Read Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady — Volume 4 Page 41



  I am pleased with the sober reflection with which thou concludest thylast; and I thank thee for it. Poor Belton!--I did not think hisThomasine would have proved so very a devil. But this must everlastinglybe the risk of a keeper, who takes up with a low-bred girl. This I neverdid. Nor had I occasion to do it. Such a one as I, Jack, needed only,till now, to shake the stateliest tree, and the mellowed fruit dropt intomy mouth:--always of Montaigne's taste thou knowest:--thought it a gloryto subdue a girl of family.--More truly delightful to me the seduction-progress than the crowned act: for that's a vapour, a bubble! and mostcordially do I thank thee for thy indirect hint, that I am right in mypursuit.

  From such a woman as Miss Harlowe, a man is secured from all theinconveniencies thou expatiatest upon.

  Once more, therefore, do I thank thee, Belford, for thy approbation!--Aman need not, as thou sayest, sneak into holes and corners, and shun theday, in the company of such a woman as this. How friendly in thee, thusto abet the favourite purpose of my heart!--nor can it be a disgrace tome, to permit such a lady to be called by my name!--nor shall I be at allconcerned about the world's censure, if I live to the years ofdiscretion, which thou mentionest, should I be taken in, and prevailedupon to tread with her the good old path of my ancestors.

  A blessing on thy heart, thou honest fellow! I thought thou wert injest, and but acquitting thyself of an engagement to Lord M. when thouwert pleading for matrimony in behalf of this lady!--It could not beprinciple, I knew, in thee: it could not be compassion--a little envyindeed I suspected!--But now I see thee once more thyself: and once more,say I, a blessing on thy heart, thou true friend, and very honest fellow!

  Now will I proceed with courage in all my schemes, and oblige thee withthe continued narrative of my progressions towards bringing them toeffect!--but I could not forbear to interrupt my story, to show mygratitude.