’t easy, but we did it. We had to fight like hell, and there were times when shit got real pretty fast. But in the end, we cleaned house.

  As it turns out, there was so much corruption in the three senates that all it took was giving the right guys — the guys in there who wanted to actually serve the people they were supposed to serve — the right powers to investigate, and the whole rotten house came crashing down.

  We held a public vote — a massive election across all three broken pieces to let the people decide what they wanted. After all, we weren’t tyrants — we weren’t just going to take power. And the people spoke, and they spoke loudly.

  It was a landslide vote for us to reunite the country as one Revania, with Micah, Victor, and myself as the royal council in charge. We took the guys who hadn’t been robbing the country blind from the senate and made them an advisory council to make sure we were fair and just in our rule.

  It worked out pretty fucking great.

  Oh, and the first order of business after the grand reunification ceremony bringing our country back together?

  …We changed some marriage laws — specially, re-wording the use of “couple” in the existing law. I mean hell, if three, or four, or five people wanted to call themselves married, who the hell were we to say no to love?

  We moved Julia’s mom to the best facilities in the country, and her health started to improve almost immediately. The three of us kept our respective palaces, so we wouldn’t be on top of one another, but we ended up all four of us being together at one or the other all the time anyways.

  Julia became Queen of Revania, and the people loved her. Hell, even the haters who were all bent out of shape about the new marriage laws really couldn’t find much to bitch about with her. She was kind, and smart, and beautiful, and brought in a whole new era of public outreach and humanitarian work to our country.

  Dan, her fuck-wad ex, joined the church and took a vow silence.

  …I’m not even fucking kidding.

  Victor’s threat to bring back medieval torture and hot-pokers up assholes may have been the deal breaker, but who knows.

  We stopped going to the Club. It wasn’t sad, it just felt like moving on. That had been certain part of our lives, but we’d found what we’d actually been looking for — a woman to unite us, and bring us together, and fill the holes inside of us we’d been trying to stuff full with meaningless passing fancies. After that, the Club felt more like an old friend we’d outgrown.

  We did make damn sure they fixed their security holes.

  But as it turns out, we weren’t quite done with the Triple Crown Club — not after the whole thing with Julia’s cousin Anya and the drama that rocked the whole club. And certainly
not after the shitstorm with her roommate Emma and the Hart brothers — the triplet Princes of Svend.

  But then, those are probably stories for another time.

  Life is not a fairytale, but somehow, we’d found our happy ever after. We’d found peace, and unity, and the final piece of our hearts.

  We’d found love, and really, what else do you need?

  The End

  Also by Madison Faye

  “Dirty Bad Things” Series:

  Hard Core

  Pretty Dirty

  Rough Stuff (Spring 2018)

  “Innocence Claimed” Series:

  His Little Bad Girl

  Tempting Daddy’s Boss

  Paying The Debt

  “The Triple Crown Club” Series:

  Royally Shared

  Royally Claimed

  Royally Tempted

  “Possessing Beauty” Series:

  Beasting Beauty

  Stealing Beauty

  Sharing Beauty

  Hunting Beauty

  “Forbidden” Series:

  Flirting With The Law

  Breaking Her Innocence

  “Three Times” Series:

  Bossed Three Times

  Taken Three Times

  Paid For Three Times

  “Twice” Series:

  Twice Driven

  Twice Bossed

  Twice Tackled

  “First Time” Series:





  Trick And Treat

  Sugar & Spice

  Five Card Studs

  About the Author

  #1 bestselling contemporary romance author Madison Faye is the dirty alter ego of the very wholesome, very normal suburban housewife behind the stories. While she might be a wife, mom, and PTA organizer on the outside, there’s nothing but hot, streamy, and raunchy fantasies brewing right beneath the surface!