Read Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady — Volume 1 Page 7



  Such, my dear, was the situation Mr. Lovelace and I were in when mybrother arrived from Scotland.

  The moment Mr. Lovelace's visits were mentioned to him, he, withouteither hesitation or apology, expressed his disapprobation of them. Hefound great flaws in his character; and took the liberty to say in somany words, that he wondered how it came into the heads of his unclesto encourage such a man for either of his sisters: At the same timereturning his thanks to my father for declining his consent till hearrived, in such a manner, I thought, as a superior would do, when hecommended an inferior for having well performed his duty in his absence.

  He justified his avowed inveteracy by common fame, and by what he hadknown of him at college; declaring, that he had ever hated him; evershould hate him; and would never own him for a brother, or me for asister, if I married him.

  That early antipathy I have heard accounted for in this manner:

  Mr. Lovelace was always noted for his vivacity and courage; and no less,it seems, for the swift and surprising progress he made in all parts ofliterature: for diligence in his studies in the hours of study, hehad hardly his equal. This it seems was his general character at theuniversity; and it gained him many friends among the more learned; whilethose who did not love him, feared him, by reason of the offence hisvivacity made him too ready to give, and of the courage he shewed insupporting the offence when given; which procured him as many followersas he pleased among the mischievous sort.--No very amiable character,you'll say, upon the whole.

  But my brother's temper was not more happy. His native haughtiness couldnot bear a superiority so visible; and whom we fear more than love, weare not far from hating: and having less command of his passions thanthe other, he was evermore the subject of his perhaps indecentridicule: so that every body, either from love or fear, siding with hisantagonist, he had a most uneasy time of it while both continued in thesame college.--It was the less wonder therefore that a young man who isnot noted for the gentleness of his temper, should resume an antipathyearly begun, and so deeply rooted.

  He found my sister, who waited but for the occasion, ready to join himin his resentments against the man he hated. She utterly disclaimedall manner of regard for him: 'Never liked him at all:--His estate wascertainly much incumbered: it was impossible it should be otherwise; soentirely devoted as he was to his pleasures. He kept no house; had noequipage: Nobody pretended that he wanted pride: the reason thereforewas easy to be guessed at.' And then did she boast of, and my brotherpraised her for, refusing him: and both joined on all occasions todepreciate him, and not seldom made the occasions; their displeasureagainst him causing every subject to run into this, if it began not withit.

  I was not solicitous to vindicate him when I was not joined in theirreflection. I told them I did not value him enough to make a differencein the family on his account: and as he was supposed to have givenmuch cause for their ill opinion of him, I thought he ought to take theconsequence of his own faults.

  Now and then indeed, when I observed that their vehemence carried thembeyond all bounds of probability in their charges against him, I thoughtit but justice to put in a word for him. But this only subjected meto reproach, as having a prepossession in his favour which I would notown.--So that, when I could not change the subject, I used to retireeither to my music, or to my closet.

  Their behaviour to him, when they could not help seeing him, was verycold and disobliging; but as yet not directly affrontive. For they werein hopes of prevailing upon my father to forbid his visits. But as therewas nothing in his behaviour, that might warrant such a treatment ofa man of his birth and fortune, they succeeded not: And then they werevery earnest with me to forbid them. I asked, what authority I had totake such a step in my father's house; and when my behaviour to him wasso distant, that he seemed to be as much the guest of any other personof the family, themselves excepted, as mine?--In revenge, they told me,that it was cunning management between us; and that we both understoodone another better than we pretended to do. And at last they gave such aloose to their passions, all of a sudden* as I may say, that instead ofwithdrawing, as they used to do when he came, they threw themselves inhis way purposely to affront him.

  * The reason of this their more openly shown animosity is given in Letter XIII.

  Mr. Lovelace, you may believe, very ill brooked this: but neverthelesscontented himself to complain of it to me: in high terms, however,telling me, that but for my sake my brother's treatment of him was notto be borne.

  I was sorry for the merit this gave him in his own opinion with me: andthe more, as some of the affronts he received were too flagrant to beexcused: But I told him, that I was determined not to fall out withmy brother, if I could help it, whatever faults he had: and since theycould not see one another with temper, should be glad that he would notthrow himself in my brother's way; and I was sure my brother would notseek him.

  He was very much nettled at this answer: But said, he must bear hisaffronts if I would have it so. He had been accused himself of violencein his temper; but he hoped to shew on this occasion that he had acommand of his passions which few young men, so highly provoked, wouldbe able to shew; and doubted not but it would be attributed to a propermotive by a person of my generosity and penetration.

  My brother had just before, with the approbation of my uncles, employeda person related to a discharged bailiff or steward of Lord M. who hadhad the management of some part of Mr. Lovelace's affairs (from whichhe was also dismissed by him) to inquire into his debts, after hiscompanions, into his amours, and the like.

  My aunt Hervey, in confidence, gave me the following particulars of whatthe man had said of him.

