Read Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady — Volume 2 Page 9



  I send you the boasted confutation-letter, just now put into myhands. My brother and sister, my uncle Antony and Mr. Solmes, are,I understand, exulting over the copy of it below, as an unanswerableperformance.


  Once again, my inflexible Sister, I write to you. It is to let you know,that the pretty piece of art you found out to make me the vehicleof your whining pathetics to your father and mother, has not had theexpected effect.

  I do assure you, that your behaviour has not been misrepresented--norneed it. Your mother, who is solicitous to take all opportunities ofputting the most favourable constructions upon all you do, has beenforced, as you well know, to give you up, upon full trial. No need thenof the expedient of pursuing your needleworks in her sight. She cannotbear your whining pranks: and it is for her sake, that you are notpermitted to come into her presence--nor will be, but upon her ownterms.

  You had like to have made a simpleton of your aunt Hervey yesterday:she came down from you, pleading in your favour. But when she was asked,What concession she had brought you to? she looked about her, and knewnot what to answer. So your mother, when surprised into the beginningof your cunning address to her and to your father, under my name, (forI had begun to read it, little suspecting such an ingenioussubterfuge,)and would then make me read it through, wrung her hands, Oh!her dear child, her dear child, must not be so compelled!--But when shewas asked, Whether she would be willing to have for her son-in-law theman who bids defiance to her whole family; and who had like to havemurdered her son? And what concession she had gained from her dear childto merit this tenderness? And that for one who had apparently deceivedher in assuring her that her heart was free?--Then could she lookabout her, as her sister had done before: then was she again brought toherself, and to a resolution to assert her authority [not to transferit, witty presumer!] over the rebel, who of late has so ungratefullystruggled to throw it off.

  You seem, child, to have a high notion of the matrimonial duty; and I'llwarrant, like the rest of your sex, (one or two, whom I have the honourto know, excepted,) that you will go to church to promise what you willnever think of afterwards. But, sweet child! as your worthy Mamma Nortoncalls you, think a little less of the matrimonial, (at least, till youcome into that state,) and a little more of the filial duty.

  How can you say, you are to bear all the misery, when you give so largea share of it to your parents, to your uncles, to your aunt, to myself,and to your sister; who all, for eighteen years of your life, loved youso well?

  If of late I have not given you room to hope for my favour orcompassion, it is because of late you have not deserved either. I knowwhat you mean, little reflecting fool, by saying, it is much in mypower, although but your brother, (a very slight degree of relationshipwith you,) to give you that peace which you can give yourself wheneveryou please.

  The liberty of refusing, pretty Miss, is denied you, because we are allsensible, that the liberty of choosing, to every one's dislike, mustfollow. The vile wretch you have set your heart upon speaks this plainlyto every body, though you won't. He says you are his, and shall be his,and he will be the death of any man who robs him of his PROPERTY. So,Miss, we have a mind to try this point with him. My father, supposing hehas the right of a father in his child, is absolutely determined not tobe bullied out of that right. And what must that child be, who prefersthe rake to a father?

  This is the light in which this whole debate ought to be taken. Blush,then, Delicacy, that cannot bear the poet's amor omnibus idem!--Blush,then, Purity! Be ashamed, Virgin Modesty! And, if capable of conviction,surrender your whole will to the will of the honoured pair, to whom youowe your being: and beg of all your friends to forgive and forget thepart you have of late acted.

  I have written a longer letter than ever I designed to write to you,after the insolent treatment and prohibition you have given me: and,now I am commissioned to tell you, that your friends are as weary ofconfining you, as you are of being confined. And therefore you mustprepare yourself to go in a very few days, as you have been told before,to your uncle Antony's; who, notwithstanding you apprehensions, willdraw up his bridge when he pleases; will see what company he pleasesin his own house; nor will he demolish his chapel to cure you of yourfoolish late-commenced antipathy to a place of divine worship.--The morefoolish, as, if we intended to use force, we could have the ceremonypass in your chamber, as well as any where else.

  Prejudice against Mr. Solmes has evidently blinded you, and there is acharitable necessity to open your eyes: since no one but you thinksthe gentleman so contemptible in his person; nor, for a plain countrygentleman, who has too much solid sense to appear like a coxcomb, justlyblamable in his manners.--And as to his temper, it is necessary youshould speak upon fuller knowledge, than at present it is plain you canhave of him.

  Upon the whole, it will not be amiss, that you prepare for your speedyremoval, as well for the sake of your own conveniency, as to shew yourreadiness, in one point, at least, to oblige your friends; one of whomyou may, if you please to deserve it, reckon, though but a brother,


  P.S. If you are disposed to see Mr. Solmes, and to make some excusesto him for past conduct, in order to be able to meet him somewhere elsewith the less concern to yourself for your freedoms with him, he shallattend you where you please.

  If you have a mind to read the settlements, before they are read to youfor your signing, they shall be sent you up--Who knows, but they willhelp you to some fresh objections?--Your heart is free, you know--Itmust--For, did you not tell your mother it was? And will the piousClarissa fib to her mamma?

  I desire no reply. The case requires none. Yet I will ask you, Have you,Miss, no more proposals to make?


  I was so vexed when I came to the end of this letter, (the postscript towhich, perhaps, might be written after the others had seen the letter,)that I took up my pen, with an intent to write to my uncle Harlowe aboutresuming my own estate, in pursuance of your advice. But my heart failedme, when I recollected, that I had not one friend to stand by orsupport me in my claim; and it would but the more incense them, withoutanswering any good end. Oh! that my cousin were but come!

  Is it not a sad thing, beloved as I thought myself so lately by everyone, that now I have not one person in the world to plead for me, tostand by me, or who would afford me refuge, were I to be under thenecessity of asking for it!--I who had the vanity to think I had asmany friends as I saw faces, and flattered myself too, that it was notaltogether unmerited, because I saw not my Maker's image, either in man,woman, or child, high or low, rich or poor, whom, comparatively, Iloved not as myself.--Would to heaven, my dear, that you were married!Perhaps, then, you could have induced Mr. Hickman to afford meprotection, till these storms were over-blown. But then this might haveinvolved him in difficulties and dangers; and that I would not have donefor the world.

  I don't know what to do, not I!--God forgive me, but I am veryimpatient! I wish--But I don't know what to wish, without a sin!--Yet Iwish it would please God to take me to his mercy!--I can meet with nonehere--What a world is this!--What is there in it desirable? The good wehope for, so strangely mixed, that one knows not what to wish for! Andone half of mankind tormenting the other, and being tormented themselvesin tormenting!--For here is this my particular case, my relations cannotbe happy, though they make me unhappy!--Except my brother and sister,indeed--and they seem to take delight in and enjoy the mischief theymake.

  But it is time to lay down my pen, since my ink runs nothing but gall.