Read Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady — Volume 4 Page 20



  I know that thou art so abandoned a man, that to give thee the bestreasons in the world against what thou hast once resolved upon will bebut acting the madman whom once we saw trying to buffet down a hurricanewith his hat. I hope, however, that the lady's merit will still avail herwith thee. But, if thou persistest; if thou wilt avenge thyself on thissweet lamb which thou hast singled out from a flock thou hatest, for thefaults of the dogs who kept it: if thou art not to be moved by beauty, bylearning, by prudence, by innocence, all shining out in one charmingobject; but she must fall, fall by the man whom she has chosen for herprotector; I would not for a thousand worlds have thy crime to answerfor.

  Upon my faith, Lovelace, the subject sticks with me, notwithstanding Ifind I have not the honour of the lady's good opinion. And the more, whenI reflect upon her father's brutal curse, and the villainous hard-heartedness of all her family. But, nevertheless, I should be desirousto know (if thou wilt proceed) by what gradations, arts, and contrivancesthou effectest thy ingrateful purpose. And, O Lovelace, I conjure thee,if thou art a man, let not the specious devils thou has brought her amongbe suffered to triumph over her; yield to fair seductions, if I may soexpress myself! if thou canst raise a weakness in her by love, or by artsnot inhuman; I shall the less pity her: and shall then conclude, thatthere is not a woman in the world who can resist a bold and resolutelover.

  A messenger is just now arrived from my uncle. The mortification, itseems, is got to his knee; and the surgeons declare that he cannot livemany days. He therefore sends for me directly, with these shockingwords, that I will come and close his eyes. My servant or his must ofnecessity be in town every day on his case, or other affairs; and one ofthem shall regularly attend you for any letter or commands. It will becharity to write to me as often as you can. For although I am likely tobe a considerable gainer by the poor man's death, yet I cannot say that Iat all love these scenes of death and the doctor so near me. The doctorand death I should have said; for that is the natural order, andgenerally speaking, the one is but the harbinger to the other.

  If, therefore, you decline to oblige me, I shall think you are displeasedwith my freedom. But let me tell you, at the same, that no man has aright to be displeased at freedoms taken with him for faults he is notashamed to be guilty of.