  'That he was a generous landlord: that he spared nothing for solid andlasting improvements upon his estate; and that he looked into his ownaffairs, and understood them: that he had been very expensive whenabroad; and contracted a large debt (for he made no secret of hisaffairs); yet chose to limit himself to an annual sum, and to declineequipage, in order to avoid being obliged to his uncle and aunts; fromwhom he might have what money he pleased; but that he was very jealousof their controul; had often quarrels with them; and treated them sofreely, that they were all afraid of him. However, that his estate wasnever mortgaged, as my brother had heard it was; his credit was alwayshigh; and the man believed, he was by this time near upon, if not quite,clear of the world.

  'He was a sad gentleman, he said, as to women:--If his tenants hadpretty daughters, they chose to keep them out of his sight. He believedhe kept no particular mistress; for he had heard newelty, that was theman's word, was every thing with him. But for his uncle's and aunt'steazings, the man fancied he would not think of marriage: he was neverknown to be disguised with liquor; but was a great plotter, and a greatwriter: That he lived a wild life in town, by what he had heard: had sixor seven companions as bad as himself; whom now and then he brought downwith him; and the country was always glad when they went up again. Hewould have it, that although passionate, he was good-humoured; lovedas well to take a jest as to give one; and would rally himself uponoccasion the freest of any man he ever knew.'

  This was his character from an enemy; for, as my aunt observed, everything the man said commendably of him came grudgingly, with a must needssay--to do him justice, &c. while the contrary was delivered with a freegood-will. And this character, as a worse was expected, though this wasbad enough, not answering the end of inquiring after it, my brother andsister were more apprehensive than before, that his address would beencouraged, since the worst part of it was known, or supposed, when hewas first introduced to my sister.

  But, with regard to myself, I must observe in his disfavour, that,notwithstanding the merit he wanted to make with me for his patienceupon my brother's ill-treatment of him, I owed him no complimentsfor trying to conciliate with him. Not that I believe it would havesignified any thing if he had made ever such court either to him or tomy
sister: yet one might have expected from a man of his politeness, andfrom his pretensions, you know, that he would have been willing to try.Instead of which, he shewed such a contempt both of my brother and mysister, especially my brother, as was construed into a defiance ofthem. And for me to have hinted at an alteration in his behaviour to mybrother, was an advantage I knew he would have been proud of; and whichtherefore I had no mind to give him. But I doubted not that having sovery little encouragement from any body, his pride would soon take fire,and he would of himself discontinue his visits, or go to town; where,till he came acquainted with our family, he used chiefly to reside: Andin this latter case he had no reason to expect, that I would receive,much less answer, his Letters: the occasions which had led me to receiveany of his, being by this time over.

  But my brother's antipathy would not permit him to wait for such anevent; and after several excesses, which Mr. Lovelace still returnedwith contempt, and a haughtiness too much like that of the aggressor, mybrother took upon himself to fill up the door-way once when he came, asif to oppose his entrance: And upon his asking for me, demanded, whathis business was with his sister?

  The other, with a challenging air, as my brother says, told him, hewould answer a gentleman any question; but he wished that Mr. JamesHarlowe, who had of late given himself high airs, would remember that hewas not now at college.

  Just then the good Dr. Lewen, who frequently honours me with a visit ofconversation, as he is pleased to call it, and had parted with me in myown parlour, came to the door: and hearing the words, interposed; bothhaving their hands upon their swords: and telling Mr. Lovelace whereI was, he burst by my brother, to come to me; leaving him chafing, hesaid, like a hunted boar at bay.

  This alarmed us all. My father was pleased to hint to Mr. Lovelace,that he wished he would discontinue his visits for the peace-sake of thefamily: And I, by his command, spoke a great deal plainer.

  But Mr. Lovelace is a man not easily brought to give up his purpose,especially in a point wherein he pretends his heart is so much engaged:and no absolute prohibition having been given, things went on for alittle while as before: for I saw plainly, that to have denied myself tohis visits (which however I declined receiving as often as I could) wasto bring forward some desperate issue between the two; since the offenceso readily given on one side was brooked by the other only out ofconsideration to me.

  And thus did my brother's rashness lay me under an obligation where Iwould least have owed it.

  The intermediate proposals of Mr. Symmes and Mr. Mullins, both (in turn)encouraged by my brother, induced him to be more patient for a while,as nobody thought me over-forward in Mr. Lovelace's favour; for he hopedthat he should engage my father and uncles to approve of the one or theother in opposition to the man he hated. But when he found that Ihad interest enough to disengage myself from the addresses of thosegentlemen, as I had (before he went to Scotland, and before Mr. Lovelacevisited here) of Mr. Wyerley's, he then kept no measures: and first sethimself to upbraid me for supposed prepossession, which he treated asif it were criminal; and then to insult Mr. Lovelace in person, at Mr.Edward Symmes's, the brother of the other Symmes, two miles off; andno good Dr. Lewen being there to interpose, the unhappy rencounterfollowed. My brother was disarmed, as you have heard; and on beingbrought home, and giving us ground to suppose he was much worse hurtthan he really was, and a fever ensuing, every one flamed out; and allwas laid at my door.

  Mr. Lovelace for three days together sent twice each day to inquireafter my brother's health; and although he received rude and evenshocking returns, he thought fit on the fourth day to make in personthe same inquiries; and received still greater incivilities from my twouncles, who happened to be both there. My father also was held by forcefrom going to him with his sword in his hand, although he had the goutupon him.

