Read Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady — Volume 1 Page 29



  By command of your father and mother I write expressly to forbid you tocome into their presence, or into the garden when they are there: norwhen they are not there, but with Betty Banes to attend you; except byparticular license or command.

  On their blessings, you are forbidden likewise to correspond with thevile Lovelace; as it is well known you did by means of your sly Hannah.Whence her sudden discharge. As was fit.

  Neither are you to correspond with Miss Howe; who has given herself highairs of late; and might possibly help on your correspondence with thatdetested libertine. Nor, in short, with any body without leave.

  You are not to enter into the presence of either of your uncles, withouttheir leave first obtained. It is a mercy to you, after such a behaviourto your mother, that your father refuses to see you.

  You are not to be seen in any apartment of the house you so latelygoverned as you pleased, unless you are commanded down.

  In short, you are strictly to confine yourself to your chamber, exceptnow and then, in Betty Barnes's sight (as aforesaid) you take a morningor evening turn in the garden: and then you are to go directly, andwithout stopping at any apartment in the way, up or down the backstairs, that the sight of so perverse a young creature may not add tothe pain you have given every body.

  The hourly threatenings of your fine fellow, as well as your ownunheard-of obstinacy, will account to you for all this. What a hand hasthe best and most indulgent of mothers had with you, who so long pleadedfor you, and undertook for you; even when others, from the manner ofyour setting out, despaired of moving you!--What must your perversenesshave been, that such a mother can give you up! She thinks it right so todo: nor will take you to favour, unless you make the first steps, by acompliance with your duty.

  As for myself, whom perhaps you think hardly of [in very good company,if you do, that is my sole consolation]; I have advised, that you may bepermitted to pursue your own inclinations, (some people need no greaterpunishment than such a permission,) and not to have the house encumberedby one who must give them the more pain for the necessity she has laidthem under of avoiding the sight of her, although in it.

  If any thing I have written appear severe or harsh, it is still in yourpower (but perhaps will not always be so) to remedy it; and that by asingle word.

  Betty Barnes has orders to obey you in all points consistent with herduty to those whom you owe it, as well as she.