Read Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady — Volume 1 Page 4



  I am extremely concerned, my dearest friend, for the disturbances thathave happened in your family. I know how it must hurt you to becomethe subject of the public talk: and yet, upon an occasion so generallyknown, it is impossible but that whatever relates to a young lady, whosedistinguished merits have made her the public care, should engage everybody's attention. I long to have the particulars from yourself; and ofthe usage I am told you receive upon an accident you could not help; andin which, as far as I can learn, the sufferer was the aggressor.

  Mr. Diggs, the surgeon, whom I sent for at the first hearing of therencounter, to inquire, for your sake, how your brother was, told me,that there was no danger from the wound, if there were none from thefever; which it seems has been increased by the perturbation of hisspirits.

  Mr. Wyerley drank tea with us yesterday; and though he is far from beingpartial to Mr. Lovelace, as it may well be supposed, yet both he and Mr.Symmes blame your family for the treatment they gave him when he wentin person to inquire after your brother's health, and to express hisconcern for what had happened.

  They say, that Mr. Lovelace could not avoid drawing his sword: and thateither your brother's unskilfulness or passion left him from the veryfirst pass entirely in his power.

  This, I am told, was what Mr. Lovelace said upon it; retreating as hespoke: 'Have a care, Mr. Harlowe--your violence puts you out of yourdefence. You give me too much advantage. For your sister's sake, I willpass by every thing:--if--'

  But this the more provoked his rashness, to lay himself open to theadvantage of his adversary--who, after a slight wound given him in thearm, took away his sword.

  There are people who love not your brother, because of his naturalimperiousness and fierce and uncontroulable temper: these say, thatthe young gentleman's passion was abated on seeing his blood gushplentifully down his arm; and that he received the generous offices ofhis adversary (who helped him off with his coat and waistcoat, and boundup his arm, till the surgeon could come,) with such patience, as was farfrom making a visit afterwards from that adversary, to inquire after hishealth, appear either insulting or improper.

  Be this as it may, every body pities you. So steady, so uniform in yourconduct: so desirous, as you always said, of sliding through life to theend of it unnoted; and, as I may add, not wishing to be observedeven for your silent benevolence; sufficiently happy in the nobleconsciousness which attends it: Rather useful than glaring, yourdeserved motto; though now, to your regret, pushed into blaze, as I maysay: and yet blamed at home for the faults of others--how must such avirtue suffer on every hand!--yet it must be allowed, that your presenttrial is but proportioned to your prudence.

  As all your friends without doors are apprehensive that some otherunhappy event may result from so violent a contention, in which it seemsthe families on both sides are now engaged, I must desire you to enableme, on the authority of your own information, to do you occasionaljustice.

  My mother, and all of us, like the rest of the world, talk of nobody butyou on this occasion, and of the consequences which may follow from theresentments of a man of Mr. Lovelace's spirit; who, as he gives out, hasbeen treated with high indignity by your uncles. My mother will haveit, that you cannot now, with any decency, either see him, or correspondwith him. She is a good deal prepossessed by your uncle Antony; whooccasionally calls upon us, as you know; and, on this rencounter, hasrepresented to her the crime which it would be in a sister to encouragea man who is to wade into her favour (this was his expression) throughthe blood of her brother.

  Write to me therefore, my dear, the whole of your story from thetime that Mr. Lovelace was first introduced into your family; andparticularly an account of all that passed between him and your sister;about which there are different reports; some people scrupling not toinsinuate that the younger sister has stolen a lover from the elder: andpray write in so full a manner as may satisfy those who know not so muchof your affairs as I do. If anything unhappy should fall out from theviolence of such spirits as you have to deal with, your account of allthings previous to it will be your best justification.

  You see what you draw upon yourself by excelling all your sex. Everyindividual of it who knows you, or has heard of you, seems to thinkyou answerable to her for your conduct in points so very delicate andconcerning.

  Every eye, in short, is upon you with the expectation of an example. Iwish to heaven you were at liberty to pursue your own methods: allwould then, I dare say, be easy, and honourably ended. But I dread yourdirectors and directresses; for your mother, admirably well qualifiedas she is to lead, must submit to be led. Your sister and brother willcertainly put you out of your course.

  But this is a point you will not permit me to expatiate upon: pardon metherefore, and I have done.--Yet, why should I say, pardon me? when yourconcerns are my concerns? when your honour is my honour? when I loveyou, as never woman loved another? and when you have allowed of thatconcern and of that love; and have for years, which in persons so youngmay be called many, ranked in the first class of your friends,

  Your ever grateful and affectionate, ANNA HOWE.

  Will you oblige me with a copy of the preamble to the clauses in yourgrandfather's will in your favour; and allow me to send it to my auntHarman?--She is very desirous to see it. Yet your character has socharmed her, that, though a stranger to you personally, she assents tothe preference given you in that will, before she knows the testator'sreasons for giving you that preference.