  I fainted away with terror, seeing every one so violent, and hearing Mr.Lovelace swear that he would not depart till he had made my uncles askhis pardon for the indignities he had received at their hands; a doorbeing held fast locked between him and them. My mother all the timewas praying and struggling to with-hold my father in the great parlour.Meanwhile my sister, who had treated Mr. Lovelace with virulence, camein to me, and insulted me as fast as I recovered. But when Mr. Lovelacewas told how ill I was, he departed; nevertheless vowing revenge.

  He was ever a favourite with our domestics. His bounty to them, andhaving always something facetious to say to each, had made them all ofhis party: and on this occasion they privately blamed every body else,and reported his calm and gentlemanly behaviour (till the provocationsgiven him ran very high) in such favourable terms, that those reports,and my apprehensions of the consequence of this treatment, induced me toread a letter he sent me that night; and, it being written in the mostrespectful terms (offering to submit the whole to my decision, and togovern himself entirely by my will) to answer it some days after.

  To this unhappy necessity was owing our renewed correspondence, as Imay call it; yet I did not write till I had informed myself from Mr.Symmes's brother, that he was really insulted into the act of drawinghis sword by my brother's repeatedly threatening (upon his excusinghimself out of regard to me) to brand me ir he did not; and, by all theinquiry I could make, that he was again the sufferer from my uncles in amore violent manner than I have related.

  The same circumstances were related to my father and other relations byMr. Symmes; but they had gone too far in making themselves partiesto the quarrel either to retract or forgive; and I was forbidden tocorrespond with him, or to be seen a moment in his company.

  One thing however I can say, but that in confidence, because my mothercommanded me not to mention it:--That, expressing her apprehension ofthe consequences of the indignities offered to Mr. Lovelace, she toldme, she would leave it to my prudence to do all I could to prevent theimpending mischief on one side.

  I am obliged to break off. But I believe I have written enough to answervery fully all that you have required of me. It is not for a childto seek to clear her own character, or to justify her actions, at theexpense of the most revered ones: yet, as I know that the account ofall those further proceedings by which I may be affected, will beinteresting to so dear a friend (who will communicate to others no morethan what is fitting) I will continue to write, as I have opportunity,as minutely as we are used to write to each other. Indeed I haveno delight, as I have often told you, equal to that which I take inconversing with you by letter, when I cannot in person.

  Mean time, I cannot help saying, that I am exceedingly concerned tofind, that I am become so much the public talk as you tell me I am. Yourkind, your precautionary regard for my fame, and the opportunity youhave given me to tell my own story previous to any new accident (whichheaven avert!) is so like the warm friend I have ever found in my dearMiss Howe, that, with redoubled obligation, you bind me to be

  Your ever grateful and affectionate, CLARISSA HARLOWE.

  Copy of the requested Preamble to the clauses in her Grandfather's Will:inclosed in the preceding Letter.

  As the particular estate I have mentioned and described above, isprincipally of my own raising: as my three sons have been uncommonlyprosperous; and are very rich: the eldest by means of the unexpectedbenefits he reaps from his new found mines; the second, by what has, asunexpectedly, fallen in to him on the deaths of several relations ofhis present wife, the worthy daughter by both sides of very honourablefamilies; over and above the very large portion which he received withher in marriage: my son Antony by his East-India traffic, and successfulvoyages: as furthermore my grandson James will be sufficiently providedfor by his grandmother Lovell's kindness to him; who, having no nearrelations, hath assured me, that she hath, as well by deed of gift asby will, left him both her Scottish and English estates: for neverwas there a family more prosperous in all its branches, blessed be Godtherefore: and as my said son James will very probably make it up tomy grand-daughter Arabella; to whom I intend no disrespect; nor havereason; for she is a very hop
eful and dutiful child: and as my sons,John and Antony, seem not inclined to a married life; so that my sonJames is the only one who has children, or is likely to have any. Forall these reasons; and because my dearest and beloved grand-daughterClarissa hath been from her infancy a matchless young creature in herduty to me, and admired by all who knew her, as a very extraordinarychild; I must therefore take the pleasure of considering her as my ownpeculiar child; and this without intending offence; and I hope itwill not be taken as any, since my son James can bestow his favoursaccordingly, and in greater proportion, upon his son James, and upon hisdaughter Arabella.--

  These, I say, are the reasons which move me to dispose of theabove-described estate in the precious child's favour; who is thedelight of my old age: and, I verily think, has contributed, by heramiable duty and kind and tender regards, to prolong my life.

  Wherefore it is my express will and commandment, and I enjoin my saidthree sons, John, James, and Antony, and my grandson James, and mygrand-daughter Arabella, as they value my blessing, and will regard mymemory, and would wish their own last wills and desires to be fulfilledby their survivors, that they will not impugn or contest the followingbequests and devises in favour of my said grand-daughter Clarissa,although they should not be strictly conformable to law or to the formsthereof; nor suffer them to be controverted or disputed on any pretencewhatsoever.

  And in this confidence, &c. &c. &c.